In this quiz, you’ll find 10 multiple choice questions about Christmas Movies. These Christmas movie trivia questions are perfect to check how much you really know all the festive films.
Who was Tom Hanks in "The Polar Express"?
Complete the name of the movie "Miracle on ______ Street".
Who played Ernest in "Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)" ?
During which historical period is "White Christmas" set in?
Where does Buddy travel to in ‘Elf’?
Which one of the following actors was not in "Home Alone"?
Who was wearing the ‘ugly Christmas jumper’ in "Bridget Jones"?
Complete the name of the movie: "_________The Red-Nosed Reindeer".
Which Vampire Diaries’ star is also in the Christmas movie "Love Hard"?
For which British newspaper does Iris (Kate Winsley) work for?
Disclaimer: Note to the Authors of these wonderful stories and poems. In the spirit of spreading Christmas Cheer I would like to Thank all the wonderful authors of these poems/stories. The greetings were found on assorted public domains and have only posted them here for public enjoyment. I respect any copyrights that may be held on these works. If I have posted an original piece that is your property please contact me. I will gladly insert a link to benefit your endeavors or if need be we will remove the work upon your request. Please supply verification that the work is indeed copyrighted and that you are the holder of that copyright. With that being said, thank-you to all those that have contributed their skills in conveying the spirit of Christmas.