The Christmas Witch -
The Christmas Witch -
The Legend of the Christmas Witch - Full Movie By day Paola is a school teacher, but at night she turns into the Christmas Witch, a magical...
"Clarabell the Christmas Cow," was first published in The Commercial Appeal in 1976.
In 1997, the story was turned into an animated film, "Annabelle's Wish.
Read The Story or listen to the Video Story below
Like many of the traditions around Christmas, bells were first used in pagan winter festivals with the purpose of protecting the people of t...
Also view my original Posting here from Geocities
“Hectic Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit Here’s a gift that’s easy to put together and is bound to be appreciated. I know I’d love to r...
Adorable Little Christmas Gifts for The Secret Santa in you, Neighbors, Teachers, Co-Workers, Or For Those Unexpected Guests. Another w...
I have a game we played when I was a kid, and I will be "bringing it back" this year. It's called
"I Packed Santa's Bag" .
Sit with your group around the room...so everyone can see one another. The first person starts by saying "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put...", then they say what they put in there. Such as a teddy bear. Or in the case of 10 years olds...Santa's bag might be packed with a toilet, or boogers. Anyway...you get the idea. You can pack Santa's bag with anything.GAME 2 – I WENT CHRISTMAS SHOPPING…
The aim of the game is to remember as many Christmas items purchased at the shops as possible!Game 3 - Santa's Grab Bag
Game 4 - The Christmas Grab Bag
Game 5 - Christmas game: What's in the bag?
I have a game we played when I was a kid, and I will be "bringing it back" this year. It's called "I Packed Santa...
Spritz Cookies Galore These are a MUST at my home for Christmas every year. Even if we do not do anymore baking these are a "mu...
"A Book And An Activity Advent Countdown" Here is a list of all the books included in the "Activity Advent" per Cassi ...
"Twelve Days Of Christmas: A Story And A Treat" Day 1: A Christmas Family :: red envelope filled with chocolate coins Da...
Advent Box Activity Ideas: Cut out paper snowflakes (we usually do this early on to decorate the dining room windows) Make a gingerbre...
2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks
2 cups small pretzels
1 cup cinnamon imperials candy ("red hots")
1 cup dried fruit bits or raisins
1 cup peanuts or sunflower seeds
1 cup M&Ms brand chocolate candy
16 Hershey's-brand chocolate kisses
printable gift tags
===========Bugles: Bring us the joyful message of the Heavenly Host, announcing peace on earth, good will to men.
Pretzels: Symbol of a mother's loving arms; as Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger.
Red Hots: Red berries that decorate the holly plant, a reminder of eternal life and Christ's redemption.
Nuts or seeds: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
Dried fruits: Remind us of the rich gifts brought by the Wise Men.
M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
HUGS (LUKE 2:7) Mary embraced Jesus and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes.
MINI MARSHMALLOWS (LUKE 2:7) Jesus was laid in a manger and had no pillow for His head.
ALMONDS & DATES (LUKE 2:4-5) Almonds & dates are native to Israel – food for weary Mary & Joseph as they traveled to Bethlehem. 
PRETZELS (LUKE 2:9-14) Angel wings – Angels declare the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.
POPCORN (LUKE 2:15) The shepherds traveled to Bethlehem; corn is food for sheep.
3 MUSKETEERS (MATT. 2:2) Wise men from the East (traditionally 3) came to worship Jesus.
STARS (MATT. 2: 2) Wise men followed the star to find Jesus and worship Him.
GOLD CHOCOLATES (MATT 2:11) The Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
You use shredded wheat, animal crackers, chocolate stars and mini pretzels, and red and green M&M's. There are no specific amounts a...
Christmas Blessings Mix #1 Put the following items into treat bags, tied with raffia with the poem attached describing each item....