Dec. 7th - Missy Buckcakes

Today's Inspiring Greeting

Look at Missy Buckcakes,
All dolled up for a date,
Hurry up Rudolph,
You don't want to be late.

Missy Buckcakes is lovely,
As any reindeer can be,
She got all spruced up,
Just for you to see.

Wearing her Santa hat,
Warm fur coat wrapped 'round,
Walking in the new fallen snow,
Leaving hoof prints on the ground.

Now come on Mr. Rudolph,
Don't keep the lady in wait,
Or Dasher might just take your place,
With Missy Buckcakes for his date.

Author: Gayle Davis - "An Hour With You"

Thanks For Visiting Dec. 7th - Missy Buckcakes - Home For The Holidaze
