To Do List


Think Of this As A Holiday Bucket List.

    1. call or visit a relative you haven't seen in awhile.
    2. smile at a random stranger and wish them a "merry christmas".
    3. trim a tree, add some lights and tinsel.
    4. sit by a roaring fireplace surrounded by s’mores-in-progress.
    5. go ice skating, snowmobiling, or sledding if possible.
    6. drink a hot chocolate. (well, more than one.)
    7. make your january 1st resolutions. now break them while you have the chance.
    8. make a gingerbread house.
    9. spend a rainy or snowy day writing your holiday cards.
    10. wear holiday socks.
    11. also wear your holiday pajamas.
    12. fill your home with holiday scents using flowers, candles, potpourri etc....
    13. donate to your favorite charity.
    14. take in a school christmas program.
    15. leave a little sparkle wherever you go.
    16. make a new playlist of re-mixed holiday tunes.
    17. spend some time giving back.
    18. put some change in salvation army buckets.
    19. sneak a kiss under the mistletoe.
    20. do some DIY gag gifts to give to neighbors.
    21. bake some holiday cookies.don't forget home made candie also…
    22. drink some egg nog
    23. help a neighbor or shut-in decorate their home.
    24. have a christmas movie marathon.
    25. take a stroll (or drive) through your favorite neighborhood after dark and enjoy the twinkling lights.
    26. cut-out paper snowflakes.
    27. listen to carolers and/or join them.
    28. take in a school holiday program.
    29. make a snow angel.
    30. open one present early. (it’s totally ok.)
    31. dance till dawn.
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