Elf - Pepper Minstix

Pepper is from a faraway land of mystical elves... the land of the Moorish Knights and Conquistadors. Spain. Pepper is a born soldier and a protector of the realm, and he has worked his way up to being head of Elf Control, entrusted with the important job of watching out for Santa's safety. He is also in charge of keeping the location of the Village a secret from the billions of children, not to mention adults, who would love know where it is.
Pepper generally wears a self-styled "uniform," complete with a chestfull of Elf Medals. At night he patrols the Village outskirts wearing makeshift armor of pots and pans, a washboard chest protector and a gumball-firing pop gun. He looks ever vigilant, not to mention pretty darn silly.

His hair is dark and worn slicked back in a dashing style, and he sports a pencil thin mustache. He cuts a romantic figure of elf-assurance and elf-control. Everything is safe when Pepper is on watch...except, of course, the hearts of the lady elves. Pepper is one hot tamale when it comes to sweet talking the lady elves.
Pepper greatest day of service came in recent times. It was a day like many other days in the village, with happy elves busily at their work getting ready for Christmas. Suddenly, Pepper heard distant thunder, but the problem was, there were no storm clouds on the horizon. He looked up to see three aircraft jetting across the ice fields at an altitude low enough that the entire North Pole Village would be visible within minutes!
A stealth Village search patrol, Pepper realized. Within ten minutes, the best kept secret in the heart of every child in the world would be revealed. No one in the Village had ever thought this would happen. But out in the human world, technology had gone far beyond magic dust and a flying sleigh. Santa's Village at the North Pole was about to be discovered. Not on Pepper's watch!

Pepper pulled a giant switch and his makeshift alarm system went off, clanging trachcan lids and soup cans full of marbles tied together with string and wire. Pepper had spent the entire summer laying out this fail-safe system far out around the Village. In a moment every elf in the Village rushed out at the sound of Pepper's first alert system.

"Haul out the cotton candy machines and all the sugar!"

"Heat up the popcorn poppers!"

"Roll out the marshmallow makers!"

"Get all the powdered sugar barrels outside!"

"Bring out the icing blenders! Move, move, move!" He zigzagged through the Village urging every elf to do their part. And amazingly, within minutes, everything was set up and ready to go. Then, at Pepper's command, every machine was activated to its absolutely positively highest setting...FULL TILT BOOGIE!

Thousands of pounds of cotton candy exploded like clouds into the air! Thousands and thousands of barrels and sacks of granulated and powdered sugar erupted into the wind like a blizzard! Tons of white popcorn blew up like a volcano! And marshmallow flowed like lava. And then, as the entire Village disappeared beneath tons and tons of sticky white muck and gobs of gelatinous goo, Pepper, standing atop the North Pole itself, gave the final order in a booming voice..."Hit the dirt!"

And the entire village of elves hit the...uh...goo...an instant before the airplanes flew directly over head. No one moved, no one breathed until the sound of the airplanes disappeared in the distance. They had not seen the Village. They were saved. And all at once, all the Villagers stood up, covered with dripping white sludge (and popcorn) and gave a cheer that is still resounding throughout the North Pole. Victory is sweet and Pepper Minstix had saved the day!
He'd also made quite a mess! But Pepper, Santa and the elves all pitched in to clean it up and then "re-arm" the sophisticated cloaking system with fresh cotton candy, sugar, popcorn and marshmallows.

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

Pepper is from a faraway land of mystical elves... the land of the Moorish Knights and Conquistadors. Spain. Pepper is a born soldier a...

Elf - Wunorse OpenSlay

One of the few old Nordic Elves,
Wunorse is in his middle years, around 600 years old and is solidly proportioned, akin to his Viking ancestry. His blonde hair is long past his shoulders, and he wears it in thick horse-styled braids, often with tiny jingle bells woven into them. He is a true inventor and craftsman, and behind one ear he keeps a pencil stub for doodling, sketching and figuring, no matter where he is. It was Wunorse who long ago created Santa's magic sleigh.
Wunorse's mind wanders because he's always involved in thoughts the rest of us just can't understand. His beard is yellow, thick and curling. It would be longer, but he tends to get too close to the candles he uses for light on his work table. He is often glimpsed stubbing out his smoking beard in a large ashtray he keeps nearby.

Because of long years at the drafting table drawing up design charts, he wears triple lens flip-up-flip-down tri-focal spectacles, the weight of which pinches his nose so he talks with a nasal, whiney quality. Don't expect to finish a whole conversation with Wunorse, because he'll usually hit on an equation or summation and wander away flipping down his tri-fokes as he heads for the drawing board.
Wunorse is also one of Santa's staunchest defenders. And if any trouble breaks out, he is quick to appear as Santa's honorary Nordic guardian in a horned helmet, round shield and short sword, which he can never get out of the scabbard. Wunorse's favorite expression when in his Nordic garb is "Uffda!"...which is a Scandinavian word one uses after dropping one's chewing gum in the chicken yard. "Uffda!" translates to English as "Ya, you betcha, py yimmeny!"
Ol' Wunorse's inventive skills come naturally as he is one of the last of the ancient Norse elves. In days of the old, his people were great boat builders, using their unique powers to bend wood into sleek shapes for hulls. But when the last of the Sea Raiders ceased sailing out of the Fjords, Wunorse and the other elves were left without a trade. Most of them moved from the ice-bound countries to warmer climates spread out across Europe.
But Wunorse and his tiny village stubbornly stayed on and turned to the trade of training horses and building wagons and sleighs. Of course, Wunorse excelled at his trade, but something in him called out for excitement and pageantry. One day, as a young elf of a mere 374 years, he saw a traveling circus and knew that was for him.

He up and joined the show. When the circus ringmaster asked him what he specialized in, Wunorse told him, "Horses!" Naturally, in his mind's eye he saw himself standing in the center ring with beautiful ponies prancing around him, all bedecked in glitter and feather plumes. All he needed was a ringmaster's whip. What he got was a shovel. Wunorse followed the horses in the big parade. Ah, but show-biz got into his blood, and on his shoes, on his pants, on his coat,...no, this wasn't what he hand in mind at all.

One day his elfin powers sensed another calling. It was the call of Shinny! Wunorse dropped his shovel and took off following the magic call, which took him all the way to the North Pole. There, still broad shouldered and stout in his middle years, his blonde hair hanging in horse braids and his beard in curls, Wunorse found a different kind of show business excitement. The pageantry of Christmas!
Shinny and Santa Claus asked him to devise a vehicle that would be able to take presents to all the good little boys and girls around the world...in one night! Well, almost dizzy from the very idea, Wunorse rolled up his short little shirt sleeves and started working on a dozen concepts.
First he built a boat on sleigh runners, but the sail wouldn't carry it forward if the wind died down. Then he tried all kind of wagons which got bogged down in deep snowdrifts. Then sleighs which sank like stones when they came to bodies of water. Wunorse even tried to invent a steam engine sleigh train, but everyone figured it would have taken a half million years and all the elfin magic on Earth to lay enough tracks to reach around the world. He even tried magic boots with huge coil springs which Santa would use to jump from house to house like a giant bullfrog. But, alas, his ideas were going nowhere. Neither was Santa!

Modern science and elfin engineering weren't cutting it. Then one dark, cold night, as he passed the stable where Shinny lived with his reindeer, he heard the most disagreeable noises coming from inside. Shinny was yelling, reindeer were bleating, and pots and pans were being thrown all over the place!
Wunorse saw that the reindeer were eating from Shinny's pot of cabbage and cheese soup. Shinny kept trying to chase them away, but they kept coming back for more. Wunorse strode in and offered a solution. Back in the old country, to keep the horses from eating the elf food, Wunorse had taken to sprinkling a little magic dust on the wheat grain. It tasted so funny, the horses stopped nibbling the elves bread.
So, he figured what's good for horses is good for reindeer. He reached in his pocket and came out with a pinch of magic dust, and sprinkled it over Shinny's soup pot. With that, he turned and left, still trying to figure out how he was going to get Santa Claus around the world with a zillion presents in one night.
Suddenly Wunorse heard Shinny shouting for him to look out! He wheeled around to see the doors burst open and eight tiny reindeer leaped into the air, sparkling with magic twinkles. Shinny ran out behind them holding his empty soup pot, hollering at them, "Now Dancer, now Prancer, now Donner and Blitzen--" Wunorse stood in amazement watching the reindeer playfully prancing around and around like high flying circus ponies, leaping and tumbling on the icy breezes. He, of course, knew what had happened. The reindeer had a different reaction to the magic dust. It gave them the power to fly!!! And in the wink of an eye, Wunorse had the answer!
He rushed home and designed the most beautiful sleigh anyone had ever seen. Within a few days he'd hitched the reindeer to it and had them zooming across the sky like the circus ponies of his dreams. In the wake of their hooves were trails of magic stardust, lighting the dark winter skies. And as Santa Claus stepped into the sleigh and took the reins, Wunorse proudly became one of the most famous of all the elves as creator of Santa's famous flying sleigh.

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

One of the few old Nordic Elves, Wunorse is in his middle years, around 600 years old and is solidly proportioned, akin to his Vikin...

Elf - Shinny Upatree

Shinny is the oldest resident of the North Pole Village. He's even older than Santa Claus. He's about three feet tall, skinny and wrinkled up as a baked apple. Shinny is as crusty as week-old bread, but despite all his huff and bluster, he has a good heart and a true devotion to Santa Claus.
Shinny wears a makeshift copy of Santa's outfit that he says he created somewhere around 400 or 600 years ago. As pieces of the outfit wear out and fall off, he replaces them with makeshift hunks, chunks and patches. Shinny is definitely on the cutting edge for creative attire.

Shinny is the leader of the Elves and is Santa's oldest friend and co-founder of the village. Everyone pretty much ignores his crankiness because without ol' Shinny, there wouldn't be a North Pole Village and maybe not even a Santa Claus.
SHINNY UPATREE has been around so long, he's even forgotten how old he is, but he remembers when the North Pole Village was just one cold, one- room igloo. That was before he was known as Shinny. His original name was Ooopsy Shenanigan.
Ooopsy had left his homeland to live on his own, so he didn't have to deal with any typical elf village responsibilities. He wanted to be a hermit. And that was that. But that was before the fellow named Santa Claus arrived, lost, in the vast frozen northern wasteland with all his great ideas to honor children on Christmas.
In fact, it was Ooopsy (soon to be Shinny) who introduced the idea of having a Christmas Tree in the house. Actually, he'd built his igloo around a baby fir tree because it looked so healthy and green. It eventually grew so big it took over his igloo, and he had to cut a hole in the igloo's roof so it could keep growing.

With the tree filling the igloo, Ooopsy had to find a place to put all his personal items. Since he didn't have a closet, a dresser, or even shelves in the igloo, he started hanging his belongings on that tree...his spectacles, his watch and chain, a pipe, some favorite glass beads, a crystal prism or two, his reading glass, some bright gold and silver coins, etc. Every night when he built his cooking fire, the firelight made everything on the tree shimmer and twinkle with magical light.
And that was when this jolly fellow named Santa Claus came along in his sleigh and found Ooopsy. Watching the old elf shinny up and down the tree with all his belongings, Santa was very amused and came up with the nickname of Shinny Upatree, which Ooopsy liked a whole lot better than Ooopsy. (Wouldn't you?). Santa was so taken with the beautiful twinkling tree that he decided that everyone should have such a tree to celebrate Christmas. And that is how the Christmas tree was born, right there in Shinny's igloo.
Even though Shinny had originally gone off on his own to be alone, when he heard of Santa's ideas to make Christmas a magical time for children all over the world, Shinny became the first true believer in Santa Claus.
He started contacting other elves in faraway lands to see if they too believed in Santa's love for children and Christmas. Shinny was very particular about the elves who were invited to help build the first village at the North Pole. From all over the world, the elves that came brought with them their old trades as builders, furniture and toy makers, artists, painters and designers. And all of them, every last one, brought with them elfin magic, the ancient birthright of all elves everywhere.

Santa and Shinny welcomed them all, and in exchange for the kindness and the sense of belonging they felt, each one of the elves, like Shinny had done before, gave a little portion of their own magic to Santa Claus. Because, if the big fella was to ever realize his dream, his great loving vision of bringing Christmas to the children of the world, he'd need all the magic he could get. The rest is, as they say, history. As the centuries wore on and Shinny Upatree grew in stature among the other elves as their elder and leader. Santa Claus could always leave it to Shinny to make sure everything got done on time and in darned good order.

Of course, Claus worried about his oldest friend, because in the last couple of hundred years, as the world population of children grew and grew and grew, Shinny's patience had grown shorter and shorter and shorter, because the work load had gotten heavier and heavier and heavier. In an event still remembered centuries later, Santa and all the elves went to Shinny and told him that they'd all decided to take all the burden off him. They were going to be delegating out his work and actually dividing up Shinny's chores among everyone else. You should have heard him yelling, stomping and throwing furniture!!! As everyone ran for cover, they laughed, figuring Shinny's answer to their suggestion was..."NOOOOOOOOO!!!" So Shinny is still in charge of all yearly preparations for the annual big night. And because he always manages to get the job done, everyone cuts him plenty of slack for his curmudgeonliness, [defintion: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man.] because what it all comes down to is that without Shinny, the magic that is Christmas just wouldn't be the same.

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

Shinny is the oldest resident of the North Pole Village. He's even older than Santa Claus. He's about three feet tall, skinny and...

Elf - Alabaster Snowball

Alabaster is quite a character.
He's the only elf at the North Pole with a university degree. From Oxford no less. He's a good fellow, but is definitely in an intellectual world of his own. It figures that Santa Claus has entrusted one of the most important jobs in the Village to Alabaster. Namely, Administrator of the Naughty or Nice List.
He has developed an ingenious system that updates the Naughty or Nice rating for every boy and girl four times a minute. That way, Santa Claus has the latest skinny on everyone and can adjust toy production accordingly.
Not only is Alabaster the only elf at the North Pole with a degree from Oxford, he's the only elf anywhere with a degree from Oxford. Actually, when he was a student there, he lived in the Oxford Dictionary at the Oxford University Library. (The Oxford Dictionary was the biggest book in the Library and he hollowed it out and made an apartment out of it.)

Alabaster is something of a statistician by trade, and one of the only elves in the world who gives a fig about numbers, columns and random bits and bytes of information. So when he received Shinny's call to come to the North Pole, he arrived with a resume that shut every other applicant out for the administrator's job. He quickly made himself right at home by moving into the nearest dictionary.
Alabaster wears his white hair parted down the middle and slicked with a bit of vegetable oil. His small head sits on his long, goose-like neck. (Picture a football sitting on a fence post and you've got the idea) He wears a dark (green) frocked coat, a dark (red) weskit (vest) and dark (green...and only on certain days, plaid green) knee pants with white stockings and buckled shoes. His entire appearance gives one the thought of a stork.
He takes his job very very seriously. Since most elves are not so serious natured, Alabaster created quite an uproar when he first arrived in the North Pole Village and immediately began taking inventory of the whole kit and kaboodle. It took over ten years to settle everyone and everything down. Elves just don't go in for keeping records and files on everything they do, think, say and stash away. But, it all came in pretty handy for future reference, and it was, afterall, Alabaster who came up with the idea of organizing all the toy requesting and giving and such.
In earlier times, Santa Claus simply took an estimate of how many children were out there expecting a visit, loaded up his sleigh with as much bounty as he figured he'd need and took off. Sometimes there were too many toys, sometimes there weren't enough. Of course, it took someone with the knack for numbers to come in and put this whole thing in proper order. And of course, it was Alabaster's bookkeeping experience that taught him to "check it twice."

Alabaster has a team of Naughty or Nice apprentice elves who help him keep track of the List. As you can imagine it is a colossal undertaking. Yet, as big as it is, Alabaster steadfastly sticks to his time-honored practice of writing the list out by hand with a quill pen. Several elves recently were caught making their entries with a computer.
Needless to say they are ex-apprentice's, having been banished to duty as sanitation engineers in the reindeer barn. Alabaster has put the computer to good use...as a doorstop. After a long day at the Naughty or Nice Archives, Alabaster likes to relax by archiving totally useless information. Some of his favorites are listed below.
    The average human will shed over 100 lbs. of hair by the age of 80 years.
    The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
    Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
    Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

Well, we said Alabaster was quite a character. Seven out of ten elves agree. And so do we.

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

Alabaster is quite a character. He's the only elf at the North Pole with a university degree. From Oxford no less. He's a go...

Elf - Bushy Evergreen

Being of sturdy Canadian stock, Bushy came from a family that literally sprouted from the forest floor way up North. Like most forest dwellers, Bushy learned the art of woodcarving at an early age. In the tradition of his forefathers, Bushy's first project was to carve a toothpick from a giant oak tree. It took 27 years, but he did it. And just in time, too, because the day he finished, dinner was corn on the cob.
He moved quickly from toothpicks to toys. And by the time he was a lad of 168, he had carved over a million wooden trains, trucks, ducks, and doodads. Needless to say, his room was getting really crowded. Just then, Shinny Upatree called.

Living in the cold northlands in a dense forest, Bushy was, well, bushy. He grew thick, curling hair that fit his head like a hair helmet and was so dense you couldn't drive a nail through it, even if you'd wanted to for some strange reason. His hair blended perfectly into his thick white beard, giving him the look of someone wearing a huge cotton ball with just his eyes, nose and forehead sticking out.
Bushy's whole family dressed in dark green and brown clothing made from the velvet dropped from the green antlers of certain kinds of Moose and Elk. It was cross stitched with soft vines which often still bore blackberry leaves and dried berries, sort of ornamental-like. Dressed like this, the elves were so camouflaged you could only see them in the forest shadows if they grinned.
When Bushy got Shinny's call to come to the North Pole he loaded all the wooden toys into his wagon (his really really big wagon pulled by a really really big horse) and headed off to the land of ice and snow. After 5 months, Bushy showed up on the very spot where the new Village was being built at the North Pole. He'd never seen so many kinds of elves before. And there was this one guy in a red suit who had a big white bushy beard, just like Bushy's. You know who.

Well, boy, were Santa and Shinny ever excited when they saw all the wonderful wooden toys Bushy had brought! There were just enough for Santa's first Christmas. And the elves would even be able to use some of the big toys to finish building the Village. Seems that the entire Village was based on a toy theme, almost as if the whole idea and purpose of the Village was...toys. Son of a gun. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
And so began Bushy's stay at the North Pole as head ToyMaker. He put on his familiar carpenter's apron with deep pockets laden with homemade tools, mauls and awls mostly. He carried a nail sack of wooden pegs. His hat was the bucket he used to gather tree sap for gluing wooden toy pieces. The tree sap worked great on the toys, but it didn't do much for his hair. Of course, when more modern times rolled around, Bushy's attire became more updated. He swapped the wooden glue bucket hat for a nice aluminum one.
Since Santa would be needing more toys for next year, Bushy began teaching his carving secrets to hundreds of elf apprentice toymakers. They were soon turning out enough toys to replace all the toys Santa had delivered that first Christmas. The only trouble was that Santa was going to need even more toys each year, because there were more boys and girls in the world each year. Bushy knew he had to come up with something to make more toys.

One day, Bushy disappeared into the tree house where he lived. He didn't come out for 27 days and 27 nights. When he finally came out, he had two things. An incredible craving for a corn dog with mustard. And the blueprints for a magical toy making machine he called the Magnetic Kinetic Toy Hulla-Ballu.
When Santa saw the plans for this incredible toy making machine, he gasped with excitement. It would not only be the wonder of the North Pole, but of the whole world. And it would mean that there would be enough toys for all the good boys and girls all over the world for hundreds of years.
Bushy made that first toy making machine over 500 years ago, a second one about 260 years ago, and now this year he and his team of elf engineers are perfecting a brand new Magnetic Kinetic Toy Hulla-Ballu that will be the biggest and best ever at turning children's dreams into toys. The funny thing is that with all the power sources in the world today, the best one is still the hamster on a wheel that runs the whole doggone thing!

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

Being of sturdy Canadian stock, Bushy came from a family that literally sprouted from the forest floor way up North. Like most forest ...

Elf - Sugarplum Merry

Sugarplum Mary is the most marvelous of elfin cooks, and is the top assistant to Mrs. Claus in the kitchen. Sugar Plum Mary comes from a Northern Mountain Province in Asia where her ancestors were elves called the Sky People. They lived in a teeny tiny village, far up a misty mountain, the tip of which disappeared into the clouds.
For as long as anyone could remember, the elves had been afraid of the people in the valley. Interestingly, the people in the valley were equally afraid of the elves. Go figure. Mary (as she was then known) thought it was all pretty silly. She decided to make friends between the elves and their neighbors by preparing sugarplum treats and leaving them on the doorsteps of the huts in the valley below.

Soon, Mary's irresistible sugarplum pudding, sugarplum cookies and sugarplum fudge began to warm the hearts of the valley people. The people started leaving plates on their doorsteps in hopes that Mary would leave treats for them. And then the elves started leaving out their little plates, too. It seemed that the valley people and the elves shared a love of Mary's sugarplum treats, and it wasn't long before they all became friends. From this point on, Mary was known as Sugarplum Mary.
As the years passed, Sugarplum Mary heard stories about other elves who lived all around the world. She longed to see them and to learn of their cultures and especially their recipes. So, she did. Sugarplum Mary learned to make all kinds of new candies, cookies, pies and desserts. And, of course, she taught everyone to make her famous sugarplum treats.

One day, like so many other elves around the world, Sugarplum Mary heard the call put out by Shinny Upatree to come to the North Pole to help Santa Claus. Off she went to the top of the world. When she arrived, she found elves of every kind working as hard as they could to create a toy workshop for Santa. It was almost lunchtime, so she started her cooking coals and prepared a tasty elfin buffet of sugarplum treats. The elves said it was the yummiest lunch they had ever tasted, and, from then on, Sugarplum took on the big job of feeding all the little elves in the North Pole Village.
And what an operation she created! Today, anyone who peeks in the kitchen can see that it takes dozens and dozens of elfin chefs, cooks and bottle washers just to keep the Village going on three meals a day, not to mention snacks twenty four hours a day. Snacks for the elves. Snacks for Santa. Even snacks for the reindeer!

In order to keep everything organized, Sugarplum Mary wears an apron covered with a list of everything she's making that day. She also likes to sling a dish towel over one shoulder to help her keep things sparkling clean and to swat at young elves who like to snatch cookies just out of the oven. Actually, she probably swats at one old elf more than all the young ones combined. It's old Shinny Upatree himself. He's a sucker for her double-crunch, chocolate-peanut butter, sugarplum cookies with itty bitty marshmallows on top!

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

Sugarplum Mary is the most marvelous of elfin cooks, and is the top assistant to Mrs. Claus in the kitchen. Sugar Plum Mary co...

1 Song

Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Judy Garland - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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The Small One

Holiday Cartoon Recommendation
"The Small One - 1978" 
Directed by Don Bluth, the short takes place in Nazareth and tells the tale of a young boy and his beloved donkey Small One, which he is forced to sell, but wants to give it a good place to go, eventually selling it to Joseph and Mary as transportation to Bethlehem. The story is based on a children's book by Charles Tazewell. 

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Holiday Cartoon Recommendation "The Small One - 1978"   Directed by Don Bluth, the short takes place in Nazareth and tells the ...

The Sweetest Gift

May these sweets help you celebrate Jesus, the very sweetest gift of all...
  • Candy-Cane, shaped like a shepherd’s staff, to remind you that Jesus came to be your Good Shepherd (John 10:11). 
  • A gold-wrapped Rolo, shaped like a crown, to remind you that Jesus is the King of Kings (Revelation 19:16).
  • Smarties, to remind you that Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6).
  • Dove, a symbol for peace, to remind you that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
  • Starlight mint, to remind you that Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12).
  • Milky Way, to remind you that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).
  • Life Saver, to remind you that Jesus came to be your Savior (Luke 2:11).
  • Hershey Hug, to remind you that Jesus loves you (John 3:16).
  • An Almond Joy, to remind you that Jesus is the source of joy (John 15:11).
Wishing you a Christmas filled with His sweetness!

Printable Document Here 

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

May these sweets help you celebrate Jesus, the very sweetest gift of all... A  C andy-Cane , shaped like a shepherd’s staff, to remind...

Legend Turtle Dove

“Legend of the Turtle Dove” Christmas Ornaments and Story Card

Turtle doves are a symbol of friendship and love. Keep one, and give the other to a very special person. As long as each of you has your turtle dove, you will be friends forever.”

----------- Poem Tag --------------------

Turtledoves can soothe the soul

or ease a troubled mind.

So when it comes to Christmas

this bird’s a treasured find.

It renews our faith and spirit,

and gives blessings

throughout the year.

So this turtledove is a symbol

that love is always near.

----------- Psalm Tag --------------------

He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his Wings you shall take refuge. 
- Psalm 91:4

The Bible* says the dove is an emblem of affection and timidity, of harmlessness.  Also that it is an emblem or token of truth and innocence.  The dove can be a symbol for the Spirit of God, who brings comfort and peace.

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - Home For The Holidaze

“Legend of the Turtle Dove” Christmas Ornaments and Story Card “ Turtle doves  are a symbol of  friendship  and love. Keep one, and g...