2022 Christmas MP3 Medley

Singing Bell now gives you this year’s Christmas medley!
Wait no longer, Enjoy the 60 minutes of Christmas Music video while putting up those holiday decorations: 

The Christmas Songs & Christmas Carols included are (click to download a free instrumental mp3 of each one of them):

1. White Christmas
2. Deck the halls
3. Santa Claus is coming to town
4. We wish you a Merry Christmas
5. Jingle Bells
6. Little drummer boy
7. Adeste fideles (O Come all Ye faithful)
8. Silent night (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht)
9. What child is this? (Greensleeves)
10. Petit Papa Noël
11. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
12. Tu scendi dalle stelle (From Starry Skies Thou Comest)
13. Good King Wenceslas
14. We Three Kings
15. Oh Christmas Tree (O Tannebaum)
16. While Shepherds watched their flocks
17. The First Noel
18. Paei o palios o chronos
19. Campana sobre campana
20. Los peces en el río
21. Archiminia ki archichronia
22. O menino está dormindo
23. Pat-a-pan
24. Fum fum fum
25. Huachito torito
26. Carol of the Bells


Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

Singing Bell now gives you this year’s Christmas medley! Wait no longer, Enjoy the 60 minutes of Christmas Music video while putting up thos...

Start a New Family Tradition

Learn a new way to celebrate Christmas and adopt one of these traditions into your family holiday celebrations.

Learn a new way to celebrate Christmas and adopt one of these traditions into your family holiday celebrations.


aka: The Greatest Gift 

It was but a few short days until Christmas in 1966. Two young elders of the Mormon Church walked the streets of Laredo, Texas, knocking on doors in search of someone who would listen to their gospel message. No one, it seemed, in the entire city had time to hear the teachings of the Savior, so intent were they that the celebration of His birth should suit their own social purposes.

Filled with discouragement, the two young men turned their backs to the approaching twilight and began the long walk home. Retracing their steps of the afternoon, they came upon a low, windswept riverbank. Jutting from its brow stood the barest means of a shelter, constructed of weathered wooden slats and large pieces of cardboard.

Strangely, they felt moved to go to the door and knock. A small, olive-skinned child with tangled black hair and large dark eyes answered. Her mother appeared behind her, a short, thin woman with a tired but warm smile. In her rich Spanish accent she invited the young men to come in and rest awhile.

They were made welcome and seated on the clean-swept floor. The little one-room shanty seemed to be filled with shy, smiling, dark-eyed children. The mother proudly introduced each of them - eight in all - and each in turn quickly bobbed his or her head.

The young men were deeply moved at the extreme poverty they saw. Not one in the family had shoes, and their clothes were ill-fitting and in a condition beyond mending. The walls of the little home showed daylight between the wooden slats, and eight little rolls of bedding were pressed tightly into the cracks to help keep out the draft until they were needed for sleeping. A small round fire pit dug in one corner marked the kitchen. An odd assortment of chipped dishes and pots were stacked beside an old ice chest, and a curtained-off section with a cracked porcelain tub served as the bathing area. Except for these, the room was barren.

The mother told how her husband had gone north to find employment. He had written that he had found a job of manual labor and that it took most of his small wage to pay his board and room. But, she told the young men, he had managed to save fifty cents to send them for Christmas, with which she had purchased two boxes of fruit gelatin. It was one of the children's favorites and would make a special treat on Christmas day.

Later, long after the young men had left the family, they still asked each other incredulously, "Fifty-cents? ... Fifty cents for eight children for Christmas?" Surely there must be something they could do to brighten Christmas for such children.

The next morning, as soon as the local shops opened, the young men hurried to the dime store and purchased as many crayons, cars, trucks, and little inexpensive toys as they could afford. Each was carefully wrapped in brightly colored paper and all were put in a large grocery bag. That evening the two young men took their gifts to the shanty on the riverbank. 

When they knocked, the mother swung the door open wide and invited them in. They stepped inside and in halting Spanish explained to the children that they had seen Santa and he had been in such a hurry he'd asked if they would deliver his gifts to the children for him.

With cries of delight the children scrambled for the bag, spilling its contents upon the floor and quickly dividing the treasured packages. Silently the mother's eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She stepped forward to clasp tightly one of each of the young men's hands in hers. For long moments she was unable to speak. Then, with tears still welling from her eyes, she smiled and said, "No one ever has been so kind. You have given us a special gift, the kind of love that lights Christmas in the heart. May we also give you a special gift?"

From the corner of the room she drew out the two small boxes of fruit gelatin and handed them to the young men. Then all eyes were moist. All knew the true meaning of giving, and none would forget that at Christmas the greatest gift of all was given.

First Prize Winner of Woman’s Day “Greatest Gift” contest by Sandra Bateman, American Fork, Utah, Woman’s Day, December 18, 1979

Printable Story
Craft: Chocolates for Breakfast
Also see this prinatable: Blanket Tag PDF

Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

aka: The Greatest Gift  It was but a few short days until Christmas in 1966. Two young elders of the Mormon Church walked the streets o...


“Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.

The dining room table with clutter was spread

With pedigree charts and with letters which said…

“Too bad about the data for which you wrote

Sank in a storm on an ill fated boat.”

Stacks of old copies of wills and the such

Were proof that my work had become much to much

Our children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

And I at my table was ready to drop

From work on my album with photos to crop.

Christmas was here, and of such was my lot

That presents and goodies and toys I forgot.

Had I not been so busy with grandparent’s wills,

I’d not have forgotten to shop for such thrills.

While others had bought gifts that would bring Christmas cheer;

I’d spent time researching those birth dates and years.

While I was thus musing about my sad plight,

A strange noise on the lawn gave me such a great fright.

Away to the window I flew in a flash,

Tore open the drapes and I yanked up the sash.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear?

But an overstuffed sleigh and eight small reindeer.

Up to the housetop the reindeer they flew,

With a sleigh full of toys and Old Santa Claus too.

And then in a twinkle, I heard on the roof

The prancing and pawing of thirty-two hoofs.

The TV antenna was no match for their horns,

And look at our roof with hoof-prints adorned.

As I drew in my head, and bumped it on the sash,

Down the cold chimney fell Santa - KER-RASH!

“Dear” Santa had come from the roof in a wreck,

And tracked soot on the carpet, (I could wring his short neck!)

Spotting my face, good old Santa could see

I had no Christmas spirit you’d have to agree.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work

And filled all the stockings, (I felt like a jerk).

Here was Santa, who’d brought us such gladness and joy;

He spied my research on the table all spread

“A genealogist!” he cried! (My face was all read!)

“Tonight I’ve met many like you”, Santa grinned.

As he pulled from his sack a large book he had penned.

I gazed with amazement - the cover it read

“Genealogy lines for Which you Have Plead.”

“I know what it’s like as a genealogy bug,”

He said as he gave me a big Santa Hug.

“While the elves make the sleighful of toys I now carry,

I do some research in the North Pole Library!

A special treat I am thus able to bring

To genealogy folks who can’t find a thing.

Now off you go to your bed for a rest,

I’ll clean up the house from this genealogy mess.”

As I climbed up the stairs full of gladness and glee,

I looked back at Santa who’d brought much to me.

While settling in bed, I heard Santa’s clear whistle,

To his team which then rose like the down of a thistle,

And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,

“Family History is Fun! Merry Christmas! Goodnight

-author: unknown-

Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

“Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse. The dining room table with clut...

Retro DIY Crafts for Christmas

Penny Snark - 8 retro holiday DIY projects

DIY Retro Christmas Decorations

Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

Lots more suggestions found here

Penny Snark - 8 retro holiday DIY projects DIY VINTAGE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS DIY Retro Christmas Decorations Thanks For Visiting Lo...

30 Christmas Carol Opposites

Goal: To guess these 30 riddles about some "Opposite Christmas Carols".

Preparation:– Pen and paper for each team

How to Play :
1. Separate everyone into teams of 4. Have each team sit together.

2. Explain the game. You will be saying a line of lyrics from a Rebus Christmas Carol. Each team needs to write down the title of the Correct Christmas Carol Title.

3. Read the first line. Give each team one minute to discuss and write down their guess. Go throughout all of the lines.

4. Then, after everyone is done writing their answers, provide the correct answers- each correct answer is worth one point. Have each team calculate their points. The team with the most points wins the game.

Name These Opposite Christmas Carols

1-Cacophonous Morning - Answer
2-Henrietta the Blue Lipped Antelope - Answer
3-What Ancient Individual Was That? - Answer
4-Disregard the Unofficial Devils Shriek - Answer
5-Down on the Substructure Floor - Answer
6-Without Knowledgeable Boredom - Answer
7-Tinkerbell is Vacating the Woods - Answer
8-Lucifer Awake the Grouchy Ladies - Answer
9-Retreating in a Summer Undergrowth - Answer
10-Dewey the Flower Girl - Answer
11-Planetary Grief - Answer
12-Mar the Passage with Lifeless Shoots - Answer
13-It Fled in a Noonday Fog - Answer
14-Right Here On Joseph’s Mountain - Answer
15-Substantial City of New York - Answer
16-Hither Removed From Bed - Answer
17-Grouchy Young Demon Scrooge - Answer
18-Oh Wicked Day - Answer
19-Peanuts Chilling in an Airtight Cooler - Answer
20-The Final Easter - Answer
21-Car Drive - Answer
22-You Four Paupers from Harlem - Answer
23-I’m Having Hallucinations About Black Friday - Answer
24-Go Away All Ye Unbelieving - Answer
25–You Saw the Gongs - Answer
26–Grand Silent Damsel - Answer
27-You’ll Be Gone For Halloween - Answer
28-I Heard Daddy Yelling at the Easter Bunny - Answer
29-Pounding Gongs - Answer
30-Eliminate the Depressing Ordinary DaysChr istmas Carol Opposites - Answer

Download the PDF Printable Version and take along to your next holiday gathering from Creations By Kara

More Christmas Rebus Riddles With Answers To Solve + Puzzles & Brain Teasers

Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

Goal:  To guess these 30 riddles about some "Opposite Christmas Carols". Preparation: – Pen and paper for each team How to Play : ...

Advent Idea 2022

(This list would be a good start for a blessing book/box.)
Several years ago, I saw a paper about "Getting ready for Christmas" gave some great advice. It involved concentrating each day on things we take for granted, and then adding something representative of the thoughts to a box for the needy. 
Around December 20 take the box of things to a food bank, homeless shelter, nursing home, etc. 
You could gift wrap the items and indicate on a tag what was in them or leave them unwrapped. It wouldn't hurt to add your "list" to the box, maybe a worker at the shelter or soup kitchen will pick it up and share it with someone for next year.
Pick one idea for each day that pertains to something in your life--or think up ideas of your own.
    1. I can afford the dentist...add a toothbrush and toothpaste to the box
    2. I have clean underwear each day...add a pair of new socks
    3. I have fruit to eat...add a can of peaches
    4. I can afford to be picky; not all children can...add a can of spinach (or whatever you dislike)
    5. I have light to read by...add a flashlight with batteries
    6. I am blessed with good vision...add a small, framed piece of art or a magazine with pretty pictures
    7. I have the gift of being able to hear...add a cassette of Christmas music
    8. I can smell...add a pretty pouch of potpourri
    9. I can taste...add a small package of holiday candy or chocolate
    10. My sense of touch is not impaired...add a soft blanket or plush animal
    11. I can read and write...add a book of poems/short stories/inspirations/etc, some pretty writing paper and envelopes, a nice pen
    12. I can walk, jump, run, dance...add a pair of cushiony insole inserts
    13. I have access to good medical care and insurance to pay for it...add a bottle of Tylenol, bag of cough drops, hot or cold pack, first aid kit, cute print Band-Aids
    14. I am fortunate to live in a clean, safe, warm home...add a bottle of dish detergent, some childproof outlet plugs, a smoke/carbon monoxide detector with new batteries
    15. I have friends and family who love me...add a necklace with a heart locket or a picture frame
    16. I have precious memories of family members who have passed on...add a pretty candle
    17. I can say what I want and vote for whom I want...add an American flag
    18. I have plans, dreams, goals, and hope for the future...add a pretty calendar for 2000
    19. I have friends near and far...box of all occasion cards and a book of stamps
    20. I can go to the beauty shop if I want...add a comb or brush.
    21. I am fortunate enough to have two bathrooms...add a bar of soap.
    22. I am lucky not to have to drag my clothes to the Laundromat...add laundry detergent.
    23. I don't have to wash diapers in a wringer washer and hang them out to freeze dry...add a box of disposable diapers.
    24. I have a nice warm house...add mittens, hats, etc.
    25. I have a car in the garage and can go where I want, when I want...add bus tickets.
    26. I can go on a date with my husband when I want...add a gift certificate for 2 to the movies and a gift check for a sitter.
    27. I have animal friends to love me...add some cat or dog food.
    28. I have a beautiful Christmas tree to celebrate Jesus' birth...add some ornaments.
    29. I can afford some treats...add a box of cookies or candy.
    30. I can feed my baby...add a bottle, nipples, liners, or powdered formula.
    31. I don't always eat grape jelly; even if it IS cheap...add your favorite jelly to the box.
    32. Jesus was a fisher of men...add some tuna or salmon cans to the box.
    33. My child has the advantage of a good school--add pencils, paper, crayons, etc. to the box.
    34. My child is blessed with imagination and creativity...add a Barbie doll, Legos, art supplies to the box.
    35. I can stay warm through the winter...add a coat or a blanket.
    36. I can groom myself well...add nail clippers, deodorant, shampoo, soap etc. (This is not meant as demeaning at all! When I did volunteer work for a women's shelter, they always asked for basic toiletries such as these.)
    37. I can take care of my baby...add diapers, formula, diaper rash ointment.
    38. I can afford to have fun...add movie tickets, video rental certificates.
    39. I can afford to take pictures of people and places that are important to me...add a single-use camera
    40. I have $ for food...add gift certificate to supermarket
    41. I have $ for clothes...add gift certificate (Nordies or K-Mart or anything in between!)
    42. I have a big garden...add a pot, zip baggie of potting soil, and some seeds or bulb (amaryllis, paperwhites?)
    43. I am blessed with two beautiful children...add a card/painting/drawing done by your kids
    44. I have friends I can call when I need someone to talk to... add a prepaid calling card
    45. I have a job--this one has me stumped...alarm clock, wristwatch, wallet?
    46. My checkbook balanced on the first try...add a pocket calculator and packet of pencils
    47. I'm blessed because my kids are healthy...include one of those fever strip thermometers.
Also see the Advent Activities MEGA list with over 94 advent activity ideas from:
Making Family Memories: A list of Christmas Countdown Calendar Family Activities
- 75 advent activity ideas for you on this PDF Prinntable
Thanks For Visiting November 2022 - Home For The Holidaze

(This list would be a good start for a blessing book/box.) Several years ago, I saw a paper about "Getting ready for Christmas" g...