2016 Christmas Full Length Movies

The Legend of the Christmas Witch - Full Movie
By day Paola is a school teacher, but at night she turns into the Christmas Witch, a magical creature who brings gifts to good children on Little Christmas Eve. One night she disappears, kidnapped by Mr. Johnny, a cruel Toymaker whose childhood was ruined by the Witch and now seeks revenge. Six brave students learn her secret and embark on a rescue mission. Can they save Paola, and Christmas?

The Christmas Witch -

The Legend of the Christmas Witch - Full Movie By day Paola is a school teacher, but at night she turns into the Christmas Witch, a magical...

What kind of Christmas ornament are you?

What kind of Christmas ornament are you?

Copyright ©2002 Julia Bettencourt

What kind of Christmas ornament are you? Christmas DevotionaL: Ornament for Christ   Copyright ©2002 Julia Bettencourt

Legend of the First Christmas Bell

Like many of the traditions around Christmas, bells were first used in pagan winter festivals with the purpose of protecting the people of the city from evil spirits. As Christianity gained influence the use of bells changed from a pagan purpose to a Christian one

The Legend of the First Christmas Bell

The star shone brightly over Bethlehem, guiding the shepherds from the fields and the wise men from far off lands to the stable of the newborn King. But, in the city, a small boy, blind and alone, wandered aimlessly through the streets hoping someone would lead him to the Christ Child.

Suddenly, through the still night air, he heard the faint tinkle of a distant bell. He turned and began walking in the direction of the sound. Gradually, its music became louder and clearer and he heard excited voices.

As he approached the stable, a shepherd took his hand and led him to the manger. The
shepherd told him that the bell he heard hung around the neck of a cow watching faithfully over the sleeping Child.

The little boy knelt silently in prayer and thanked God for the Baby Jesus. And he didn't
forget a special prayer for the animal that had led him out of the darkness. Since that first Christmas.

"Clarabell the Christmas Cow," was first published in The Commercial Appeal in 1976.

 In 1997, the story was turned into an animated film, "Annabelle's Wish.

Read The Story  or listen to the Video Story below

Thanks For Visiting 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

Like many of the traditions around Christmas, bells were first used in pagan winter festivals with the purpose of protecting the people of t...

Christmas Survival Kits

“Hectic Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit

Here’s a gift that’s easy to put together and is bound to be appreciated. I know I’d love to receive it! (Except maybe the slimfast.)
  • Pocket date book - to track all of your “must do’s”.
  • Bath Salts - to soothe your weary body once you’ve done all your “must-do’s”.
  • Chamomile Tea - to calm, relax, and soothe away the tension.
  • Peppermints - to settle your tummy from overindulging.
  • Panadol - to take away the headache of overindulging in festive beverages.
  • Cookie mix in a jar - to spoil yourself and your family!
  • Slimfast - to kick-start the diet that you’re going to need.
  • Relaxing CD - soothing quiet music to listen to while wrapping gifts.
  • Sticky Tape - because it always seems to run out in the middle of wrapping.
  • Homemade Gift Tags - to make your wrapping even prettier.
  • Penny - so that Christmas doesn’t leave you penniless.
  • Marble - in case you lose all of yours!

“Happy Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit

  • Bauble - to make your Christmas sparkle!
  • Party Popper - to start the season with a BANG!
  • Starburst Candy - for a burst of energy during the Christmas season.
  • Funny Christmas Poems printed out - to make you laugh, for ’tis the season to be jolly!
  • Christmas Cracker - hope you have a cracking Christmas!
  • Cookie Dough - because everyone’s short on dough this time of year!

Christmas Survival Kit for Teenagers

  • Mint Gum & Chapstick - for the mistletoe action you will hopefully be getting ;-)
  • Trashy Gossip Magazine - when all the family is together and they seem completely crazy, reading about other people’s disfunctional personal lives may make you feel better.
  • Fizzy Bath Bombs - to relaaax at the end of the day.
  • Chamomile Tea - to help calm your nerves.
  • Personalised Music CD - put your headphones on and tune out the screams of your family.
  • Paperback novel - to entertain yourself when your family and friends have gone off the deep end.
  • Ibuprofen - to recover from the drama that friends and family create during the holidays.
(adapted from something I saw on Yahoo Answers)

College Student’s Christmas Survival Kit

I love this one. It’s for those times when you just don’t have the energy to party hard, but you’ve got to save face with your room-mate.
  • Candy Cane
  • Noise maker... you know, the spiral paper ones that stretch out when you blow into them
  • Confetti
  • Bottle caps
Instructions:  Drop the candy cane on the floor and tread it into the carpet. Blow the noise maker and toss it in a corner somewhere. Sprinkle bits of confetti all over the place. Put some bottle-caps in and around the bin. Now when your room-mate gets back from his/her party, they’ll think you had a party too, and won’t know that you had a quiet night in.
(adapted from something I saw on Yahoo Answers)

The “Corny Puns” Christmas Survival Kit

I had to groan when I found this one. It’s so corny I just had to share it ;-)
  • Stick of gum - to help you stick with it.
  • Candle - reminding you to shine your brightest.
  • Hershey’s Chocolate Kiss - to remind you that you are loved.
  • Match - to reignite your fire when you’re feeling burned out.
  • Tootsie Roll (or other candy bar) - to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew. [Hey, I like biting off more that I can chew, especially when it comes to chocolates.]
  • Sewing Pin - to remind you to stay sharp.
  • Smarties - to boost your brainpower when you’re feeling dull.
  • Starburst candies - to boost your energy when you’re feeling tired.
  • Snickers bar - to remind you to take time to laugh.
  • Bandaid - to fix things that just will not work.
  • Paperclip - to help you keep it all together.
  • Crackers or other nibbles - so you will always have “food” for thought.
  • Energiser Battery - so you can keep going and going.
  • Tea Bag - so you can sit back and relax.
  • Almond Joy Candy Bar - to remind you of the JOY of the season.
Pretty corny, right? I told you so.

Candy Bar Sayings Christmas Survival Kit

Uh oh. Here’s some more puns... brace yourself! This kit is a collection of candy bars with the following note. A lot of these candy bars are only available in the USA, so if you live elsewhere you’ll need to improvise.

The RIESEN for this greeting is to wish you a CAREFREE Christmas season! Don’t go NUTS while you are battling the MOUNDS of people doing your their last minute shopping. In fact, make sure you take a SWEET ESCAPE from shopping to enjoy the SYMPHONY of carol-singers’ voices. It’s okay to treat yourself during the holidays, so don’t worry about getting CHUNKY from all those sweets and cakes. There will be GOOD and PLENTY time to worry about that in January.Even though the path to Christmas may be a ROCKY ROAD, just think of all the ALMOND JOY you will receive when your friends and family see how well they SKORed with all those gifts. But don’t be a BUTTERFINGER unwrapping yours. At the end of the day, ask that BIG HUNK of yours to be a LIFESAVER and make you a cup of TEA. Sit back, relax and may your PEANUT BUTTER CUP overflow with SPECIAL TREASURES of holiday memories.

Holiday Survival Kit in a Mason Jar

  • Scarf
  • Mini Bottle of Wine
  • Gift Cards
  • Starbucks Via Coffee packets
  • Teabags or K- Cups
  • Set of Paint Chip Gift Tags
  • Gold Metallic Sharpie
  • Washi Tape
  • Tissues
  • Advil
  • Gum
  • Chapstick

  • adapted from: Heather @ "State of Mind"

    See also her Blessings Bag gift suggestion

BONUS: 21 Perfect Gifts For Preppers

Also view my original Posting here from Geocities

“Hectic Holidays” Christmas Survival Kit Here’s a gift that’s easy to put together and is bound to be appreciated. I know  I’d  love to r...

Neighbor Gifts - Mega List

Adorable Little Christmas Gifts for The Secret Santa in you, Neighbors, Teachers, Co-Workers, Or For Those Unexpected Guests.  Another way to use this list may be for the Holiday Survivial Kits or even the 12 Days of Christmas "You've Been Elfed" Concept.

    1. Box of Ho Ho’s -  ‘HO HO HO’ Merry Christmas
    2. Whoppers  -  Have a “Whopper” of a Christmas
    3. Snack Mix  -  Here is a “Mix” of holiday wishes for you!
    4. Matches  -  No one “Matches” you as neighbors
    5. Fleece Blanket  -  “Fleece” Navidad
    6. Box of Cherry Chocolates  -  Have a “Cherry” Merry Christmas
    7. Lifesavers  -  You’re a “life saver”
    8. Lawry’s Salt  -  “Season’s” Greetings!
    9. Whisk  - We “Whisk” you a Merry Christmas!
    10. Crayons and Coloring Book   -  We hope your holidays are colorful
    11. True Delights Granola Bars  -  It is a "True Delight" being your Neighbor
    12. Christmas Serving Tray  -  We “tray”-sure your friendship
    13. Goldfish  -  We “fish” you a Merry Christmas
    14. Cleaner  -  You add sparkle and brighten our lives
    15. Box of Tissues  -  We “tissue” a Merry Christmas
    16. Popcorn or Caramel Corn  -  Just “poppin'” in to wish you a Merry Christmas!
    17. Bag of Sugar  -  Wishing you a season filled with sweetness
    18. Toffee or Peanut Brittle  - Any way you break it, we think you’re the greatest
    19. Ice Melter and Scoop   -  “Scoop” up a safe and fun holiday season
    20. Popcorn and Pop  -  Just “Popping” by to wish you a Sparkling season
    21. Baby Carrots  -  You are 24 “Carrot” neighbors! Have a Merry Christmas
    22. Snowman  -  There’s “Snow” better neighbors than you!
    23. Warm Delights (Betty Crocker)  -  Wishing you Warm and Gooey Wishes
    24. Magic Markers  -  Friends are the “Magic” of Christmas
    25. Sprite  -  May your Christmas be Merry and Sprite
    26. Extension Cord   -  Our love “extends” to you and your loving family!
    27. Mint M & M’s  -  These are “mint” to wish you a “magical” and Merry Christmas
    28. Christmas CD  -  May the sweet song of Christmas fill your heart with joy
    29. Rice Krispies  -  Snap, Crackle, Pop! We think you’re the tops
    30. Bread  -  You have always been there when you were “kneaded”
    31. Mittens  -  Let us lend you a “hand” this Christmas season!
    32. Sparkling Cider  -  Wishing you a Sparkling Holiday season
    33. Christmas Cookie Cutter  -  “Cutting” out a perfect Christmas wish for you.
    34. Soup Mix  -  We wish you a wonderful holiday “simmering” gently
    35. Chex Mix  -  May your holiday be “Chextra” special!
    36. Twizzlers  -  “TWIZZ” the season to be jolly!
    37. Bananas  -  You are the best bunch of neighbors
    38. Calendar  -  Keep Christmas in your heart all year through
    39. Bubble Bath  -  May your holidays bubble over with joy
    40. Scented Candle  -  Have a “Scent”-sational Christmas
    41. Cheese Grater  -  Merry Christmas to a “Grate” neighbor
    42. Balloons  -  “Uplifting” wishes for a fun filled holiday
    43. Honey Bear   -  Have a “Beary” Merry Christmas!
    44. Soup  -  Wishing you a “Souper” holiday season
    45. Hand Soap   -  We “wash” you a Merry Christmas
    46. Jolly Ranchers  -  Have a Holly “Jolly” Christmas
    47. Measuring Cups or Spoon  -  Wishing you joy beyond “measure”.
    48. Salsa  -  Happy Holidays from your “nacho” ordinary neighbors
    49. Nutter Butter Cookies  -  There’s “Nutter Butter” than great neighbors like you!
    50. Jolly Time Popcorn  -  We hope you have a Jolly Time this Christmas
    51. Puzzle  -  “Piece” on Earth, good will to men. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
    52. Box of Fudge Brownies  -  ‘FUDGE’ a little on the calories and enjoy the Holiday Season!
    53. Cookie Dough  -  “We could all use a little extra DOUGH this time of Year”
    54. Apples and Caramel Dip  -  To a most “a-peeling” family. “Dip” into a very happy holiday season!
    55. Extra Chewing Gum  -  Just a little something “extra” this holiday season
    56. Symphony Candy Bar  -  Just a “note” of “sweet” Christmas tiding!
    57. Soda  -  We’d “Soda” like to wish you a Merry Christmas
    58. Popcorn Ball  -  Hoping you have a “ball” this Holiday Season
    59. Bread and Jam  -  Any way you “slice” it, You’re sweet neighbors
    60. Rhodes Frozen Rolls  -  “Rise” to the occasion and celebrate the holidays in a “tasty” way.
    61. Bagels and Cream Cheese  -  “Spreading” a little Christmas “shmear” to all our friends who are so dear!
    62. Energizer Batteries  -  Hope you have enough ENERGY to make it through the Holidays!
    63. Season Salt  -  You have been “seasoned” with love this holiday season
    64. Chocolate Covered Pretzels  - Christmas wishes have you tied up in knots? Here’s a treat to cheer you lots!
    65. Cheese Nips  -  We’re going to “Nip” it in the bud and wish you a “Cheesy” holiday season
    66. Christmas Ribbon  -  Just to help you “tie” up those loose ends this season! Merry Christmas!
    67. Pancake Mix  -  We’re “pouring out” Christmas wishes and hoping you have a Christmas to “flip” over.
    68. Pepperidge Farms Cookies  -  Homemade cookies would be so fine, but these are so much better than mine.
    69. "Moose Tracks" Ice Cream  -  Wishing you a Very Merry ChristMOOSE and a Happy New Year!
    70. Frozen Pizza  -  Warm up to a wonderful Holiday season “topped” with Christmas cheer
    71. Bag of Salad and Dressing  -  “Tossing” out a wonderful Christmas wish to you and yours all “dressed” up with Christmas cheer!
    72. Chex or Chex Mix  -  Santa “Chex” his list twice so be comforted as a neighbor you have been extra nice!
    73. Package of Pens  -  Whenever you need them, they’re never around, so here is a supply…’cuz your Christmas bound!
    74. Animal Crackers or Teddy Grahams  -  This neighborhood would be a “zoo” without you! Merry Christmas to a “beary” “grrreat” neighbor!
    75. Candle or Light Bulbs  -  May your days be happy, your heart be light, your Christmas merry and the New Year bright!
    76. Wrapping Paper  -“Wrap” yourself up in a wonderful holiday season, now hopefully you won’t run out this year.
    77. Snuggle Fabric Softener  -  Snuggle UP! It’s cold out there! May your home be filled with Warmth and Love this Special Season
    78. Pasta & Sauce  - We hope this new year is filled with endless PASTAbilities!
    79. Flashlight - May your days be merry and BRIGHT!
    80. Paper Plates  - Don’t let your dishes pile up this busy holiday seasons. Let our family ‘do the dishes’ this week! Merry Christmas!
    81. Bounty Paper Towels   -  This season may the “absorbing” spirit of Christ “blot” out your problems, “soak up” your sorrow, and “wipe” away your difficulties and may the new year bring you “bounteous” blessings all the year through!

Thanks For Visiting 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

Adorable Little Christmas Gifts for The Secret Santa in you, Neighbors, Teachers, Co-Workers, Or For Those Unexpected Guests.  Another w...

Game: I Packed Santa's Bag

I have a game we played when I was a kid, and I will be "bringing it back" this year. It's called

 "I Packed Santa's Bag" .

Sit with your group around the room...so everyone can see one another. The first person starts by saying "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put...", then they say what they put in there. Such as a teddy bear. Or in the case of 10 years olds...Santa's bag might be packed with a toilet, or boogers. Anyway...you get the idea. You can pack Santa's bag with anything.

So the first person says their item, then the next person goes...they say "I packed Santa's bag and in it I put a teddy bear, and a fruitcake..." The third person says "...a teddy bear, a fruitcake, and a TV". And so on.

Each person must say everything that was packed before and add their thing.

This can go on for quite a while. You will find it amazing how many things you can remember...we would end up looping around the room several times. If you miss, you are out.


The aim of the game is to remember as many Christmas items purchased at the shops as possible!

To play

The first player starts the game by saying, “I went Christmas shopping and bought a ____,” identifying an item they would buy.

The second player continues, “I went Christmas shopping and bought a (names the first player’s item) and a ___ (adding a new item to the list).”

Players continue taking turns to remember the items purchased in order as the list gets longer and longer. The winner is the last person who can correctly name all of the items in sequence.


This game can be adapted to many different scenarios, for example, “I went on holidays and packed…” or “I went to school and took …”

 Game 3 - Santa's Grab Bag


 Game 4 - The Christmas Grab Bag

Place an odd assortment of practical and silly gifts in a large bag. Once the gifts are collected, tie yarn or string around them, place them in the bag, and wa-lah…the Grab Bag is ready! The Grab Bag is passed around until the bag is empty ( I usually plan for 2-3 times around)

 Game 5 - Christmas game: What's in the bag?

What's in the bag? is a quick, simple, and inexpensive Christmas sensory game that can be played by kids of all ages.


Thanks For Visiting 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

I have a game we played when I was a kid, and I will be "bringing it back" this year. It's called   "I Packed Santa...

Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies Galore
These are a MUST at my home for Christmas every year. Even if we do not do anymore baking these are a "must have" year after year

"Buttery, crispy pressed cookies - a delicate, yet crisp, little cookie with a deep buttery flavor and a hint of almond. The decorating possibilities are endless when using these festive disk designs to press cookies, try topping with your choice of colorful sugars, sprinkles, chips, candies and more. Watch Wilton's online video for more suggestions."


  • 1/2 teaspoon no-color almond extract
  • 1 teaspoon Clear Vanilla Extract, 2 Oz. 
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  •  1 1/2 cups butter (softened) 
  • 1 cup granulated sugar 
  • 1 egg 
  • 2 tablespoons milk 

Step 1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Step 2. In bowl, combine flour and baking powder. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add egg, milk, vanilla and almond extract; mix well. Gradually add flour mixture to butter mixture; beat until combined. Do not chill. Fill cookie press with dough and with desired disks, press cookies onto ungreased cookie sheet. Step 3. Bake 10-12 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 2 minutes on cookie sheet on cooling rack. Remove from sheet; cool completely.

My First Cookie Press And Still Use Today

My Classic Recipe I've Used For Years

The Secret to a great spritz cookie is the room temperature BUTTER
and a COOL baking sheet for pressing cookies to keep their shape.

* 2 cup butter
* 1 cup white sugar
* 2 eggs [well beaten]
* 1 teaspoon almond extract
* 4 cups cake flour
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
Note: if regular flour is used you will NOT need to use baking powder and salt.
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
2. Cream together the butter and the sugar. Add the 3 beaten egg yolks and one teaspoon of almond extract. Mix until well blended.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. Gradually sift into the butter mixture and stir well.
4. Chill until firm (2 - 3 hours).

5. Using a cookie press, press out cookies onto a COOL cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes.
Recipe from Pampered Chef A delicious, delicate buttery cookie .
  • 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) butter (3 sticks), softened
  • 1 cup (250 ml) sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract
  • 3 1/2 cups (875 ml) all-purpose flour
  • Colored sugar or sprinkles (optional)
  • Candies for the centers of cookies (optional)


Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). In large mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar on medium speed of electric mixer about 3 minutes or until creamy, scraping down sides as necessary. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Add flour; mix on low speed just until blended, scraping down sides as necessary. (Dough will be soft; do not refrigerate.)Fit Cookie Press with desired disk (see Cook's Tip); fill with dough. Press dough onto Cookie Sheet 1 in. (2.5 cm) apart. Decorate cookies with colored sugar or sprinkles, if desired. Bake 10-12 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool cookies 2 minutes on Cookie Sheet; remove to cooling rack. Repeat with remaining dough.
Variations: Chocolate Spritz Cookies: Decrease flour to 3 cups. Increase sugar to 1 1/4 cups. Add 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder to flour mixture. Proceed as recipe directs.

Orange Spritz – Substitute 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract, Add 1 tablespoon grated orange zest with dry ingredients.

Almond Spritz – Replace the vanilla extract with pure almond extract.

Peppermint Spritz – Substitute 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract for the vanilla extract.

Mint Kisses – Add 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract. Immediately after removing cookies from oven place a chocolate candy kiss on each cookie.

Lemon Spritz – Replace the vanilla extract with 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon lemon zest (rind).

Butterscotch or Caramel Spritz – Substitute brown sugar for white (only change).

Coffee Spritz – Add 1 tbsp instant coffee and 1/4 cup pecans with the sugar.

Orange Pecan Spritz – Add 2 tablespoons orange peel and 1/2 cup pecans when you add the flour.

Peanut Butter Spritz – Reduce butter to 2/3 cup. Add 1/2 cup peanut butter.

Leftover Colored Doughs - Create a marble effect –
Fill the press tube with a portion of regular spritz dough along one length of the press cylinder, and a portion of Chocolate spritz dough along the remaining length of the cylinder. Press out dough through a decorative disc onto baking sheets for an interesting marble design/flavor.
Adapted Sources: whatscookingamerica

For Years I could've swore i used CREAM OF TARTAR in my cookies also... Thinking maybe it was an AMISH RECIPE ... AFTERALL They do know how to bake !!!!!!

Holiday-Butter-Cookies-Recipe-Ad-1972 from https://clickamericana.com

Spritz Cookies Galore These are a MUST at my home for Christmas every year. Even if we do not do anymore baking these are a "mu...

Chocolate Covered Cherries

Chocolate Covered Cherries 

"Easy, delicious cherries. Just like you buy in the box! These truly are better with time... the ooey-gooey center melts away and are great on Christmas Day!!

Chocolate Covered Cherries   "Easy, delicious cherries. Just like you buy in the box! These truly are better with time... the...

25 Days: A Book and A Craft

"A Book And An Activity Advent Countdown"

Here is a list of all the books included in the "Activity Advent" per Cassi (Crafty Crow)

1. Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin - 
Activity: paper snowflakes
2. Winter's Tale by Robert Sabuda
- Activity: pop-up cards
3. Petunia's Christmas by Roger Duvoisin
- Activity: chenille wreath ornaments
4. The Trees Of The Dancing Goats by Patricia Polacco 
Activity: tissue paper ornament silhouettes
5. Santa's Workshop by Al Dempster
- Activity: paper garland
6. The Baker's Dozen by Aaron Shepard
- Activity: time in the kitchen
7. Santa's Snow Cat by Sue Stainton
- Activity: popsicle stick stars
8. How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
- Activity: tinsel trees
9. Night Tree by Eve Bunting
- Activity: wild bird treats
10. Santa Mouse by Michael Brown
- Activity: miniature tree garland
11. I Like Winter by Lois Lenski
- Activity: Gumdrop Tree and Garland
12. Frosty the Snowman by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson
- Activity: Sock Snowpeople
13. Lights of Winter by Heather Conrad
- Activity: Peace Dove Ornament
14. The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth
- Activity:Gingerbread Man Beanbags and Games
15. Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree by Robert Barry
- Activity: Stacked Paper Christmas Tree
16. A Pussycat's Christmas by Margaret Wise Brown
- Activity: Rainbow Flyer Kitty Toy
17. The Christmas Hat by A.J. Wood
- Activity: White Chocolate & Peppermint Spoons
18. The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg
- Activity: Magical Miniature Wonderglobes
19. The Christmas Humbugs by Colleen Monroe
- Activity: Festive Fairy Light Votives
20. Carl's Christmas by Alexandra Day
- Activity: Fancy Felt Dog Collar
21. Ollie's Ski Trip by Elsa Beskow
- Activity: Glittery Foil Icicles
22. The Shortest Day by Wendy Pfeffer
- Activity: Miniature Felted Wool Wreaths
23. Buying Mittens by Nankichi Niimi
- Activity: Felted Wool Mitten Ornaments
24. The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore,

Adapted from the archives of : Crafty Crow

Thanks For Visiting 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

"A Book And An Activity Advent Countdown" Here is a list of all the books included in the "Activity Advent" per Cassi ...

12 Days: A Story And A Treat

"Twelve Days Of Christmas: A Story And A Treat"

Day 1: A Christmas Family :: red envelope filled with chocolate coins
Day 2: Rudolph---That Amazing Reindeer :: reindeer marshmallows, pooping reindeer, Peep reindeer, or this cute idea from Betty Crocker Wannabe (she makes IBC root beer look like reindeer!) I bought a 2-liter bottle to try it on because there are seven people in the family I'm giving it to and IBC only comes in six packs!
Day 3: An Older Brother's Gift :: Lifesavers candy book
Day 4: The Other Wise Man :: Ring Pop Jewels or candy necklaces
Day 5: Christmas Day In The Morning :: Cow tales (I had a hard time finding these!) or Milky Ways (since he milks the cow). I also saw farm animal bubble tape that was cow-shaped.
Day 6: In Shepherd's Field :: Pooping sheep or farm animal bubble tape (there was a sheep too!)
Day 7: The Christmas Orange :: chocolate orange or gummy orange slices
Day 8: A Christmas Gift For Jesus :: Candy dollars. This year I found mints at Dollar Tree that are printed to look like money, but I saw chocolate dollar bars everywhere. I even saw a huge chocolate dollar at Walgreens that was about 10"x12". How cool would that be?
Day 9: Why Christmas Trees Aren't Perfect :: Peep Christmas trees, Reeses Peanut Butter Trees, Little Debbie Tree Cakes
Day 10: Christmas On The Rhine :: Little Debbie Gingerbread Men
Day 11: A Brother Like That :: race car candies. This is one candy that I had a hard time finding this year. I ended up getting "Cars" fruit snacks.
Day 12: The Legend of the Candy Cane :: candy canes...this one I know you will be able to find!
I had the best luck at places like Rite-Aid, Shopko, Dollar Tree, and local grocery stores. I wrapped each candy individually, rolled up the story for that day and attached a tag that says what day it is supposed to be opened.

And in case you don't care for one of the stories or just can't find something to go along with it, here is an extra story and treat idea:
The Legend of the First Christmas Bell :: (chocolate bell candies)
The star shone brightly over Bethlehem, guiding the shepherds from the fields and the wise men from far-off lands to the stable of the newborn King. But, in the city, a small boy, blind and alone, wandered aimlessly through the streets hoping someone would lead him to the Christ Child.
Suddenly, through the still night air, he heard the faint tinkle of a distant bell. He turned and began walking in the direction of the sound. Gradually, its music became louder and clearer and he heard excited voices.
As he approached the stable, a shepherd took his hand and led him to the manger. The shepherd told him that the bell he heard hung around the neck of a cow watching faithfully over the sleeping Child.
The little boy knelt silently in prayer and thanked God for the Baby Jesus. And he didn't forget a special prayer for the animal that had led him out of the darkness. Since that first Christmas, bells have rung out the joy of the Birth, and called people to worship and prayer.

"Twelve Days Of Christmas: A Story And A Treat" Day 1:  A Christmas Family ::  red envelope filled with chocolate coins   Da...

Advent Box

Advent Box Activity Ideas:

  • Cut out paper snowflakes (we usually do this early on to decorate the dining room windows)
  • Make a gingerbread house
  • Decorate the tree
  • Host a cookie exchange party
  • Make cookies (we usually have more than one day of this)
  • Make crafts
  • School Christmas or band concerts
  • Visit Santa
  • Make Sibling Gifts
  • Make peanut butter ornaments for the birds
  • Make Dad’s Christmas biscotti
  • Decorate the girls’ Christmas tree
  • Go sledding
  • Go ice-skating
  • Make food for the reindeer
  • Make a Swedish Kringla
  • Celebrate St. Lucia’s Day
  • Watch Elf with popcorn and hot chocolate
  • Pappaw’s Christmas visit
  • Assemble Christmas cards
  • Assemble and mail Christmas packages
  • Make gift tags
  • Visit the Nativity
  • Grammy’s Christmas Concert
  • Make Ice Cream trees
  • Build a Snowman
  • Make Nutter Butter Santas
  • Practice Christmas Play
  • Host a Christmas sing-along
  • Go shopping for the Christmas Family
  • Drive around and look at Christmas lights
  • Visit the Christmas display at Macy’s
  • Play Christmas songs on the piano at the nursing home
  • Go to the Holidazzle Parade
  • Make treats for the dogs
  • Wrap presents
  • Make winter ice candles
  • Bring treats to an animal shelter
  • Go to a Christmas movie
  • Host a gingerbread house-making party
  • It’s Christmas Eve!
  • Merry Christmas!

Some days all I can manage is a joke: “What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?” Frostbite. Or “What do Santa’s elves learn in the North Pole school?” The elfabet.

TheSimpleParent offers a Free Printable with Jokes for youe Advent box.

Thanks For Visiting 2016 - Home For The Holidaze

Advent Box Activity Ideas: Cut out paper snowflakes (we usually do this early on to decorate the dining room windows) Make a gingerbre...

Christmas Bethlehem Mix +

You use shredded wheat, animal crackers, chocolate stars and mini pretzels, and red and green M&M's. There are no specific amounts as far as I can tell.


Getting ready for Christmas
And leaving Christ out
Is not what Christmas
is all about! 

So let us be like the HAY
That Baby Jesus lay on
And make a difference
In the life of someone. 

And as the ANIMALS shared their stable
With the holy family in need
Let's make enough room for the Babe
Open our hearts for Him to lead.

When the STAR of Bethlehem
Led the way to Christ
Can't we do the same
Leading others to this Star so bright? 

Let us join hands, everyone
And thank God for
The Greatest Gift of His Son! 

The Christmas colors we so love,
We remember Christ's blood and the eternal hope
He gave when He rose to Heaven above!

Christmas Blessings Mix #2

2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks 

2 cups small pretzels 

1 cup cinnamon imperials candy ("red hots") 

1 cup dried fruit bits or raisins 

1 cup peanuts or sunflower seeds 

1 cup M&Ms brand chocolate candy 

16 Hershey's-brand chocolate kisses 

printable gift tags


Bugles: Bring us the joyful message of the Heavenly Host, announcing peace on earth, good will to men. 

Pretzels: Symbol of a mother's loving arms; as Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger. 

Red Hots: Red berries that decorate the holly plant, a reminder of eternal life and Christ's redemption. 

Nuts or seeds: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence. 

Dried fruits: Remind us of the rich gifts brought by the Wise Men. 

M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future. 

Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives. 


Also See Nativity Christmas Story Trail Mix 
Here is what each item represents:

HUGS (LUKE 2:7) Mary embraced Jesus and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. 

MINI MARSHMALLOWS (LUKE 2:7) Jesus was laid in a manger and had no pillow for His head. 

ALMONDS & DATES (LUKE 2:4-5) Almonds & dates are native to Israel – food for weary Mary & Joseph as they traveled to Bethlehem.&nbsp

PRETZELS (LUKE 2:9-14) Angel wings – Angels declare the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. 

POPCORN (LUKE 2:15) The shepherds traveled to Bethlehem; corn is food for sheep. 

3 MUSKETEERS (MATT. 2:2) Wise men from the East (traditionally 3) came to worship Jesus. 

STARS (MATT. 2: 2) Wise men followed the star to find Jesus and worship Him. 

GOLD CHOCOLATES (MATT 2:11) The Wise Men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

You use shredded wheat, animal crackers, chocolate stars and mini pretzels, and red and green M&M's. There are no specific amounts a...

Blessings MIx

Christmas Blessings Mix #1

Put the following items into treat bags, 
tied with raffia with the poem 
attached describing each item. 

Bugles - the trumpet that announced His birth 
Pretzels - Mary’s arms wrapped around her baby 
Fruits & nuts - the gifts the Wise men brought 
Candy canes - shepherds’ staffs 
Chocolate stars - the star of Bethlehem 
Hershey kisses - the love He has for you 
Raffia - the hay in the manger that ties it all together 

Christmas Blessings Mix #2

  • 2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks
  • 2 cups small Pretzels
  • 1 cup cinnamon Red Hots candy
  • 1 cup Raisins
  • 1 cup Peanuts
  • 1 cup M&M's
  • 16 Hershey's Kisses
In a large bowl, gently mix all ingredients except Hershey's Kisses.
Place 1/3 to 1/2 cup Christmas Blessings Mix in small cellophane treat bags or zipper food storage bags. Add one Hershey's Kiss to each bag. Seal bag or fold down top to seal.
Attach your choice of free printable Christmas Blessings Mix gift tags or bag toppers, or hand-write your own tags with the wording below.
Makes 16 Christmas Blessing Mix gift bags.

Christmas Blessings Mix Poem
    Bugles: Bring us the joyful message of the Heavenly Host, announcing peace on earth, good will to men.
    Pretzels: Symbol of a mother's loving arms; as Mary wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger.
    Red Hots: Red berries that decorate the holly plant, a reminder of eternal life and Christ's redemption.
    Peanuts: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
    Raisins: Remind us of the rich gifts brought by the Wise Men.
    M&M's: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
    Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
Printable PDF: Here
Also See Bethlehem Mix

Christmas Blessings Mix #1 Put the following items into treat bags,  tied with raffia with the poem  attached describing each item....