St. Nicholas Surprise

St. Nicholas was a bishop who had a reputation as a generous and secretive gift giver.
==== Legend ====

   Story goes he rode through a town where a shopkeeper had three beautiful daughters and couldn’t afford a dowry. Which meant the girls would be destitute once the father passed away. Bishop Nicholas, realizing the father was a proud man, tossed three sacks of gold through an open window (or down a chimney, depending on where you read it) while the family was sleeping and one of the bags landed in the toe of a stocking that had been hung by the fire to dry.

When the family awakened in the morning, they found the gold, including the one in the sock which had turned into a ball overnight.

So giving the orange is a way to celebrate generosity and caring for others without thinking about a gift in return. It’s meant to symbolize that gold ball and as a reminder to care for those in need. 

==== Ways to Celebrate ====

- Have you child put out their shoes for St. Nicholas on the eve of December 5th. On the morn of December 6th each child's shoe could be filled with the traditional clementine, candy cane, & 3 gold chocolate coins. from St. Nicholas.

- Anything will work including: spare change, foreign coins, chocolate coins, St. Nicholas chocolate, clementines, St. Nicholas holy cards, candy canes, Christmas ornaments, and basically anything small enough to fit in a shoe. Think dollar store items.

- Bake some Chocolate Orange Cookies that mimic orange slices dipped in chocolate. Bright, tangy citrusy flavor comes from orange Kool-Aid mix baked into the cookies!

more infomation: about the tradition of Leaving out Shoes, Christmas Socks, Blessing Of Candy Canes, St. Nicholas Food, Crafts and more. 

Christmas Boot/Shoe - Here is a truly wonderful recycling for Christmas, can be used as a decoration or as a gift to contain all sorts of little things from chocolates to makeup. The procedure is very simple. Materials are hot glue, paper, cardboard, decoration wadding or plush cloth, golden ribbons for finishing. The boot is ready now you just have to decorate it as you like.
#Christmas, #orange, #stnicholas, #stocking, #tradition

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