Quiz - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

A multiple choice quiz about, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1983), a Must-See holiday favorite Christmas movie. Starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo. Written and produced by John Hughes. Directed by Harold Ramis and also starred Randy Quaid

1. Near the end of the movie, the characters sing which classic song?

2. Why can't Audrey see the Christmas tree when the family picks it out?

3. What kind of mug is Clark drinking from when he talks to his boss?

4. How many 'imported' Italian twinkle lights does Clark use on the house?

5. What store does Clark crash-land his saucer sled in front of?

6. What is Audrey's boyfriend named?

7. What does Clark do for a living?

8. Which two adjectives did Frank Shirley's wife use to describe Eddie?

9. Which animal does NOT make an appearance in the Griswold house on Christmas Eve?

10. What is Eddie's dog named?

Show me the answers!
Question 1: The correct answer is The Star Spangled Banner.
Question 2: The correct answer is Her eyes were frozen.
Question 3: The correct answer is Tasmanian Devil.
Question 4: The correct answer is 25,000.
Question 5: The correct answer is Walmart.
Question 6: The correct answer is Alexander.
Question 7: The correct answer is Food Additive Designer .
Question 8: The correct answer is Bulging and Beastly.
Question 9: The correct answer is Raccoon.
Question 10: The correct answer is Snots.

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