Advent Idea 2022

(This list would be a good start for a blessing book/box.)
Several years ago, I saw a paper about "Getting ready for Christmas" gave some great advice. It involved concentrating each day on things we take for granted, and then adding something representative of the thoughts to a box for the needy. 
Around December 20 take the box of things to a food bank, homeless shelter, nursing home, etc. 
You could gift wrap the items and indicate on a tag what was in them or leave them unwrapped. It wouldn't hurt to add your "list" to the box, maybe a worker at the shelter or soup kitchen will pick it up and share it with someone for next year.
Pick one idea for each day that pertains to something in your life--or think up ideas of your own.
    1. I can afford the dentist...add a toothbrush and toothpaste to the box
    2. I have clean underwear each day...add a pair of new socks
    3. I have fruit to eat...add a can of peaches
    4. I can afford to be picky; not all children can...add a can of spinach (or whatever you dislike)
    5. I have light to read by...add a flashlight with batteries
    6. I am blessed with good vision...add a small, framed piece of art or a magazine with pretty pictures
    7. I have the gift of being able to hear...add a cassette of Christmas music
    8. I can smell...add a pretty pouch of potpourri
    9. I can taste...add a small package of holiday candy or chocolate
    10. My sense of touch is not impaired...add a soft blanket or plush animal
    11. I can read and write...add a book of poems/short stories/inspirations/etc, some pretty writing paper and envelopes, a nice pen
    12. I can walk, jump, run, dance...add a pair of cushiony insole inserts
    13. I have access to good medical care and insurance to pay for it...add a bottle of Tylenol, bag of cough drops, hot or cold pack, first aid kit, cute print Band-Aids
    14. I am fortunate to live in a clean, safe, warm home...add a bottle of dish detergent, some childproof outlet plugs, a smoke/carbon monoxide detector with new batteries
    15. I have friends and family who love me...add a necklace with a heart locket or a picture frame
    16. I have precious memories of family members who have passed on...add a pretty candle
    17. I can say what I want and vote for whom I want...add an American flag
    18. I have plans, dreams, goals, and hope for the future...add a pretty calendar for 2000
    19. I have friends near and of all occasion cards and a book of stamps
    20. I can go to the beauty shop if I want...add a comb or brush.
    21. I am fortunate enough to have two bathrooms...add a bar of soap.
    22. I am lucky not to have to drag my clothes to the Laundromat...add laundry detergent.
    23. I don't have to wash diapers in a wringer washer and hang them out to freeze dry...add a box of disposable diapers.
    24. I have a nice warm house...add mittens, hats, etc.
    25. I have a car in the garage and can go where I want, when I want...add bus tickets.
    26. I can go on a date with my husband when I want...add a gift certificate for 2 to the movies and a gift check for a sitter.
    27. I have animal friends to love me...add some cat or dog food.
    28. I have a beautiful Christmas tree to celebrate Jesus' birth...add some ornaments.
    29. I can afford some treats...add a box of cookies or candy.
    30. I can feed my baby...add a bottle, nipples, liners, or powdered formula.
    31. I don't always eat grape jelly; even if it IS cheap...add your favorite jelly to the box.
    32. Jesus was a fisher of men...add some tuna or salmon cans to the box.
    33. My child has the advantage of a good school--add pencils, paper, crayons, etc. to the box.
    34. My child is blessed with imagination and creativity...add a Barbie doll, Legos, art supplies to the box.
    35. I can stay warm through the winter...add a coat or a blanket.
    36. I can groom myself well...add nail clippers, deodorant, shampoo, soap etc. (This is not meant as demeaning at all! When I did volunteer work for a women's shelter, they always asked for basic toiletries such as these.)
    37. I can take care of my baby...add diapers, formula, diaper rash ointment.
    38. I can afford to have fun...add movie tickets, video rental certificates.
    39. I can afford to take pictures of people and places that are important to me...add a single-use camera
    40. I have $ for food...add gift certificate to supermarket
    41. I have $ for clothes...add gift certificate (Nordies or K-Mart or anything in between!)
    42. I have a big garden...add a pot, zip baggie of potting soil, and some seeds or bulb (amaryllis, paperwhites?)
    43. I am blessed with two beautiful children...add a card/painting/drawing done by your kids
    44. I have friends I can call when I need someone to talk to... add a prepaid calling card
    45. I have a job--this one has me stumped...alarm clock, wristwatch, wallet?
    46. My checkbook balanced on the first try...add a pocket calculator and packet of pencils
    47. I'm blessed because my kids are healthy...include one of those fever strip thermometers.
Also see the Advent Activities MEGA list with over 94 advent activity ideas from:
Making Family Memories: A list of Christmas Countdown Calendar Family Activities
- 75 advent activity ideas for you on this PDF Prinntable
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