Candy Grams

Holiday Candy Gram Sayings:

Angel: Have a Heavenly Christmas!
Apple Cider/Wassail mix: A little something to spice up a your Christmas!
Basket (filled with treats):  Wishing you a basket full of Christmas blessings.
Bell: With each chime of this festive bell, may a Christmas wish come true, and bring you peace and happiness to last the whole year through.  Merry Christmas!
Bubble Gum or Bubble bath: May your holidays bubble over with fun!
Calendar: Keep Christ (or Christmas) in your heart the whole year through!
Candle: Hope your Christmas is full of the light of Christ.
Candle: May your days be happy, your heart be light, your Christmas merry and the New Year bright!
Candy Canes: Hope you enjoy raising a little ‘cane’ during the Holidays!
Cheese ball and crackers: Don’t mean to sound ‘cheesy’, but we hope you have a ‘ball’ this Holiday Season!
Chex Party Mix: Santa ‘chex’ his list twice to see who’s been naughty or nice.  So be good for goodness sake!
Chocolate Orange: Orange you glad it’s Christmas?  Hope your holiday’s are a sweet one.
Christmas Music:
 May the sweet songs of Christmas make your heart rejoice!
Cinnamon Rolls (Pillsbury Grands):  Have a grand holiday!
Coco Mix: Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas.
Cookie Dough:  Here’s a little extra dough this Christmas.
Cookies w/ Sprinkles: May your Christmas be ‘sprinkled’ with joy and laughter this holiday season.
Divinity: May your Christmas be ‘divine’ and your holidays so fine.  Sweet Christmas Wishes!
Gingerbread House (buy the kit):  Nibble, Nibble like a mouse.  We hoe you’ll nibble at this house!
Heart Ornament: May the joy and love you give away, come back to you on Christmas day.
Hershey’s Kisses in a Wire Wisk: We ‘whisk’ you a Merry ‘Kissmas’.
Hershey’s Kisses in a Wire Wisk tied to a bottle of root beer: We ‘whisk’ you a Merry ‘Kissman’ and a Happy ‘Root Beer’!
Hostess Ho-Hos: Hope a merry Ho Ho Ho fills your heart the whole year through!  (Attach a santa sticker on the label.)
Jam: Hope your holiday is jam-packed with cheer.
Jolly Ranchers: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.
Juice pitcher filled with candy canes: I ‘pitcher’ you raising a little ‘cane’ during the holidays.  Merry Christmas!
M&Ms: Give a bag with the M&M Christmas Poem.
M&Ms: Have a Merry & Most wonderful Holiday Season!
Muffins or Muffin Mix: You’re getting ‘muffin’ for Christmas.
Notepad and Pen:  Merry Christmas from our ‘pad’ to yours!
Nuts, Brownies with nuts,etc: It’s the nutty time of the year again, so please don’t lose your cool.  Relax, and much this little treat and have a Happy Yule!
Pasta w/ Recipe: Have a pasta-tively happy holiday!
Popcorn Balls: Hope you have a ball this holiday season.
Popcorn (microwave):  May your holidays be ‘poppin’.
Potpourri: May this sweet scent bring back thoughts of warm Christmases long ago!
Puzzle:  We were puzzled over what to get such great neighbors like you.  So we hope this fits together to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Recipe: Just like you friend, it’s tried and true. Happy Holiday Baking!
Sprite: May your Christmas be Merry and Sprite!
Star: Remember the reason for the season.
Star Ornament: Christmas Star Poem
Strainer: We couldn’t restrain ouselves from wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Sugar Cookies: Rolling out a batch of cheer, for someone we think is very dear!
Swedish Fish: Catch the spirit this holiday season.
Sweet Treat: 
You’re so sweet.  Having you as neighbors is really a treat.  Have a wonderful holiday season!
Veggies and Dip: Dip into the holidays and a healthy New Year.
Wassail or Spiced Cider: Hoping your holidays are ‘spiced’ just right.
Thanks For Visiting August 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Holiday Candy Gram Sayings: Angel:  Have a Heavenly Christmas! Apple Cider/Wassail mix:  A little something to spice up a your Chr...

💡 Trivia-3

General Christmas Trivia (answers at bottom)

1. Counting Rudolph, How many reindeer did Santa Clause have?

2. During Christmas, people traditionally exchange kisses under what object?

3. What peppermint snack do people use to decorate Christmas trees?

4. Who wrote the famous Christmas book, A Christmas Carol?

5. In How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what was the name of the Grinch's dog?

6. In the song The 12 days of Christmas, what gift was given on the fourth day?

7. What were Frosty the Snowman's eyes made out of?

8. What snack do people leave out for Santa?

9. In the book A Christmas Carol, who said "Bah Humbug!"?

10. In the Movie A Christmas Story, during Ralpy's dream, what causes him to go blind?

11. In the Elvis Presley song, what color of Christmas would he have?

12. In England, what Holiday takes place the day after Christmas?

13. What are the 2 most popular objects to go atop Christmas trees?

14. What is the name of the popular balet performed around Christmas time each year?

15. What was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?

16. Which State produces the most of the nations Christmas Trees?

17. In what year did Hallmark introduce its first Christmas cards?

18. What is the main course of the Christmas Dinner in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?

19. In It's a Wonderful Life, how do they know when an angel recieves its wings?

20. What 3 Ghosts visited Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?

Answers... 1.Nine; 2.Missletoe; 3.Candy Canes; 4.Charles Dickens; 5.Max;
6.Four Calling Birds; 7.Coal; 8.Milk and cookies; 9.Ebenezer Scrooge;
10.Soap Poisoning; 11.Blue; 12.Boxing Day; 13.Star and Angel; 14.The Nutcracker;
15.Alabama; 16.Oregon; 17. 1915; 18.Roast Beast; 19.A Bell Rings;
20.The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future;

More Trivia:

Thanks For Visiting August 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

General Christmas Trivia (answers at bottom) 1. Counting Rudolph, How many reindeer did Santa Clause have? 2. During Christmas, people trad...


"The Glo Friends Save Christmas - 1985" 
It's Christmas Eve and the Glo Friends are getting Glo Land ready for the holidays. Santa Claus and his reindeer are also preparing for their yearly trip around the world. But an evil witch named Blanche decides to put an end to Christmas by trapping Santa in a cage of ice. It's up to the Glo Friends (and a clumsy Moose) to set things right and ensure Christmas isn't destroyed forever. 

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"The Glo Friends Save Christmas - 1985"   It's Christmas Eve and the Glo Friends are getting Glo Land ready for th...


"The Smell of Christmas Potpourri"

Did you know that memories are triggered by olfactory stimulants (smells) more than visual ones? In other words, looking through a photo album can bring back memories, but studies show that getting a fresh whiff of a scent from the past brings it back more strongly than visual reminders.
 For some reason, the olfactory nerves are wired that way--they lead right to the memory center of the brain. 

If you've ever been fortunate enough to walk in a pine forest you know that powerful scent of "Christmas"--It's stronger than what you can get in your home with one tree. There are trees which emit a wonderful aroma but even so you can add the feel and joy and SCENT of Christmas to more of your home with the following simple recipes. 


3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons of ground cloves
1 tablespoon of anise seed
1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon of ground ginger
1 quart of water.

Mix together. Add water. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally, then simmer on low. 
Enjoy the scent of Christmas in your home!
Dry mix can be used as a gift, too. 

Also, by having this little recipe on hand, you can easily add ambiance to your 19th century nights to make them even more enjoyable and memory-boosting. Children, especially, will respond to this atmospheric addition, and you just can't overdo making memories for the family. Following are other Christmas Scent recipes in case you want variation, one for the crock-pot which is convenient especially if you have one of the smallest size crocks.


Peels of 2 oranges
3 cinnamon sticks
12 whole cloves
2 1/2 cups of water

Combine in a saucepan. Simmer, add water as needed.


1 pkg of pickling spice
1 pkg of whole cloves
1 pkg of stick cinnamon
1 jar of apple juice

Put in crock-pot. Fill to the top with water. Bring to boil, then put on low. 

** Tip: Use microwave for quick bursts of scent. The fan on the microwave sends the scent throughout the space. Just be sure to use a large mug or bowl and do not let it boil over. Usually a minute or two will do. Suggested Links:

  • 6 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like Christmas
  • TheSway homemade simmering potpourri
  • ????????
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  • ????????
  • Source:Regency House Christmas

    #Potpourri #Christmas #ChristmasSimmer #Smell #DIY #Gift
    Thanks For Visiting August 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

    " The   Smell of Christmas Potpourri " Did you know that memories are triggered by olfactory stimulants (smells) more than visua...

    09 - Holiday Mix

    Recipe Countdown - Holiday Mix

    Crunchy cereal mixed with nuts, pretzels and m & m's make a pleasing combination that everyone will dig into. It's an easy mixture of Sweet-and-Salty. A Holiday snack Chex mix that's perfect for giving to teacher's, neighbors, or even unexpected guests.

    Ingredients ::

    * 17 ounces Crispix cereal
    * 1/2 package pretzel sticks
    * 1 can mixed nuts
    * 1 bag of m & m candies
    * 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
    * 1 1/2 cups butter
    * 1/4 cup white syrup
    * 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

    Directions ::

    1. Spray the inside of a brown paper grocery bag with a non-stick cookie spray.
    2. Add cereal, pretzels and nuts to the bag.
    3. In a medium saucepan, bring the brown sugar, butter and syrup to a rapid boil.
    4. Add baking soda.
    5. Pour over cereal in the bag and shake to mix.
    6. Fold the bag shut and place in the microwave. Heat for 70 seconds and then shake the contents to mix. Repeat this process 5 times shaking between each interval.
    7. Open the bag to cool, stirring several times.
    8. When cooled, add m & m's.
    9. Store in an air tight container.

    Thanks For Visiting August 2017 - Home For The Holidaze
    "LazsRealm Of Christmas Kitchen Magic"

    Recipe Countdown - Holiday Mix Crunchy cereal mixed with nuts, pretzels and m & m's make a pleasing combination that every...

    08 - Russian Tea Cookies

    Recipe Countdown
     - Russian Tea Cookies
    aka: Mexican Wedding Cookies

    The trick to these little delectible beauties is the powdered sugar.... Add a little corn starch to the powdered sugar so the coating sticks better and does not get pastey. 

    You can make them way ahead and freeze them, and whether bagged up as a favor, or all decked out in a martini glass, these little cookies fill the bill.
    Russian tea cakes, Snowballs, SandDarts and/or Mexican wedding cookies, are a delicate hazelnut-based cookies that freeze well without losing their flavor or texture. There are quite a few names for these delightful cookies. So easy to make, and even easier to eat. Perfect for gift giving.

    Makes: 6 dozen cookies
      * 1 cup powdered sugar
      * 2 cups butter or margarine, softened
      * 2 teaspoons vanilla
      * 4 1/2 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
      * 1 cup finely chopped nuts
      * 1/2 teaspoon salt
      * Additional powdered sugar
      * cornstarch [approx. 1 TBLSP]

      NOTE: Choice of nuts preferred are hazelnuts, pecans, or walnuts... whichever you have on hand works perfectly.

    1. Heat oven to 400°F. In large bowl, mix 1 cup powdered sugar, the butter and vanilla. Stir in flour, nuts and salt until dough holds together.
    2. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Place about 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
    3. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until set but not brown. Roll in additional powdered sugar [with a bit of cornstarch added] mixture while warm. Cool completely on wire rack, about 30 minutes. Roll in powdered sugar/cornstarch mixture again.

    Second option: roll in powdered sugar while hot, then in sparkle sugar when cool for a more elegant effect if desired. 

    Variations: Pistachio And Craberry Teacakes ,

    NOTE: For best results, freeze cookies the same day they are baked, after they have cooled completely. ... Frozen dough or cookies should be used within two months.

    Adapted from: A Cottage Industry
    Thanks For Visiting August 2017 - Home For The Holidaze
    - LazsRealm Of Christmas Kitchen Magic -

    Recipe Countdown  - Russian Tea Cookies aka: Mexican Wedding Cookies The trick to these little delectible beauties is the powdered suga...