1 - Game: Christmas Cards
2 - Game: Old Christmas Card Toss
3 - Game: "12 Blogmas" Assorted Games
4 - Game: 12 Days Holiday Deck
5 - Game: The Oven Mitt Game
6 - Game: Switch Steal Unwrap
7 - Game: Hidden Gift Jars
8 - Game: *Christmas Carol Chaos
9 - Game: I Packed Santa's Bag
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12 - Advent Christmas Gaming Challenge
It’s so easy during the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, decorating, and so forth to forget what it’s all for: spending precious time with our loved ones in celebration. To help get you more focused on love and laughter amidst all the chaos, try this Advent Christmas Gaming Challenge.
Shutterfly : 30 Christmas Party Games
12 Christmas Games - Minute-To-Win-It Style
TRY SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR There are so many Christmas party games out there on Pinterest these days. Heck, I have over 12 different Chr...