Legend Of Baboushka
Babushka means grandmother in Russian, and it tells the story of an old woman who met the three wise men.
The Legend of Babouscka is an old Russian tale in which an old woman missed the chance to travel with the three wise men, then got lost on her way to deliver the Christ - Child gifts. She may be looking for him still, leaving gifts for other children along the way. The story was published in The Children's Book of Christmas Stories (1913)
The Legend of Babouscka is an old Russian tale in which an old woman missed the chance to travel with the three wise men, then got lost on her way to deliver the Christ - Child gifts. She may be looking for him still, leaving gifts for other children along the way. The story was published in The Children's Book of Christmas Stories (1913)
The legend of Baboushka is about an old and lonely woman who is considered to have started the tradition of giving gifts to children. Baboushka, which means 'grandmother' or 'old woman' in Russian, lived in a big house, safe and warm. However, she led a very lonely life with no company, friends or neighbors.
She would provide food to the animals and birds and offer a resting place to weary travelers.When winter came, and winter in Russia is long and dreary, these little comforts would also fade away. Even the birds, that she would leave crumbs for, would desert her for warmer climes, leaving the old woman sad and lonely, wishing and praying for company.
Before long, she heard a loud pounding at her door and she rushed to open it, thinking that it must be a cold and famished traveler only to find three large horses with three noblemen dressed in the finest and richest clothes that she had ever seen.
Baboushka invited the men inside but they declined. Instead, they invited her to travel with them, to Bethlehem, where they were bound, they said, to find and welcome the child who would be the king of Jews and lead mankind to salvation.
She invited the men to spend the night her house so that they all can leave in the morning but they declined, saying that they do not want to get delayed, and set off.
Later that night, she thought of the three men and the strange tidings about a New King. She felt sad at rebuffing their invitation and so, then and there, she decided to meet the Child.
She gathered some trinkets to gift him and set out in the cold dark night. But, as luck would have it, despite travelling far and wide she could find neither the boy king nor the travelers.
She gathered some trinkets to gift him and set out in the cold dark night. But, as luck would have it, despite travelling far and wide she could find neither the boy king nor the travelers.
Legend has it that the old mother is looking for the boy king to this day and that whenever she meets a child she presents him/her with trinkets and continues on her search. Thus, from her, originates the custom of giving gifts to children on Christmas, no doubt to continue the pious work of Baboushka.
Adapted from: ChristmasFM, American Literature, World ofChristmas.net and Indobase, Expatica
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