Legend of the Snowflake

The Legend of the Snowflake

Long ago when the earth was young
there were two great elemental tribes,
the Hydrogen and the Oxygen
living in peace and harmony.

Then, one day on the vast hot plains they met.
And as often happens, some became bonded,
two Hydrogen to one Oxygen.
And this was called water and it was good.

Now the whole world rejoiced.
The wind sang and drums filled the sky.
Rains poured from up above
and the air filled with steam.

The fiery earth was subdued and cooled.
Soon waters gathered and made great oceans.
Life in great profusion and splendor burst forth
and drank deeply and richly of the water.

Soon came a time when the skies turned dark.
The world became dark and and all was cold,
frozen in a deep fear and winter sadness.
The water wept tears that turned to ice.

But all at once, a joyous miracle occurred.
In the clouds above, tiny crystals formed.
And they began to dance and grow
as more and more linked together.

They built delicate lattice snowflakes
of intricate unending complexities
that floated down through the air
bringing awe, hope, and joy to all.

And so now, in winter’s bleak cold,
we look forward to the snowflakes
and rejoice in their beauty and mystery
for they give us hope of life renewed.

This then is the legend of the snowflake.
What I have told here is true,
six-fold true and now you know.
Just examine a snowflake and you will see.

Author: LaughingPoet

Legend of the Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

Long ago a gleaming star led the way to a child born  in a manger.
Today it is believed that snowflakes are little pieces of the little star that lead us to the light of the world,  Jesus.


"Snowflake Poem" from Laurie Turk

Snowflakes falling from the sky
Help remind us exactly why,
Christmas came so long ago
Cleansing the earth like each new snow.

One pure, unique and perfect form
Who came to earth to withstand the storm,
Each snowflake melts as does the ice
But we can't forget the sacrifice.

So display this symbol of the season
To recollect what gives us the reason
One pure, unique and perfect form,
Who came to earth to transcend the storm.

Legend of the Snowflake (Craft Idea - with snowflake art)

Long ago a gleaming Star led the way from afar.
All through the night it shown bright,
to guide us to the Holy Light.
Legends say that snowflakes are pieces of that Special Star,
to remind us of Jesus wherever we are!
Freepic: How to make white paper origami snowflakes of different shape diy.

Also see my "Snowflake Art"

Some poems adapted from: TipJunkie and Greet2K

Thanks For Visiting January 2023 - Home For The Holidaze

The Legend of the Snowflake Long ago when the earth was young there were two great elemental tribes, the Hydrogen and the Oxygen liv...

Legend Christmas Pickle & Poem

I had always heard about the "Christmas Pickle" but never knew of the Tradition behind it til now.

The Christmas Pickle Tradition

Legend has it during a terrible war, a soldier was captured and held prisoner. The conditions at the war camp were horrific and the man was dying. He begged a prison guard for one last wish, a pickle. The guard took pity on this poor man and gave him the pickle. The kindness of the guard and the nutrition of the pickle gave the prisoner hope and the physical and mental strength to survive. When the war ended and he was released, the soldier returned home to his family. He then began the tradition of hiding a pickle in his Christmas tree. The first person to find the hidden pickle would be blessed with a year of good luck and fortune.

The Legend of the Christmas Pickle

Legend has it that the pickle symbolizes good luck, and in Old World Germany, it was the last ornament placed on the Christmas tree. The pickle was hung deep amongst the branches of the tree, not making it an easy quest. The first child to find it on Christmas morning was rewarded with an extra gift from St. Nicholas. The first adult to find the pickle traditionally gets good luck for the whole year!

    Christmas Pickle Poem:

    To start a tradition that will surely last,

    Here's the story about the pickle of glass.

    The night before Christmas, it's hung on the tree

    While everyone's sleeping, it's done secretly.

    And on Christmas morning, when you arise,

    The first one to find it will get a surprise!

    A family tradition for all to share,

    You'll look for the pickle year after year.

Legend of the Pickle Christmas Ornament Craft Kit

Each kit includes a printed card. Foam, googly eyes and satin ribbon for hanging. Makes 12 ornaments -.OrientalTradingCompany
Image Credit: © OTC
** See all their LEGEND crafts to make from Oriental Trading Company.**

The Christmas Pickle Book and Keepsake Ornament

There are many versions of how this tradition came to be, but until now, no one knew the truth! Join A Christmas Pickle Tradition on a journey to the Old North Pole where you’ll discover the story of Pickle Elf, and learn how the legend came to be.
    A Note From Santa: Leave me the Pickle. To hang on your tree. By the milk and cookies. Is where it should be. When the morning time comes. No sneaking, be smart! You must wait for your family. For the search to start. On the count of three. Little feet start to run. The search for the pickle. Has finally begun! The lucky child. Who spots it on the tree. Will receive the first present. A gift just from me.

"Hide the pickle ornament the night before Christmas in the tree. In the morning watch your loved ones, big and small, search for the pickle." Follow us to the Old North Pole and discover the story of Pickle, one of Santa’s mischievous elves, as he learns the magic of giving from author Tammy Lee Dwyer who also is thee author of "Santa Took My Presents Back".

Printable Tags from BreezyTeacher

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Thanks For Visiting January 2023 - Home For The Holidaze

I had always heard about the "Christmas Pickle" but never knew of the Tradition behind it til now. The Christmas Pickle Traditio...

Legend Babushka

Legend Of Baboushka

Babushka means grandmother in Russian, and it tells the story of an old woman who met the three wise men.

The  Legend  of Babouscka is an old Russian tale in which an old woman missed the chance to travel with the three wise men, then got lost on her way to deliver the  Christ - Child  gifts. She may be looking for him still, leaving gifts for other children along the way. The story was published in The Children's Book of Christmas  Stories  (1913)

The legend of Baboushka is about an old and lonely woman who is considered to have started the tradition of giving gifts to children. Baboushka, which means 'grandmother' or 'old woman' in Russian, lived in a big house, safe and warm. However, she led a very lonely life with no company, friends or neighbors.

She would provide food to the animals and birds and offer a resting place to weary travelers.When winter came, and winter in Russia is long and dreary, these little comforts would also fade away. Even the birds, that she would leave crumbs for, would desert her for warmer climes, leaving the old woman sad and lonely, wishing and praying for company.

Before long, she heard a loud pounding at her door and she rushed to open it, thinking that it must be a cold and famished traveler only to find three large horses with three noblemen dressed in the finest and richest clothes that she had ever seen.
Baboushka invited the men inside but they declined. Instead, they invited her to travel with them, to Bethlehem, where they were bound, they said, to find and welcome the child who would be the king of Jews and lead mankind to salvation.

She invited the men to spend the night her house so that they all can leave in the morning but they declined, saying that they do not want to get delayed, and set off. 
Later that night, she thought of the three men and the strange tidings about a New King. She felt sad at rebuffing their invitation and so, then and there, she decided to meet the Child. 

She gathered some trinkets to gift him and set out in the cold dark night. But, as luck would have it, despite travelling far and wide she could find neither the boy king nor the travelers.

 Legend has it that the old mother is looking for the boy king to this day and that whenever she meets a child she presents him/her with trinkets and continues on her search. Thus, from her, originates the custom of giving gifts to children on Christmas, no doubt to continue the pious work of Baboushka.
Adapted from: ChristmasFM, American Literature, World ofChristmas.net and Indobase, Expatica

Thanks For Visiting January 2023 - Home For The Holidaze

Legend Of Baboushka Babushka means grandmother in Russian, and it tells the story of an old woman who met the three wise men. The  Legend...

Maxine™ — New Year Resolutions

There's only 358 days left until Christmas!
Maxine is a Hallmark© image
Here's to living a longer, healthier, and happier life!
#New Year #Resolution #Maxine #Funny Quotes #Funny Cartoons



The Queen of Crabbiness

Maxine has the ability to tell it—and frequently yell it—like it is. Having been around the block a few times (or more), she can see the ridiculousness of modern life, and has no qualms about sharing her opinions. From sea to shining sea, Americans enjoy her no-nonsense take on relationships, aging, politics, the economy, stress, technology, the news and a host of other topics. She’s a voice for the people.

Sources: Yahoo Search 
20 Funny and Snarky Maxine Cards For Any Occasion

Thanks For Visiting January 2023 - Home For The Holidaze

There's only 358 days left until Christmas! Maxine is a Hallmark© image Here's to living a longer, healthier, and happier life! #Ne...