Legend Christmas Cactus

Legend of the Christmas Cactus

There is a beautiful legend about the origins of the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera russelliana). The story is said to be from Brazil, the Christmas cactus’ native land.
A young boy who lived in the jungle had prayed God to give him a little sign of Christmas in his hot and humid world. As Christmas approached, he prayed even more, but still nothing. On Christmas day, thought, he stepped out of his hut to realize that the jungle had filled with flowers overnight: cacti growing on the branches of the surrounding trees had all started to bloom at the same time. Moreover, with their weeping habit, they looked just like Christmas bells. And so another Christmas legend was born!
As charming as the legend may be, of course, it isn’t very likely. You see, Christmas cacti bloom when days are short and Brazil lies in the southern hemisphere, where the days are long at Christmas. Indeed, the Christmas cactus does light up Brazil’s coastal jungle when it blooms, but in May, not December. That’s why Brazlians commonly call our Christmas cactus flor de maio (May flower)!

LEGEND has it the Christmas Cactus dates back many years to the land now known as Bolivia and a Jesuit missionary, Father Jose, who labored endlessly to convert the natives there.  He had come across the Andes Mountains from the city of Lim nearly a year before.  But he felt the people of this village on the edge of the great jungle were still suspicious. He had cared for the sick and shown the natives how to improve their simple dwellings, which leaked dismally in the rainy season.  Most important, he had attempted to teach them the story of the Bible, especially the life of Jesus, though much seemed to be beyond their  comprehension.  He had told them about the beautifully decorated altars in cities during holidays, yet here it was Christmas Eve and he was on his knees alone in from of his rude altar. Then he heard voices singing a familiar hymn he had taught his flock.  He turned to see a procession of the village children carrying armfuls of blooming green branches (which we now know as the Christmas Cactus) that they had gathered in the jungle for the Christ Child. Father Jose joyfully gave thanks for this hopeful budding of Christianity.  Today the Christmas cactus still blooms each winter with its message of faith and hope.

Merry Christmas one and all!

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