New Tradition

Time To Think About Starting A NEW Holiday Tradition!

25 Days of Christmas

Wrap up twenty-five Christmas children's books and put them under the tree with a special Christmas quilt or blanket next to them. Before bed each evening, your kids choose one book to open and read together until Christmas.
** See a convenient list of book suggestions here and/or here.

Polar Express

 Make "Polar Express" tickets for everyone in the family. Start your bedtime routine as usual, Make some bags of popcorn and hot chocolate drinks and place them in the car, don’t forget to have Christmas Music playing too! When the kids climb into bed, they will find the ticket hidden. The kids are instructed to grab their slippers and head for the car. Upon entrance to The Polar Express, hole punch the ticket, and travel around looking at all the beautiful lights. 

Christmas Eve Surprise Box

Typically given to young children as a way to break up the anticipation of the next day with some small gifts and activities filled with sweets, new holiday pajamas, films, books and games.

* Or even an Adult Christmas Eve Box For just the two of you after all the wrapping is done :)

Special Thanks To: jseely_1031 For The Suggestions.

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