2017 Holiday Price

Love this site! PNC is able to provide a snapshot of our current economy by pricing out each gift from “The Twelve Days of Christmas” year after year.

2017 cost is $34,558.00



This gift's spike in price can be fully attributed to the Pear Tree's increase (+5.2% from $189.99 to $199.95), while the Partridge remained flat. The Pear Tree spiked due to increased cost of living for workers and limited supply of larger, more mature trees.



These birds had no love lost as prices remained steady, after a hefty increase of 29.3% in 2016.



It’s been a quiet year for the French Hens. There was no change in their price or pecking order, due to steady supply and demand in the past year.



It was business as usual this year for these feathered friends. Their price was unchanged, selling right at market value. No need to call for a discount to stimulate sales.



After five years with unchanged pricing, Gold Rings are shining bright, jumping up 10% since last year, due to increased demand and popularity. Ooo la la!



Despite a slight increase in food prices, geese just laid back this year as the goose market remained stable and their pricing, uneffected. In years past, the goose market had fluctuated due to the avian flu.



Although historically the most unpredictable gift of the bunch, the swans swam in a straight line in 2017, staying the same price as last year.



The Maids-A-Milking are chugging along at the same price as last year, reflecting the stagnant federal minimum wage, which hasn't changed since 2009.



Despite a growing economy and rising demand for dancers, dance companies did not raise wages (and thus, prices) for the fifth year in a row.



The price to hire high-flying men to entertain your true love rose after two years of stagnant growth.



No price increase in the pipeline for these musicians. After their wage increase last year for the first time since 2013, the cost to hire Pipers in 2017 remained the same.



The Drummers kept the beat steady with unchanged pricing after a much anticipated wage and price increase last year.
For the most up-to-date PNC Christmas Price Index® information visit http://www.pncchristmaspriceindex.com

*Some Previous totals according to
The PNC Christmas Price Index

2016  $34,363.49
2015  $34,130.99
2014  $33,933.22
2008  $26,036.21
2002  $16,456.95
1994  $22,119.06
1984  $18,845.97

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Love this site! PNC is able to provide a snapshot of our current economy by pricing out each gift from “The Twelve Days of Christmas” year ...

Legend Rudolph

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a legendary reindeer, created by Robert Lewis May, usually depicted as a young fawn who barely has antlers, with a glowing red nose, popularly known as "Santa's ninth reindeer." When depicted, he is the lead reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. The luminosity of his nose is so great that it illuminates the team's path through inclement winter weather. 

Rudolph first appeared in a 1939 booklet written by Robert L. May and published by Montgomery Ward, the department store. 

The story is owned by The Rudolph Company, LP and has been adapted in numerous forms including a popular song, the iconic television special and sequels, and a feature film and sequel. Character Arts, LLC manages the licensing for the Rudolph Company, LP. In many countries, Rudolph has become a figure of Christmas folklore. 2014 marked the 75th anniversary of the character[4] and the 50th anniversary of the television special. A series of postage stamps featuring Rudolph was issued by the United States Postal Service on November 6, 2014 

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a 1948 animated short film by Max Fleischer based on the 1939 Robert L. May poem Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer about the reindeer with the same name. 


Rudolph is a reindeer, with an unusual red nose. Because of this, he is laughed at and told to go home by his peers. Saddened, he goes home, hangs his stocking and goes to bed. Meanwhile, in the North Pole, Santa Claus notices that the coming fog will be difficult to get through. Nevertheless, him and his reindeer brave out the storm and go anyway. While on the way, an airplane throws them off their course; they land at Rudolph's house, where Santa greets him. Telling Rudolph, "I need you tonight to guide my deer on the rest of our flight", Rudolph helps them. Due to his bravery, he is accepted and respected by his fellow reindeer and made their commander-in-chief by Santa; the reindeer enjoy a merry Christmas together. 

*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


RUDOLPH The Red-Nosed Reindeer® (1948)

Did You Know?

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. We should have known...

ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

Santa Claus Reindeer Ride in Rovaniemi in Lapland Finland

The Legend of Rudolf

This is the most ambitious of the shareware children's stories.  Set earlier in time than The Fifth Reindeer, this tale will cause you to completely rethink your notion of the Rudolf legend, from the very name (the jingle refers to "Rudolph") to the struggles this deer must face following the loss of his mother in a tragic accident, his discovery by Santa, and his stubborn bravery and purpose as he learns to fly.  A gripping and uncompromising story that reshapes this deer into a legend.  Download The Legend of Rudolf in US or European format (requires the Adobe reader).  Or, if you prefer, read online.


Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a legendary reindeer, created by Robert Lewis May, usually depicted as a young fawn who b...

Blogmas Day 25 - Poops and Soups

Christmas Treat Bag Suggestions:

  • Elf Pillows = handfull of Candy Cane Taffy
  • Grinch Pills = handfull of Green M&M’s or Tic Tacs
  • Reindeer Treats = handfull of M&M’s Sweet & Salty Snack Mix
  • Elf Poop = handful of Holiday M&M’s (green and red)
  • Snowman Soup = 1 packet Hot Cocoa, mini Marshmellows and small Candy Cane each bag
  • Mrs. Claus Kisses = handfull of Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses 
  • ‘Twiz The Season = 1 bag small snack size Twizzlers each
  • Penguin Poop = handfull yogurt covered Raisins
  • Reindeer Noses = 8 Whoppers and 1 Cherry Sourball each bag
  • Gingy S’mores = 1 Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar (snack size), 1 Kraft Jet-Puffed StackerMallows and 2 Gingerbread cookies each bag
  • Build A Snowman Kit = 3 large Marshmellows, 2 pretzel sticks, 3 mini chocolate chips, and 1 candy corn/fondant orange nose each


Combine oats and sprinkles in a small bowl. Add glitter if desired.
Place in zip top bags until Christmas Eve night.


Sprinkle on the lawn Christmas Eve night.
The moonlight will make it sparkle bright.
As Santa’s reindeer fly and roam.
This will guide them to your home.


Suggestion: Chocolate Covered Raisins


Christmas is coming and so are the deer
Listen closely and you will hear,
And 'long with them comes a special treat,
Reindeer droppings for you to eat !!!!!


 I hear that you've been naughty, So listen, here's the scoop.
 I'm running short on coal this year; So you get Reindeer Poop!


I came wide awake when I heard Santa call,
"Dash away, Dash away, Dash away all."
Grabbing my robe, I ran out to the lawn,
but reindeer and Santa were already gone.
So with my shovel I started to scoop,
all of the droppings--gourmet reindeer poop!
I thought, "Oh my goodness!! I'll put them in bags,
and then I'll attach a cute, colorful tag!
My friends will just LOVE them, they're good as can be!"
Merry Christmas to you from the reindeer and me!

Poem #4

For all the souls who hate the noise
Of Christmas cheer and lights and toys
For Mr. Scrooge, and Mrs. too,
Here's a little gift for you ...
A lump of coal won't be enough
To make up for the shine and fluff,
So, here's a scoop of reindeer poop
To offset all that Christmas Goop !!!

Poem #5

I woke up with such a scare when I heard Santa call...
"Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
I ran to the lawn and in the snowy white drifts,
those nasty reindeer had left "little gifts".
I got an old shovel and started to scoop
neat little piles of "reindeer poop".
But to throw them away, seemed such a waste,
So I saved them, thinking ~ you might like a taste!
As I finished my task, which took quite awhile,
Old Santa passed by and he sheepishly smiled.
And I heard him exclaim as he rose in the sky ~
"Well, they're not potty trained, but at least they can fly!"

Poem #6

We were awakened when we heard Santa call,
Dash away, Dash away, Dash away all."
But soon we discovered, out on our lawn,
Santa and his reindeer were all gone.
With our little shovel we started to scoop,
All of the droppings ... "YUCK", reindeer poop!
But then we so generously filled up your sack.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your snack!!!"

** More Poops And Soups ::  Elf Poop,  Mice Poop,  Moose Poop,  Penguin Poop

Adapted From:  MommySavers,  iHeart Naptime

Christmas Poem - Magical Reindeer Food - Reindeer Soup

Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Christmas Treat Bag Suggestions: Elf Pillows = handfull of Candy Cane Taffy Grinch Pills = handfull of Green M&M’s or Tic Tacs Re...

Blogmas Day 24 - Jesus

:: The True Reason For The Season ::

A simple 12 days of CHRIST gift idea with a tag and gift idea for each day of Christmas.


Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

:: The True Reason For The Season :: Simple 12 Days of CHRIST- Christmas Gift Idea - So Festive! A simple 12 days of CHRIST gift ide...

Blogmas Day 23 - Origami

Origami 【Gift Box】 with One Sheet of Paper

DIY Paper Gift Box / Origami Box tutorials ::

#2 Another Simple Box - YouTube VIDEO Tutorial

#3 https://youtu.be/xTzkrm63AIQ YouTube VIDEO Tutorial

 #4 https://youtu.be/LhjtYhviGNg VIDEO

#5 Origami Box VIDEO

Origami 【Christmas Bell】 Tutorial

Origami【Christmas/Santa Claus】 EASY Tutorial

DIY 【Origami Santa Claus】MEDIUM Tutorial

DIY 【Origami Santa Claus】 ADVANCED Tutorial

【Origami Christmas Tree】 Tutorial

【Origami Christmas Star】 Easy Tutorial

【Origami Christmas Star】 #2 Tutorial

【Origami Christmas Wreath】 Tutorial

Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Origami 【Gift Box】 with One Sheet of Paper DIY Paper Gift Box / Origami Box tutorials :: #2 Another Simple Box - YouTube VIDEO Tutoria...

Blogmas Day 22 - Survival Kits

Holiday Survival Kit

When the holidays are not much fun
...Take one
When all that stress is getting to you
...Take two
When the hardest part is picking a tree
...Take three
When you just can't take it anymore
...Take four
Oh what the heck, just eat them all!

Box of Chocolates, Mints, M-M's, etc...
Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Holiday Survival Kit When the holidays are not much fun ...Take one When all that stress is getting to you ...Take two When the hardes...

Blogmas Day 21: GingerBread

The Perfect Man

For the hard to buy for person on your list – give a gift of money in a cute way! 

Holiday Dough - Poem:

  Gingerbread man with yummy icing
are oh so good and extremely enticing,

   I set out to make a dozen or two
but ran out of time. oh what do I do?

   So instead of the cookies I tied a bow
your own personal serving of holiday dough!

Find article and instructions HERE from LadyBehindTheCurtain

Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

The Perfect Man For the hard to buy for person on your list – give a gift of money in a cute way!  Holiday Dough - Poem:   Ginge...

Blogmas Day 20 - Dollar Tree Gifts



Blogmas Day 19 - Candy-Canes

Reindeer Candy Canes

Candy Cane Reindeer Printable #2

https://jinglebelljunction.com/2011/11/candy-cane-mice/" target="_blank">Candy Cane Mice

Candy Cane Legend -- Link Back

Candy Cane Seeds

Grinch Candy Canes Poems

Just buy the green colored candy canes and attach the following poem:

When the Grinch discovered
There was no way,
To Keep Christmas from coming
On Christmas day,
He devised a new plan...
Though not quite as mean.
He licked all the candy canes,
Til he turned them all green.

Printable here

Every Who Down in Who-ville Liked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch, Who lived just North of Who-ville, Did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
But, Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
"I know just what to do!" The Grinch laughed in his throat.
And he chuckled, and clucked, "What a great Grinchy trick!
IÂll lick all the candy canes, and turn them all green!

Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

Reindeer Candy Canes Candy Cane Reindeer Printable #2 https://jinglebelljunction.com/2011/11/candy-cane-mice/" target="_blank...

Blogmas Day 18 - Zodiac

For Gemini May 21 to June 20:

Your Zodiac Sign Reveals How You Will Be Spending The Holiday Season

A Gemini will thrive in the chaos of Christmas shopping, and will often get a head start. Black Friday is the perfect day to jump in, and they are often able to handle the crowds better than others.



The Abominable Snowmonster of the North

At first, the Abominable Snow Monster known as Bumble is mean, scary, and totally hates the holidays. He’s kind of a grinch, until the end of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer when he becomes one of the good guys. This dualistic nature isn’t as intense in you, dear Gemini, but it still rings true. You have many layers to you, and though it may take a while to reveal your true self, it’s a special gift when you finally do.


Your Christmas Holiday Movie Character Based On Zodiac Sign

The Zodiac of the truly gentle spirits who are both adaptable and curious. Gemini is great at talking to nearly anybody and creating a pleasant situation for everybody through their personality and the ease with which people can get along with them.

The Gemini is capable of adapting to every situation they’re in, making them both fun when they need to be and serious when it’s called for. So, obviously, the best character for them has to be Amy from Bad Mom’s Christmas.

Okay, maybe you don’t want to drink as you shop. But you do adjust well to whatever life throws your way. Like when her mother comes over for Christmas unexpectedly and you still just deal with it? Now that’s the Christmas spirit.


Holiday Gift Ideas based on their Zodiac Sign

GEMINI: Something for a party -
From casual get-togethers to full-on extravagant events, a Gemini can never pass up a party.
Geminis are the life of the party. Give the Gemini in your life a little something to help them be the host with the most. Decorations for their next theme party, some new speakers, or a set of martini glasses in the hands of a Gemini make for a party no one wants to miss. New Year's is just around the corner, after all.


A Christmas Tradition For Every Zodiac Sign 

As one of the most social signs of the zodiac, a Gemini usually enjoys meeting and being around many people, which makes a mall his or her ideal hangout during the holiday. This chatty air sign will most likely be found visiting the resident Santa Claus and detailing his or her wish list. Additionally, as the twin sign of the zodiac, a Gemini could fall under both the naughty and nice list. Gemini, let your childlike wonder be your guide this season.


Which Holiday Flick Will Be Your Fave Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini (May 21-June 20): White Christmas
Geminis are gentle creatures, so a good triumphant ending to a holiday tale isn't merely an added bonus, it's a requirement. White Christmas will have you feeling good and getting into the holiday spirit.

Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

For Gemini May 21 to June 20: Your Zodiac Sign Reveals How You Will Be Spending The Holiday Season A Gemini will thrive in the cha...

Blogmas Day 17 - GagGifts

The winner of this one thinks he got a real dud of a gift…until he opens it!
gift 5

2. Gift cards with random remaining balances (that you have hanging out in your purse).
I have one from 5 years ago that is still good with $2.53 on it.  Someone’s getting it this year!
21 laugh out loud white elephant gifts

Christmas Seeds

Though you can't really sow them
And they won't produce a tree
I hope this pack of Christmas Seeds
Will bring you winter cheer.

Just "plant" one gently on your tongue
And if it makes you grow a smile
Then all is well with Christmas
Cause the seeds have hit their spot.

Ingredient Suggestions: Any Christmas themed candy

More Suggestions

  • Candy Cane Seeds

  • Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

    1.  Hidden cash gift The winner of this one thinks he got a real dud of a gift…until he opens it! 2. Gift cards with random rema...

    Blogmas Day 16 - Candy


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    Blogmas Day 15 - Games

    :: Family Game Night ::


    Have all your party guests sit on the ground in a circle. One person will begin with the ball, while the person to their left has a pan with two dice in it. Once the game begins, the person with the ball puts on oven mitts and tries to unwrap as much as they can, while the person to the left tries to roll doubles.

    White Elephant persay "Reindeer" Pass

    Example: For twenty-five years, two brothers-in-law traded the same pants back and forth between them as a Christmas gift, each time finding more inventive ways to wrap them.
    Note: This one is special to me as this concept came from Family realtives (Larry Kunkel) of my own here in Minnesota.
    Board Games

    'Minute To Win It' Group Games


    The Snowball Toss

    The goal was to throw the marshmallows, one at a time, through the wreath and land at least 10 in the bucket within 60 seconds.

    The Christmas Nutstacker Game 

    The premise of this game was to load your candy cane with the 8 nuts and then stack them on top of each other - one at a time.

     'Do You Hear What I Hear'?
    In this challenge, the Christmas tradition of shaking presents to figure out what's inside was turned into a 60-second game. Using the lift, rattle, and listen method, you must arrange 7 gift boxes filled with different quantities of jingle bells in ascending order from 5 bells to 35 bells - and then note your guess of the order on your score card.

    Christmas Ball
    This game was surprisingly one of the most challenging games of the night. The premise of this TIMED game is to "fan/wave" an Ornament using a wrapped gift box into a select area marked on the floor.

    Jingle in the Trunk

    Oh Christmas Tree
    Set up in a central room for two reasons for more fun - If you failed and the cups came crashing down, everyone would know!

    Thanks to Callie for these fun games and pictures .. Templates can be found  here.

    . : More Group Games :.

    The first game was 'Face the Gingerbread Man' and the goal of the game was to move the cookie that had been placed on your forehead into your mouth using only the muscles of your face.


    Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

    :: Family Game Night :: Cellophane Wrap / Oven Mitt Game Have all your party guests sit on the ground in a circle. One person will...

    Blogmas Day 14 - Snowflakes

    Snowflake Quotes:

    Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together.   - Verna M. Kelly

    Snowflakes Are Beautiful. Pure And White. And Just Like Us, No Two Are Alike   - Unknown

    When I Look At A Snowflake, You Come To Mind.  'Cause just like a snowflake, You're one of a kind!   - Unknown

    The Meaning of the Snowflake ~ Poem

    Every new snowflake comes to the earth
     as a picture of our Saviour’s birth,
     because they are sent from up above
     and remind us of God’s care and love.

     Each one is so intricate and small
     because Christ sees the details of us all,
     and just as two are never the same
     the Lord knows and calls us each by name.

    Snowflakes gently cover the world in white
    and hide what's unlovely from our sight,
    showing us how he covers our sin
    and gives us his Grace when we come to Him.

    so may every snowflake bring Christ to mind.
    and in ever bit of white may you find
    a reason to celebrate anew
    and a reminderof His love for you.

    ~ Holley Gerth ~

    The Legend of a Snowflake

    Long ago, a gleaming star led the way to a Child born in a Manger.
    Today it is believed that Snowflakes are little pieces of that special Star
    that leads us to The Light of the World, Jesus.

    ** Also check out my SNOWFLAKE LEGEND Page 
    and the SNOWFLAKE ART page with the 2018 Snowflakes For Gramma Project

  • Button Snowflake Craft
  • 10 Printable  Snowflake Templates - Woo Jr's Kids Activities
  • How make the Perfect Paper Snowflake Tutorial from Martha Stewart
  • Borax Crystal Snowflakes made with pipecleaners
  • >DIY Coat Hanger Snowflake craft
  • >Version #2 Clothing Hanger Snowflake Instructions (with pictures)

  • Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

    Snowflake Quotes: Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together.    -  Vern...

    Blogmas Day 13 - Family

    Gift Exchange Games for Family

    A Simple way of sharing your love with Family members is with an Gift Exchange of sorts to make the holidays more memorable.
  • Start a rotating gift box - Oldest member fills a box with locally made, low-cost items—one for each family member—and a personal note, and mails it off. The first sibling who receives the box takes out 1 gift, puts in three of her own, adds to the note, and ships everything on to the next. The box rotates like that until it has made the rounds of all the siblings, ending up back with the original sibling who started this rotation, complete with personal notes from her siblings and their gifts to her.
  • Introduce a gag gift. - Find an Unique Holiday Item or wrap up your most egregious or inexplicable Christmas present from last year for an unsuspecting family member. It becomes that person's responsibility to pass it along, like a hot potato, the next year to another family member.

  • 1/2 cup of Hugs
    4 teaspoons Kisses
    3/4 cup of Smiles
    4 cups of Love
    1 cup of Special Holiday Cheer
    1/2 cup of Peace on Earth
    3 teaspoons of Christmas Spirits
    2 cups of Goodwill Towards Men
    1 Sprig of Mistletoe
    1 medium size bag of Christmas Snowflakes

    Mix Hugs, Kisses, Smiles, and Love until consistent.
    Blend in Holiday Cheer, Peace on Earth,
    Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Men.
    Use the mixture to fill a large, warm heart where it
    can be stored for a lifetime, for it never goes bad!
    Serve as desired under Mistletoe, sprinkle liberally with
    Christmas Snowflakes
    It is especially good when accompanied by Christmas
    carols and family get-togethers.
    Serve to one and all!
    Author Unknown 

    12 Festive Holiday Gift Exchange Ideas - check out these suggestions. Includung Yankee Swap, A Scavenger Hunt, Trivia Swap, Gift Auction (with monopoly money of course)

    8 Fun Family Gift Exchange Ideas - Suggestions include Musical Gifts, Drawing Names, Grab Bag, Secret Santa, Etc...

    Photo Credit: WishMSG.com
    Thanks For Visiting 2017 - Home For The Holidaze

    Gift Exchange Games for Family A Simple way of sharing your love with Family members is with an Gift Exchange of sorts to make the holiday...