C is for GINGERBREAD, Why?
... Because Gingerbread makes for a good home.A guessing game about Christmas. Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a Christmas-related word daily thru december and the reader can browse previous posts related to the letter.
Advent Day 10
2018 Advent Holiday Cartoon Recommendation A Family Circus Christmas (1979) Join the merriment as Daddy, Mommy, Billy, P.J, Dolly, and Jeffy decorate the tree and wrap presents. Then, get...Blogmas Day 21: GingerBread
The Perfect Man For the hard to buy for person on your list – give a gift of money in a cute way! Holiday Dough - Poem: Gingerbread man with yummy icing are oh so good and...To Do List
31 THINGS TO DO BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST Think Of this As A Holiday Bucket List. 1. call or visit a relative you haven't seen in awhile. 2. smile at a random stranger and wish them a "merry...Candy Grams
Holiday Candy Gram Sayings: Angel: Have a Heavenly Christmas! Apple Cider/Wassail mix: A little something to spice up a your Christmas! Basket (filled with treats): ...25 Days: A Book and A Craft
"A Book And An Activity Advent Countdown" Here is a list of all the books included in the "Activity Advent" per Cassi (Crafty Crow) 1. Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin...
Concept from the book "Z is For Santa"
by Stephanie Gokran and Alissa Davies.
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