💡 Trivia - Charlie Brown

Here's an online quiz on one of my favorite Christmas specials! In memory of Charles 'Sparky' Schulz, 1922-2000.
Click on the green bars to see the answers!

Pig Pen is the only person that Charlie Brown knows who can do what?
"Raise a cloud of dust in a snow storm!"
When catching snow flakes on his tongue, Linus thought the flakes needed something. What?
"Needs sugar!"
What might Linus do with his blanket when he grows up?
"Maybe I'll make it into a sportcoat."
How much does Lucy charge for psychiatric help?
"Five cents please!"
During Charlie Brown's psychiatric session with Lucy, he reveals that he has pantophobia. What's that?
The fear of everything!
Instead of getting "a lot of stupid toys", what is it that Lucy wants for Christmas?
Real Estate!
In dictating a letter to Santa, Sally ultimately asks Santa for one gift. What is it?
"Just send money. How about tens and twenties?"
Lucy was kissed once during the show. Who kissed her?
Snoopy..."ahhhhggg I've been kissed by a dog!"
How many good reasons did Lucy give Linus to encourage him to memorize his lines for the play?
"I'll give you 5 good reasons!"....as she made a fist.
What part is Sally asked to perform in the Christmas play?
A shepard's (Linus) wife. "Isn't he the cutest thing!"
Here's a tough one: What song did Schroeder play indicating it was his selection for the Christmas play music?
Fur Elise. "Beethoven Christmas Music!"
What song did Lucy ask Schroeder to play that she didn't recognize until he finally played it with only one finger?
Jingle Bells
What traditional Christmas carol does the entire Peanuts gang hum, and then eventually sing at the end of the show?
Hark The Herald Angels Sing

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Trivia Champ Printable PDF, Useful Trivia 22 Buzzer Questions ,
13 Facts About A Charlie Brown Christmas - MentalFloss
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