Legend Poinsettia

Legend of The Poinsettia

According to this Christmas story, a small girl with no gift to give the Baby Jesus was visited by an angel who told her that any gift she gave from her heart would make Jesus happy. She picked some weeds and took them to the church, where they changed into a beautiful red bouquet of crimson poinsettias. 

This  story teaches us that any gift that is given with a pure heart can be magnified and transformed through our Savior’s love.

Version Two

The popularity of this legendary flower dates back to 16th century, which is believed to have occurred in Mexico, where a little girl and her brother Pablo were fond of Christmas but were impoverished to buy Christmas gifts. One day they picked few grasses and leaves from the roadside and decided to give it as gift to the Baby Jesus, and turned deaf ears on the taunting made by their peers. Miraculously their gift turned into bright red petals, which we adore as a holy flower today and use in occasion like Christmas to make it more colorful

Version Three

It once was the custom in Mexico, For the villagers to leave a gift for the Baby Jesus in their church on Christmas Eve. In one small village, a little boy who had no give to bring Baby Jesus, prayed to God for a way to show his love for the infant King. God, in his mercy, looked down on the boy and answered his earnest prayer, By causing a flower to bloom where he knelt--, A flower so brilliant and fair. The miraculous flower was formed like a star with leaves that were red and so bright, and the boy's precious gift has come to be known , As the "Flower of the Holy Night."

~Caring For The Poinsettia~ 

WATER: Keep the soil slightly moist, especially during the blooming period.

LIGHT: Give this plant at least four hours of bright light daily, but avoid direct sunlight.

SPECIAL AID: After the colored blooms fade and drop in the spring, cut your poinsettia back to four inches and repot it in fresh soil. Fertilize once a month until, and then stop feeding. To induce the plant to flower again, alternate light with at least 14 hours of darkness each day for six weeks. Start this process in September for blooms by Christmas.

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