Legend Stork

Legend Of The Stork

The legend of the stork has it that when baby Jesus was lying in the stable in Bethlehem, all the animals in the world paid a visit to greet the newly born Jesus.  They bowed down and offered prayers to Jesus.  Animals such as the donkey and the ox knelt in their places in the stable whereas wild animals stayed outside and remained ever eager to catch a glimpse of newly born Jesus.  Amongst those kneeling was a white-feathered stork with long legs.  When the stork saw Jesus lying in the stable with no soft pillow to rest his head, it pained her to no end.  She thought she could offer her soft feather as a pillow for baby Jesus.  So, she tugged the softest plumes on her breast to offer the baby to make the best pillow to lay his head on it.  The baby Jesus was ever thankful to the kindness of the stork and nodded with a smile to the Stork.  Then Jesus blessed the stork with undying glory and even today, it is seen as a symbol of birth and is regarded crucial for baby-showers.  Due to this legendary tale, the stork is considered blessed and is also seen as the patron of babies.  It is widely believed to this day that seeing a stork on the chimney or flying in the air is a lucky omen.

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