Typically, Advent Calendars are filled with a chocolate morsel for each of the 24 days before Christmas, but with this creative countdown, you can celebrate the “12 Days of Christmas” with a handful of treats to match the day!
12 miniature bags
Twine or string
Ribbon, for hanging
- Fill each of the 12 bags with the corresponding candy for that day. Slip one of the printable number cutouts onto a small piece of twine or string, and tie the bag shut.
Tie each of the bags to a longer piece of ribbon, and hang on the mantel or another area of your home to open each day!
On the 1st Day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Prickly Pear Cactus candy, hard pear candies
On the 2nd Day of Christmas: Two Turtle Doves
Dove® Chocolates, turtle candies
On the 3rd Day of Christmas: Three French Hens
On the 4th Day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds
Robins Eggs, whistle candy
On the 5th Day of Christmas: Five Golden Rings
Peach Rings, doughnuts, Ring Pops®
On the 6th Day of Christmas: Six Geese a-Laying
Cadbury Eggs®
On the 7th Day of Christmas: Seven Swans a-Swimming
Lifesavers®, chocolate swans
On the 8th Day of Christmas: Eight Maids a-Milking
Cowtails®, milk chocolate, Milky Ways®, Milk Duds®
On the 9th Day of Christmas: Nine Ladies Dancing
On the 10th Day of Christmas: Ten Lords a-Leaping
Nerds®, Airheads®, Gumballs
On the 11th Day of Christmas: Eleven Pipers Piping
Licorice pipes, Pixy Stix®, Pirouettes®
On the 12th Day of Christmas: Twelve Drummers Drumming
Dum-Dums®, pretzel rods