P is for REINDEER Why?
... because reindeer PULL santa's sleighA guessing game about Christmas. Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a Christmas-related word daily thru december and the reader can browse previous posts related to the letter.
Reindeer Whistle
The Reindeer Whistle TM Poem Charged with magic, This special whistle let's Santa's reindeer know it's time to deliver all those gifts. Sound the whistle once and then head off to bed....Poems - Rodolph's Noses
Brown M-M's, one Red M-M and attached poem for this simple gift. also can use a few Maltesers/Whoppers, a Red Gumball and poem tag for another. Rudolph's Spare Noses Rudolph's nose is very...DIY - Reindeer Washcloths
WashCloth Reindeer ~ Cute way to give a bath gift Take a bar of soap (holiday scented, Irish Spring, or Dial I loved), wrap around a washcloth and secure with a rubber band. Make...Blogmas Day 8 - Reindeer
The Personalities, Traits and More for Santas Reindeer Reindeer Name Personality Dasher Favorites FAVORITE ELF - Scottie FAVORITE COOKIE - Peanut Butter FAVORITE...Dec. 7th - Missy Buckcakes
Today's Inspiring Greeting MISSY BUCKCAKES Look at Missy Buckcakes, All dolled up for a date, Hurry up Rudolph, You don't want to be late. Missy Buckcakes is lovely, As any reindeer can...
Script Source: Tutes Inside
Concept from the book "Z is For Santa"
by Stephanie Gokran and Alissa Davies.
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