Retro DIY Crafts for Christmas #1

Today's DIY craft are "Survival Kits"
A simpe gift for your neighbors, teachers, mailman, policeman or anyone else who has helped you out this past year.

A fun project for the kids to put together and they learn thee importance of making something more special by creating the gift yourself.

There are numerous ways to create these on google searches and pinterest or just use your imagination.

Survival Kit for the Police

Police have a difficult and dangerous job and this survival kit is perfect for the Holidays.  Let them know how much you appreciate their work. So easy to put together. All you have to do is print, cut, glue, and fill with goodies!

Attach a gift tag that says:

Life Saver - To remind you of the many times you’ve been one.
Starburst - For that burst of energy you’ll need.
Payday - Because you’re not doing it for the money.
Paper Clip - To help hold it all together.
Hershey Kisses - Because you deserve them from all.
Gum - To help your unit to stick together.
Tootsie Roll - To help you roll with the punches.
Peppermint Patty - To help you keep your cool.
Snickers - To remind you to keep your sense of humor.
Mounds - For the “mounds” of courage you need.

Survival Kit for your Mail Carrier
* divert the dogs attention
Cotton cushion your rough roads
Snickers remind you to keep your sense of humor give you that extra "burst" of energy at the end of your route put your frustrations, worries and troubles in before you go home
M & M' remind you that you are "M"arvelous and "M"eaningful
Mounds Bar...for the mounds of miles you walk
Tootsie help complaints "roll" off your back
Happy remind you that smiling is contagious
*Symphony put some music into your route help you "cut" out the bad parts of your day keep you cool
P.S....I asked the Postmaster to increase your salary to "$100 GRAND" and he said that your "CHEX" are in the mail.

* Hamburgers......either the gummi candy ones, or gift certificates to MacDonalds/Burger King.
* Symphony Bar....Can be traded out for few Jingle Bells for the holidaze

See also Budget101's take on this gift or "35 Fantastic Gifts For Mailman".

Survival Kit for the Bus Driver
Tootsie roll - so you can "roll" down the highway
Sponge - to soak up the rain, so you don't have to drive in it
Mounds - for the mounds of miles that you drive
Marbles - to replace the ones you've lost
Gem - to remind you that you are carrying precious cargo
Aspirin - take two every day
Cotton Ball - to cushion those rough roads
Rubberbands - for when your patience is stretched
Tums - for all the nervous stomachs
Mirror - to remind you how important you are.

Survival Kit for a Teacher
Candle - for when you are up late grading papers
Shiny Penny - to remind you, each will shine in their own special way
Ear Plugs - when you just can't take anymore
Crayon - to color your day bright and cheerful
Hugs and Kisses - for when you need a hug
Rubberband - to remind you to be flexible
Eraser - to remind you everyone makes mistakes and they can be erased.
Marbles - to replace the ones you've lost
Lifesaver candy - you are a lifesaver to many of your students
Jewel - because you are as valuable as a precious stone
Puzzle Piece - without you the class wouldn't be complete
Paperclip - to hold it all together
Mounds Bar - for the mounds of confidence you give your students
Starburst - to give you a "burst" of energy when you need it
Mint - to remind you that you are worth a "mint" to your students
Tissues - to wipe away the tears...yours and theirs.
Gum - to help your class "stick" together
Bandaid - to help fix any hurt feelings

Also see my Holidays Survival Kit and the Christmas Survival Kit

Adapted from this archived site: Various Survival Kits for fireman, drivers, the golfer, fisherman etc.. in your life.

Thanks For Visiting Retro DIY Crafts for Christmas #1 - Home For The Holidaze
