Start a New Family Tradition

Learn a new way to celebrate Christmas and adopt one of these traditions into your family holiday celebrations.

There are traditions as old as Bethlehem to remind us of all that has gone before; there are constantly newborn customs as fresh and spontaneous as the wonder of a child's first Christmas.

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Click on the names of the countries below so you can learn new ways to celebrate Christmas. List put together from Bill Egan, A Christmas Historian.

Argentina Evergreen trees are decorated with cotton to simulate snow for the summertime celebration.
Armenia Celebrated on January 6 in Armenia but later in the Holy Land
Australia Millions attend "Carols by Candlelight."
Austria Christmas music everywhere - the land of "Silent Night."
Belgium Ice skating for Christmas day
Brazil Papai Noel wears red silk because of the heat
Britain Caroling is one of the oldest traditions
Bulgaria A coin is baked into the bread for Christmas Eve
Canada A wide variety of customs from France, Britain and elsewhere
Chile Summertime celebrations in South America
China Xian nativity scene dates from A.D. 780
Costa Rica Parades, fiestas, bull runs, and parties continue through January.
Croatia An extravagant array of desserts.
Czech Republic A bell signals the arrival of the gifts with the Christchild
Denmark A conspiracy between the Julnisse and the cat
Ecuador Processions on llamas
Egypt Pope Shenouda III leads the Christmas observance
Estonia Magic and mysticism combine with the sacred and spiritual.
Ethiopia One of the oldest Christian nations.
Finland "Peace of Christmas" is proclaimed.
France Santons, carols and reveillon
Germany Weihnachtskrippe and Christmas markets
Greece Beware the Kallikantzaroi
Grenada Parang contests in the villages
Guatemala Christmas without tamales is not Christmas
Guyana Black cake for Christmas dessert
Hungary Fresh wheat sprouts for the Christmas salad
Iceland Thirteen days of Christmas
India Floating stars decorate some neighborhoods
Ireland Candles light the way of the Holy Family
Israel The Church of the Nativity
Italy Befana, St. Lucia, and Papa Noel
Jamaica A tropical holiday - Reggae carols
Japan No official observance of Christmas
Kenya Christmas dinner is often a barbecue
Korea Grandfather Santa in South Korea
Luxembourg No Santa Claus in Luxembourg
Mexico Nacimiento and las Posadas
The Netherlands St. Nick comes from Spain
New Zealand The New Zealand "Christmas tree" is called Pohutukawa
Nicaragua Flowers and fireworks
Norway Julnissen and Julebukk
Pakistan Low-key celebrations in Muslim nation.
Peru Bullfights on Christmas Day.
Philippines Parols light up the season.
Poland Intriguing traditions, superstitions, and legends.
Portugal Yule logs at home and in the churchyard.
Puerto Rico Mass before sunrise known as "Misa de Aguinaldo."
Romania Ancient legends are told and retold.
Russia A return to the traditions of Old Russia.
Scotland Bonfires and bagpipes
Spain Fire-jumping in Granada
Suriname Christmas changed with the new government.
Sweden St. Lucia opens the season
Switzerland Strange customs in the Alps
Syria The Smallest Camel brings the gifts
Trinidad & Tobago No time to sleep during the island holidays
Turkey Birthplace of St. Nicholas
Ukraine Celebration is focused on spiritual origin
Venezuela Children tie string to their big toe
Wales Christmas carol competitions each year
Zimbabwe Roast ox for dinner

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