The Christmas Nail

The Christmas Nail tells the story of the Birth of Jesus in a very special way. It's subtle reminder of the Reason for the Season. 

"The Original Christmas Nail Legend" 
"This is the Christmas Nail. It is to be hung on a sturdy branch, a branch near the trunk, a branch that will hold such a spike without being noticed by well-wishers dropping by to admire one's tinseled tree. The nail is known only to the home that hangs it. Understood only by the heart that knows its significance. It is hung with the thought The Christmas tree but foreshadows the Christ-tree which only He could decorate for us, ornamented with nails as this."

The Christmas Nail Story
The stillness of the night was pierced with the cry of a babe, lying in a manger, unnoticed by the world. His mother gazed at him with a quiet joy at the miracle that is life.
"Jesus", Mary whispered softly, remembering the words of the angel, the child would be called the "Son of the Most High". She lifted His tiny hand and she studied His little fingers. How was she to know a spike would one day pierce this hand for the salvation of the world?
This spike is a reminder of that evening and it is meant to be hung on a sturdy branch near the trunk of your Christmas tree. It will go unnoticed by most, as tinsel and lights dazzle them. For you and those who look deeper, beneath the decor of the holidays, this spike will bear the significance of the One who waits today for you ... with nail-scarred hands that are outstretched in welcome.

  - Here's what I printed and then secured a #20 penny nail (spray painted gold) adorned with a scarlet ribbon to hang with two small drops of Hot Glue.  Sellable for $1 each at a holiday craft fair. 

The True Meaning

Every year on my Christmas tree,
I hang a nail for all to see.
For the nails of the manger where the Christ Child lay
To those piercing His body as life drained away.
A reminder of love midst the green of the tree,
of the gift that was given for you and for me.
Hanging there brightly on it's little red cord,
Telling of Jesus, our Savior, our Lord

~~~~~~~ The Christmas Nail #1  ~~~~~~~

The Christmas Nail®
It's Christmas time at our houseand we're putting up the tree.I wish I could find some simple wayto remember Christ's gift to me.
Some little sign or symbolto show friends stopping by,The little babe was born one daybut He really came to die.
Some symbol of His nail-pierced hands,the blood He shed for you and me.What if I hung a simple nailon my shining Christmas tree?
A crimson bow tied round the nailas His blood flowed down so free,To save each person from their sinand redeem us for eternity.
I know it was His love for usthat held Him to the tree,But when I see this simple nailI know He died for me.
by John Patton, creator of the The Christmas Nail® 

Note: Thanks to GemsCottage for the correct information as to who wrote this wonderful poem!
View printable here.

~~~~~~~ The Christmas Nail #2 ~~~~~~~~

It secured His manger cradle one starlit Christmas dawn,and affixed the rugged beams of the cross He died upon...And thus it is a symbol of all we celebrate together - His birth, His life, His death, and our life in Him forever.So may this special ornament on your tree remind you ofChrist's sacrifice - the price of the greatest kind of love.

Instructions for hanging this Christmas Nail: this unique ornament links Christmas to Easter.  It is meant to be hung on a branch, near the trunk, known only to the home that understands it's significance. It is placed as a reminder that the Christmas tree foreshadows the Christ-tree which only He could decorate for us, ornamented with nails such as this.   
Source: Lillie Mae Acres

Note: Legend Ornaments With A Story Card make a great gift for neighbors, teachers, co-workers and friends.

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