Home Baked Healthy Cookies

Everyone loves cookies and has a favorite cookie recipe that brings back fond memories."LazsRealm Of Holiday Recipes" has all your favorite cookie recipes, bring back fond memories of fresh, hot, home baked healthy cookies.

From the old-fashioned, Grandma used to make, to the tried and true favorites, quick and simple recipes, they're all here!

Homemade cookies and cocoa to drink,
That is the finest of suppers I think;
When I'm grown up and can have what I please
I think I shall always insist upon these.

What do YOU choose when you're offered a treat?
When Mother says, "What would you like best to eat?"
Is it waffles and syrup, or cinnamon toast?
It's cocoa and cookies that I love most!

The kitchen's the coziest place that I know;
The kettle is singing, the stove is aglow,
And there in the twilight, how jolly to see
The cocoa and cookies waiting for me.

Daddy and Mother dine later in state,
With Mary to cook for them, Susan to wait;
But they don't have nearly as much fun as I
Who eat in the kitchen with Nurse standing by;
And Daddy once said, he would like to be me
Having cocoa and cookies once more for tea!

Recipe For Happiness
2 Heaping cups of Patience
1 Heart full of Love
2 Hands full of Generosity
1 Head full of Understanding
and a Dash of Laughter
Sprinkle generously with kindness, add plenty of faith and mix well.
Spread over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet.

Soft And Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

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