Survival Kits

Here’s a gift that’s easy to put together and is bound to be appreciated. I know I’d love to receive it!

““Hectic Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit

  • Pocket date book - to track all of your “must do’s”.
  • Bath Salts - to soothe your weary body once you’ve done all your “must-do’s”.
  • Chamomile Tea - to calm, relax, and soothe away the tension.
  • Peppermints - to settle your tummy from overindulging.
  • Panadol - to take away the headache of overindulging in festive beverages.
  • Cookie mix in a jar - to spoil yourself and your family!
  • Slimfast - to kick-start the diet that you’re going to need.
  • Relaxing CD - soothing quiet music to listen to while wrapping gifts.
  • Sticky Tape - because it always seems to run out in the middle of wrapping.
  • Homemade Gift Tags - to make your wrapping even prettier.
  • Penny - so that Christmas doesn’t leave you penniless.
  • Marble - in case you lose all of yours!

“Happy Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit

  • Bauble - to make your Christmas sparkle!
  • Party Popper - to start the season with a BANG!
  • Starburst Candy - for a burst of energy during the Christmas season.
  • Funny Christmas Poems printed out - to make you laugh, for ’tis the season to be jolly!
  • Christmas Cracker - hope you have a cracking Christmas!
  • Cookie Dough - because everyone’s short on dough this time of year!

Christmas Survival Kit for Teenagers

  • Mint Gum & Chapstick - for the mistletoe action you will hopefully be getting ;-)
  • Trashy Gossip Magazine - when all the family is together and they seem completely crazy, reading about other people’s disfunctional personal lives may make you feel better.
  • Fizzy Bath Bombs - to relax at the end of the day.
  • Chamomile Tea - to help calm your nerves.
  • Personalised Music CD - put your headphones on and tune out the screams of your family.
  • Paperback novel - to entertain yourself when your family and friends have gone off the deep end.
  • Ibuprofen - to recover from the drama that friends and family create during the holidays.

College Student’s Christmas Survival Kit

I love this one. It’s for those times when you just don’t have the energy to party hard, but you’ve got to save face with your room-mate.
  • Candy Cane
  • Noise maker... you know, the spiral paper ones that stretch out when you blow into them
  • Confetti
  • Bottle caps
Instructions: Drop the candy cane on the floor and tread it into the carpet. Blow the noise maker and toss it in a corner somewhere. Sprinkle bits of confetti all over the place. Put some bottle-caps in and around the bin. Now when your room-mate gets back from his/her party, they’ll think you had a party too, and won’t know that you had a quiet night in.
(adapted from something I saw on Yahoo Answers)

The “Corny Puns” Christmas Survival Kit

  • Stick of gum - to help you stick with it.
  • Candle - reminding you to shine your brightest.
  • Hershey’s Chocolate Kiss - to remind you that you are loved.
  • Match - to reignite your fire when you’re feeling burned out.
  • Tootsie Roll - to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew. [Hey, I like biting off more that I can chew, especially when it comes to chocolates.]
  • Sewing Pin - to remind you to stay sharp.
  • Smarties - to boost your brainpower when you’re feeling dull.
  • Starburst candies - to boost your energy when you’re feeling tired.
  • Snickers bar - to remind you to take time to laugh.
  • Bandaid - to fix things that just will not work.
  • Paperclip - to help you keep it all together.
  • Crackers or other nibbles - so you will always have “food” for thought.
  • Energizer Battery - so you can keep going and going.
  • Tea Bag - so you can sit back and relax.
  • Almond Joy Candy Bar - to remind you of the JOY of the season.

Candy Bar Sayings Christmas Surival Kit

Uh oh. Here’s some more puns... brace yourself! This kit is a collection of candy bars with the following note. A lot of these candy bars are only available in the USA, so if you live elsewhere you’ll need to improvise.
The RIESEN for this greeting is to wish you a CAREFREE Christmas season! Don’t go NUTS while you are battling the MOUNDS of people doing your their last minute shopping. In fact, make sure you take a SWEET ESCAPE from shopping to enjoy the SYMPHONY of carol-singers’ voices. It’s okay to treat yourself during the holidays, so don’t worry about getting CHUNKY from all those sweets and cakes. There will be GOOD and PLENTY time to worry about that in January.Even though the path to Christmas may be a ROCKY ROAD, just think of all the ALMOND JOY you will receive when your friends and family see how well they SKORed with all those gifts. But don’t be a BUTTERFINGER unwrapping yours. At the end of the day, ask that BIG HUNK of yours to be a LIFESAVER and make you a cup of TEA. Sit back, relax and may your PEANUT BUTTER CUP overflow with SPECIAL TREASURES of holiday memories.

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