Ebook: The Old Peabody Pew

A sweet, old fashioned Christmas romance set in an old New England meeting house. (Summary by Maria Therese)
Title: The Old Peabody Pew
    A Christmas Romance of a Country Church
Author: Kate Douglas Wiggin

Release Date: March 22, 2005 [eBook #1902]

Language: English

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by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Project Gutenberg Release #1902 )

by Washington Irving (Project Gutenberg Release #1850 )

by William Makepeace Thackeray (Project Gutenberg Release #2731)

A popular work by L. (Lyman) Frank Baum (1856-1919) author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Project Gutenberg Release #520)

also by L. Frank Baum (Project Gutenberg Release #519)

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A sweet, old fashioned Christmas romance set in an old New England meeting house. (Summary by Maria Therese) Title: The Old Peabody Pew A...