Memorial Feather Ornament Quotes


Basic Angel Feather Ornament
I'm An Angel's Feather 

Sent From God Above;
To Serve A a Reminder

Of His Most Gracious Love!

It’s from your Guardian Angel,
that God assigned to you.
It fell out in her struggles,
as she protected you.

Each time you almost stumble,
each time you nearly fall,
thank God and all His angels,

for answering your call!

PDF printout here for above verse
     special thanks to for this ornament suggestion

Perhaps They Are Not Stars In The Sky;
But Rather Openings Where Our Loved Ones
Shine Thru To Let Us Know They Are Happy.


Every time I think of you, I smile through the tears, I miss you more every day. My love grows through the years. Even though you aren’t here to hold me when I cry, I know you’re never far away and always by my side. Love you forever.


 Angel Feather Ornament ~
A feather from an Angel,

 Is one we rarely see. 
But this one is quite different, 
And as special as can be. 
The feather is a reminder
Of a special persons love....
Who is now your Guardian Angel,
Watching over you from above...


Angel Feather Oranment ~
I'm from your guardian Angel
That's been assigned to you.
I was dropped in her struggles
While she was protecting you.
Each time you almost stumble
Every time you nearly fall
Give thanks to tose above
For answering your call.

NotE: If Your Doing alot of these.. have the verse printed on business cards thru Vista print persay and simple use a hole punch in the corner to attach cord.

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