Legend of the Snowflake

The Legend of the Snowflake

Long ago when the earth was young
there were two great elemental tribes,
the Hydrogen and the Oxygen
living in peace and harmony.

Then, one day on the vast hot plains they met.
And as often happens, some became bonded,
two Hydrogen to one Oxygen.
And this was called water and it was good.

Now the whole world rejoiced.
The wind sang and drums filled the sky.
Rains poured from up above
and the air filled with steam.

The fiery earth was subdued and cooled.
Soon waters gathered and made great oceans.
Life in great profusion and splendor burst forth
and drank deeply and richly of the water.

Soon came a time when the skies turned dark.
The world became dark and and all was cold,
frozen in a deep fear and winter sadness.
The water wept tears that turned to ice.

But all at once, a joyous miracle occurred.
In the clouds above, tiny crystals formed.
And they began to dance and grow
as more and more linked together.

They built delicate lattice snowflakes
of intricate unending complexities
that floated down through the air
bringing awe, hope, and joy to all.

And so now, in winter’s bleak cold,
we look forward to the snowflakes
and rejoice in their beauty and mystery
for they give us hope of life renewed.

This then is the legend of the snowflake.
What I have told here is true,
six-fold true and now you know.
Just examine a snowflake and you will see.

Author: LaughingPoet

Legend of the Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

Long ago a gleaming star led the way to a child born  in a manger.
Today it is believed that snowflakes are little pieces of the little star that lead us to the light of the world,  Jesus.


"Snowflake Poem" from Laurie Turk

Snowflakes falling from the sky
Help remind us exactly why,
Christmas came so long ago
Cleansing the earth like each new snow.

One pure, unique and perfect form
Who came to earth to withstand the storm,
Each snowflake melts as does the ice
But we can't forget the sacrifice.

So display this symbol of the season
To recollect what gives us the reason
One pure, unique and perfect form,
Who came to earth to transcend the storm.

Legend of the Snowflake (Craft Idea - with snowflake art)

Long ago a gleaming Star led the way from afar.
All through the night it shown bright,
to guide us to the Holy Light.
Legends say that snowflakes are pieces of that Special Star,
to remind us of Jesus wherever we are!
Freepic: How to make white paper origami snowflakes of different shape diy.

Also see my "Snowflake Art"

Some poems adapted from: TipJunkie and Greet2K

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