E is for the NORTH POLE, Why?
... because ELVES work at the North PoleA guessing game about Christmas. Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a Christmas-related word daily thru december and the reader can browse previous posts related to the letter.
Receive Letter From Santa
Bring joy to the child, or one who is a child at heart, by sending them their very own letter from Santa Claus directly from his home at the NORTH POLE. Just click on the Santa or to...Game: Minute-To-Win-It List
Minute to Win It Christmas Games for All Ages... find more game logos at: logolynx.com #1 – CANDY CANE CATCH Supplies Needed: "4 Feet" Christmas Tinsel/Twine, 2 sturdy chairs, and candy...Elf - Pepper Minstix
Pepper is from a faraway land of mystical elves... the land of the Moorish Knights and Conquistadors. Spain. Pepper is a born soldier and a protector of the realm, and he has worked his way up...Elf - Wunorse OpenSlay
One of the few old Nordic Elves, Wunorse is in his middle years, around 600 years old and is solidly proportioned, akin to his Viking ancestry. His blonde hair is long past his shoulders, and...Elf - Shinny Upatree
Shinny is the oldest resident of the North Pole Village. He's even older than Santa Claus. He's about three feet tall, skinny and wrinkled up as a baked apple. Shinny is as crusty as week-old...Elf - Alabaster Snowball
Alabaster is quite a character. He's the only elf at the North Pole with a university degree. From Oxford no less. He's a good fellow, but is definitely in an intellectual world of his own....Elf - Bushy Evergreen
Being of sturdy Canadian stock, Bushy came from a family that literally sprouted from the forest floor way up North. Like most forest dwellers, Bushy learned the art of woodcarving at an early...Elf - Sugarplum Merry
Sugarplum Mary is the most marvelous of elfin cooks, and is the top assistant to Mrs. Claus in the kitchen. Sugar Plum Mary comes from a Northern Mountain Province in Asia where her...Blogmas Day 7 - Elves
:: OFFICIAL NORTH POLE ELVES :: Click image to view larger version :: ELF THEATRE :: Thanks For Visiting
Concept from the book "Z is For Santa"
by Stephanie Gokran and Alissa Davies.
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