Happy NOEL Day

You may not be thinking of Christmas today, but it is a great day to do just that because it is Leon Day… What is Leon Day? Leon is Noel spelled backwards and noel is another word for Christmas.

National Leon Day marks June 25th as six months away from Christmas day. Leon is a day some crafters begin planning their homemade gifts and decorations.
June 25, 2022 was the 176th day of the year 2022 in the Gregorian calendar. There were 189 days remaining until the end of the year. The 2022 day of the week is Saturday.

This also means there are only 182 crafting days left until Christmas. Now is the perfect time to start working on homemade decorations and gifts. If you start working on all your projects now, you just might be done by the time Christmas rolls around (or, if you are like me, the more get done the more you try to do).

Wanna know to celebrate this day if your are not a crafter.... but love any reason to celebrate?   Let's have a Backwards Day!
Coolest Family On The Block has some good suggestions such as::
    *Wear your shirt/clothes backwards
    *Walk backwards, talk backwards, sing backwards
    *Turn the furniture backwards or sit backwards in your chairs
    -Serve breakfast for dinner or serve dessert first.
    -Sit on the floor and eat off of your chair.

Also see: Santa's Update

41 Gift Ideas for Crafters - Craftaholics Anonymous

4 Things to know about National Leon - AllThingsChristmas

Thanks For Visiting June 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

You may not be thinking of Christmas today, but it is a great day to do just that because it is Leon Day… What is Leon Day? Leon is Noel s...