Legend of the First Christmas Bell

Like many of the traditions around Christmas, bells were first used in pagan winter festivals with the purpose of protecting the people of the city from evil spirits. As Christianity gained influence the use of bells changed from a pagan purpose to a Christian one

The Legend of the First Christmas Bell

The star shone brightly over Bethlehem, guiding the shepherds from the fields and the wise men from far off lands to the stable of the newborn King. But, in the city, a small boy, blind and alone, wandered aimlessly through the streets hoping someone would lead him to the Christ Child.

Suddenly, through the still night air, he heard the faint tinkle of a distant bell. He turned and began walking in the direction of the sound. Gradually, its music became louder and clearer and he heard excited voices.

As he approached the stable, a shepherd took his hand and led him to the manger. The
shepherd told him that the bell he heard hung around the neck of a cow watching faithfully over the sleeping Child.

The little boy knelt silently in prayer and thanked God for the Baby Jesus. And he didn't
forget a special prayer for the animal that had led him out of the darkness. Since that first Christmas.

"Clarabell the Christmas Cow," was first published in The Commercial Appeal in 1976.

 In 1997, the story was turned into an animated film, "Annabelle's Wish.

Read The Story  or listen to the Video Story below

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