12 Days: A Story And A Treat

"Twelve Days Of Christmas: A Story And A Treat"

Day 1: A Christmas Family :: red envelope filled with chocolate coins
Day 2: Rudolph---That Amazing Reindeer :: reindeer marshmallows, pooping reindeer, Peep reindeer, or this cute idea from Betty Crocker Wannabe (she makes IBC root beer look like reindeer!) I bought a 2-liter bottle to try it on because there are seven people in the family I'm giving it to and IBC only comes in six packs!
Day 3: An Older Brother's Gift :: Lifesavers candy book
Day 4: The Other Wise Man :: Ring Pop Jewels or candy necklaces
Day 5: Christmas Day In The Morning :: Cow tales (I had a hard time finding these!) or Milky Ways (since he milks the cow). I also saw farm animal bubble tape that was cow-shaped.
Day 6: In Shepherd's Field :: Pooping sheep or farm animal bubble tape (there was a sheep too!)
Day 7: The Christmas Orange :: chocolate orange or gummy orange slices
Day 8: A Christmas Gift For Jesus :: Candy dollars. This year I found mints at Dollar Tree that are printed to look like money, but I saw chocolate dollar bars everywhere. I even saw a huge chocolate dollar at Walgreens that was about 10"x12". How cool would that be?
Day 9: Why Christmas Trees Aren't Perfect :: Peep Christmas trees, Reeses Peanut Butter Trees, Little Debbie Tree Cakes
Day 10: Christmas On The Rhine :: Little Debbie Gingerbread Men
Day 11: A Brother Like That :: race car candies. This is one candy that I had a hard time finding this year. I ended up getting "Cars" fruit snacks.
Day 12: The Legend of the Candy Cane :: candy canes...this one I know you will be able to find!
I had the best luck at places like Rite-Aid, Shopko, Dollar Tree, and local grocery stores. I wrapped each candy individually, rolled up the story for that day and attached a tag that says what day it is supposed to be opened.

And in case you don't care for one of the stories or just can't find something to go along with it, here is an extra story and treat idea:
The Legend of the First Christmas Bell :: (chocolate bell candies)
The star shone brightly over Bethlehem, guiding the shepherds from the fields and the wise men from far-off lands to the stable of the newborn King. But, in the city, a small boy, blind and alone, wandered aimlessly through the streets hoping someone would lead him to the Christ Child.
Suddenly, through the still night air, he heard the faint tinkle of a distant bell. He turned and began walking in the direction of the sound. Gradually, its music became louder and clearer and he heard excited voices.
As he approached the stable, a shepherd took his hand and led him to the manger. The shepherd told him that the bell he heard hung around the neck of a cow watching faithfully over the sleeping Child.
The little boy knelt silently in prayer and thanked God for the Baby Jesus. And he didn't forget a special prayer for the animal that had led him out of the darkness. Since that first Christmas, bells have rung out the joy of the Birth, and called people to worship and prayer.

"Twelve Days Of Christmas: A Story And A Treat" Day 1:  A Christmas Family ::  red envelope filled with chocolate coins   Da...

Advent Box

Advent Box Activity Ideas:

  • Cut out paper snowflakes (we usually do this early on to decorate the dining room windows)
  • Make a gingerbread house
  • Decorate the tree
  • Host a cookie exchange party
  • Make cookies (we usually have more than one day of this)
  • Make crafts
  • School Christmas or band concerts
  • Visit Santa
  • Make Sibling Gifts
  • Make peanut butter ornaments for the birds
  • Make Dad’s Christmas biscotti
  • Decorate the girls’ Christmas tree
  • Go sledding
  • Go ice-skating
  • Make food for the reindeer
  • Make a Swedish Kringla
  • Celebrate St. Lucia’s Day
  • Watch Elf with popcorn and hot chocolate
  • Pappaw’s Christmas visit
  • Assemble Christmas cards
  • Assemble and mail Christmas packages
  • Make gift tags
  • Visit the Nativity
  • Grammy’s Christmas Concert
  • Make Ice Cream trees
  • Build a Snowman
  • Make Nutter Butter Santas
  • Practice Christmas Play
  • Host a Christmas sing-along
  • Go shopping for the Christmas Family
  • Drive around and look at Christmas lights
  • Visit the Christmas display at Macy’s
  • Play Christmas songs on the piano at the nursing home
  • Go to the Holidazzle Parade
  • Make treats for the dogs
  • Wrap presents
  • Make winter ice candles
  • Bring treats to an animal shelter
  • Go to a Christmas movie
  • Host a gingerbread house-making party
  • It’s Christmas Eve!
  • Merry Christmas!

Some days all I can manage is a joke: “What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?” Frostbite. Or “What do Santa’s elves learn in the North Pole school?” The elfabet.

TheSimpleParent offers a Free Printable with Jokes for youe Advent box.

Thanks For Visiting November 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

Advent Box Activity Ideas: Cut out paper snowflakes (we usually do this early on to decorate the dining room windows) Make a gingerbre...

Christmas Bethlehem Mix +

You use shredded wheat, animal crackers, chocolate stars and mini pretzels, and red and green M&M's. There are no specific amounts as far as I can tell.


Getting ready for Christmas
And leaving Christ out
Is not what Christmas
is all about! 

So let us be like the HAY
That Baby Jesus lay on
And make a difference
In the life of someone. 

And as the ANIMALS shared their stable
With the holy family in need
Let's make enough room for the Babe
Open our hearts for Him to lead.

When the STAR of Bethlehem
Led the way to Christ
Can't we do the same
Leading others to this Star so bright? 

Let us join hands, everyone
And thank God for
The Greatest Gift of His Son! 

The Christmas colors we so love,
We remember Christ's blood and the eternal hope
He gave when He rose to Heaven above!

Christmas Blessings Mix #2

2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks 

2 cups small pretzels 

1 cup cinnamon imperials candy ("red hots") 

1 cup dried fruit bits or raisins 

1 cup peanuts or sunflower seeds 

1 cup M&Ms brand chocolate candy 

16 Hershey's-brand chocolate kisses 

printable gift tags


Bugles: Bring us the joyful message of the Heavenly Host, announcing peace on earth, good will to men. 

Pretzels: Symbol of a mother's loving arms; as Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger. 

Red Hots: Red berries that decorate the holly plant, a reminder of eternal life and Christ's redemption. 

Nuts or seeds: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence. 

Dried fruits: Remind us of the rich gifts brought by the Wise Men. 

M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future. 

Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives. 


Also See Nativity Christmas Story Trail Mix 
Here is what each item represents:

HUGS (LUKE 2:7) Mary embraced Jesus and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. 

MINI MARSHMALLOWS (LUKE 2:7) Jesus was laid in a manger and had no pillow for His head. 

ALMONDS & DATES (LUKE 2:4-5) Almonds & dates are native to Israel – food for weary Mary & Joseph as they traveled to Bethlehem.&nbsp

PRETZELS (LUKE 2:9-14) Angel wings – Angels declare the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. 

POPCORN (LUKE 2:15) The shepherds traveled to Bethlehem; corn is food for sheep. 

3 MUSKETEERS (MATT. 2:2) Wise men from the East (traditionally 3) came to worship Jesus. 

STARS (MATT. 2: 2) Wise men followed the star to find Jesus and worship Him. 

GOLD CHOCOLATES (MATT 2:11) The Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

You use shredded wheat, animal crackers, chocolate stars and mini pretzels, and red and green M&M's. There are no specific amounts a...

Blessings MIx

Christmas Blessings Mix #1

Put the following items into treat bags, 
tied with raffia with the poem 
attached describing each item. 

Bugles - the trumpet that announced His birth 
Pretzels - Mary’s arms wrapped around her baby 
Fruits & nuts - the gifts the Wise men brought 
Candy canes - shepherds’ staffs 
Chocolate stars - the star of Bethlehem 
Hershey kisses - the love He has for you 
Raffia - the hay in the manger that ties it all together 

Christmas Blessings Mix #2

  • 2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks
  • 2 cups small Pretzels
  • 1 cup cinnamon Red Hots candy
  • 1 cup Raisins
  • 1 cup Peanuts
  • 1 cup M&M's
  • 16 Hershey's Kisses
In a large bowl, gently mix all ingredients except Hershey's Kisses.
Place 1/3 to 1/2 cup Christmas Blessings Mix in small cellophane treat bags or zipper food storage bags. Add one Hershey's Kiss to each bag. Seal bag or fold down top to seal.
Attach your choice of free printable Christmas Blessings Mix gift tags or bag toppers, or hand-write your own tags with the wording below.
Makes 16 Christmas Blessing Mix gift bags.

Christmas Blessings Mix Poem
    Bugles: Bring us the joyful message of the Heavenly Host, announcing peace on earth, good will to men.
    Pretzels: Symbol of a mother's loving arms; as Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger.
    Red Hots: Red berries that decorate the holly plant, a reminder of eternal life and Christ's redemption.
    Peanuts: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
    Raisins: Remind us of the rich gifts brought by the Wise Men.
    M&M's: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
    Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
Printable PDF: Here
Also See Bethlehem Mix

Christmas Blessings Mix #1 Put the following items into treat bags,  tied with raffia with the poem  attached describing each item....