30 Holiday Word Scrambles

So what words make you think of the Holidays? Think you can unscramble all 30 of these holiday words? Put on that christmas music, your thinking hat and let's find out!

Directions:- Unscramble each word and type it in the box provided. When you have done as many as you can, click on the Check Answers button and I will let you know how you did.

    1. gognge
    2. sersnept
    3. yoiadhl
    4. fanewoksls
    5. pstioetian
    6. oelhrnopt
    7. ymciehn
    8. bredmerc
    9. traitinods
    10. scrithams
    11. sleve
    12. ererined
    13. nrapgpwi
    14. dancenyac
    15. nadeorlwdn
    16. chring
    17. igltsh
    18. tripneppem
    19. rkutfcaie
    20. giingsn
    21. orhwopks
    22. gcssikotn
    23. otoehcalc
    24. oisletmet
    25. selbl
    26. etwhra
    27. sarnnetom
    28. nwonmsa
    29. hesilg
    30. tinyvait

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