"The Smell of Christmas Potpourri"

Did you know that memories are triggered by olfactory stimulants (smells) more than visual ones? In other words, looking through a photo album can bring back memories, but studies show that getting a fresh whiff of a scent from the past brings it back more strongly than visual reminders.
 For some reason, the olfactory nerves are wired that way--they lead right to the memory center of the brain. 

If you've ever been fortunate enough to walk in a pine forest you know that powerful scent of "Christmas"--It's stronger than what you can get in your home with one tree. There are trees which emit a wonderful aroma but even so you can add the feel and joy and SCENT of Christmas to more of your home with the following simple recipes. 


3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons of ground cloves
1 tablespoon of anise seed
1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon of ground ginger
1 quart of water.

Mix together. Add water. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally, then simmer on low. 
Enjoy the scent of Christmas in your home!
Dry mix can be used as a gift, too. 

Also, by having this little recipe on hand, you can easily add ambiance to your 19th century nights to make them even more enjoyable and memory-boosting. Children, especially, will respond to this atmospheric addition, and you just can't overdo making memories for the family. Following are other Christmas Scent recipes in case you want variation, one for the crock-pot which is convenient especially if you have one of the smallest size crocks.


Peels of 2 oranges
3 cinnamon sticks
12 whole cloves
2 1/2 cups of water

Combine in a saucepan. Simmer, add water as needed.


1 pkg of pickling spice
1 pkg of whole cloves
1 pkg of stick cinnamon
1 jar of apple juice

Put in crock-pot. Fill to the top with water. Bring to boil, then put on low. 

** Tip: Use microwave for quick bursts of scent. The fan on the microwave sends the scent throughout the space. Just be sure to use a large mug or bowl and do not let it boil over. Usually a minute or two will do. Suggested Links:

  • 6 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like Christmas
  • TheSway homemade simmering potpourri
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  • Source:Regency House Christmas

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