Welcome to the Novice Level Quiz — our easiest questions! This general knowledge Christmas trivia quiz covers a range of easy and difficult questions as well as some unusual Christmas quiz questions.
Which of these names does NOT belong to one of Santa’s reindeer?
At Christmas, it is traditional to exchange kisses beneath a sprig of which plant?
In the Ukraine, what does it mean if you find a spider web in the house on Christmas morning?
In many households, part of the fun of eating Christmas pudding is finding a trinket that predicts your fortune. For instance, finding a coin means you will become wealthy. What is foretold if you find a button?
If you were given some frumenty at a Medieval Christmas party, what would you probably do with it?
Many of us are quite familiar with the first verses of popular carols, but how well about the rest of the lyrics? For instance, what is the first line of the second verse of Angels from the Realms of Glory?
Which of the following names does NOT belong one of the Three Kings?
One of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes takes place during the Christmas season. Which of these does the tale hinge upon?
Santa keeps close track of who’s been naughty and who’s been nice! Nice children often receive toys and candy in their stockings, but naughty children may receive:
One of the most loved Christmas books is A Christmas Carol. Who wrote it?
So how did you do ???? Wanna try again or go up one level to Switch to the Regular Level Quiz — a further challenge! Or maybe even the "Expert Christmas Quiz"
Source: Conversation Starters :|: TriviaPark - Archived
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July 2021 - Home For The Holidaze
Welcome to the Novice Level Quiz — our easiest questions! This general knowledge Christmas trivia quiz covers a range of easy and difficult ...
Disclaimer: Note to the Authors of these wonderful stories and poems. In the spirit of spreading Christmas Cheer I would like to Thank all the wonderful authors of these poems/stories. The greetings were found on assorted public domains and have only posted them here for public enjoyment. I respect any copyrights that may be held on these works. If I have posted an original piece that is your property please contact me. I will gladly insert a link to benefit your endeavors or if need be we will remove the work upon your request. Please supply verification that the work is indeed copyrighted and that you are the holder of that copyright. With that being said, thank-you to all those that have contributed their skills in conveying the spirit of Christmas.