Elf - Pepper Minstix

Pepper is from a faraway land of mystical elves... the land of the Moorish Knights and Conquistadors. Spain. Pepper is a born soldier and a protector of the realm, and he has worked his way up to being head of Elf Control, entrusted with the important job of watching out for Santa's safety. He is also in charge of keeping the location of the Village a secret from the billions of children, not to mention adults, who would love know where it is.
Pepper generally wears a self-styled "uniform," complete with a chestfull of Elf Medals. At night he patrols the Village outskirts wearing makeshift armor of pots and pans, a washboard chest protector and a gumball-firing pop gun. He looks ever vigilant, not to mention pretty darn silly.

His hair is dark and worn slicked back in a dashing style, and he sports a pencil thin mustache. He cuts a romantic figure of elf-assurance and elf-control. Everything is safe when Pepper is on watch...except, of course, the hearts of the lady elves. Pepper is one hot tamale when it comes to sweet talking the lady elves.
Pepper greatest day of service came in recent times. It was a day like many other days in the village, with happy elves busily at their work getting ready for Christmas. Suddenly, Pepper heard distant thunder, but the problem was, there were no storm clouds on the horizon. He looked up to see three aircraft jetting across the ice fields at an altitude low enough that the entire North Pole Village would be visible within minutes!
A stealth Village search patrol, Pepper realized. Within ten minutes, the best kept secret in the heart of every child in the world would be revealed. No one in the Village had ever thought this would happen. But out in the human world, technology had gone far beyond magic dust and a flying sleigh. Santa's Village at the North Pole was about to be discovered. Not on Pepper's watch!

Pepper pulled a giant switch and his makeshift alarm system went off, clanging trachcan lids and soup cans full of marbles tied together with string and wire. Pepper had spent the entire summer laying out this fail-safe system far out around the Village. In a moment every elf in the Village rushed out at the sound of Pepper's first alert system.

"Haul out the cotton candy machines and all the sugar!"

"Heat up the popcorn poppers!"

"Roll out the marshmallow makers!"

"Get all the powdered sugar barrels outside!"

"Bring out the icing blenders! Move, move, move!" He zigzagged through the Village urging every elf to do their part. And amazingly, within minutes, everything was set up and ready to go. Then, at Pepper's command, every machine was activated to its absolutely positively highest setting...FULL TILT BOOGIE!

Thousands of pounds of cotton candy exploded like clouds into the air! Thousands and thousands of barrels and sacks of granulated and powdered sugar erupted into the wind like a blizzard! Tons of white popcorn blew up like a volcano! And marshmallow flowed like lava. And then, as the entire Village disappeared beneath tons and tons of sticky white muck and gobs of gelatinous goo, Pepper, standing atop the North Pole itself, gave the final order in a booming voice..."Hit the dirt!"

And the entire village of elves hit the...uh...goo...an instant before the airplanes flew directly over head. No one moved, no one breathed until the sound of the airplanes disappeared in the distance. They had not seen the Village. They were saved. And all at once, all the Villagers stood up, covered with dripping white sludge (and popcorn) and gave a cheer that is still resounding throughout the North Pole. Victory is sweet and Pepper Minstix had saved the day!
He'd also made quite a mess! But Pepper, Santa and the elves all pitched in to clean it up and then "re-arm" the sophisticated cloaking system with fresh cotton candy, sugar, popcorn and marshmallows.

Thanks For Visiting Elf - Pepper Minstix - Home For The Holidaze