Today we are talking about BLOGMAS!
Blogmas - the yearly tradition of bloggers trying to post new content every day until Christmas
For those of you who don't know what blogmas is it begins the start of December and goes for 25 days [or 12 if desired].
25 Days | 25 Thoughts | 25 Blogs
Here is what I am working on for 2017
Blogmas Day 25 - Poops and Soups
Fun little snack, gifts for neighbors, and treats to put together with your children.
Blogmas Day 24 - Jesus
Blogmas Day 23 - Traditions
Blogmas Day 22 - Survival Kits
Blogmas Day 21 - GingerBread
Blogmas Day 20 - Dollar Tree Gifts
Blogmas Day 19 - Candy Canes
Blogmas Day 18 - Zodiac
Blogmas Day 17 - GagGifts
Fun little last minute gag gifts for family, co-workers
Blogmas Day 16 - Candies
Amazing sweets made with almond bark, plus more
Blogmas Day 15 - Games
SaranWrap Ball, White Penquin,
Blogmas Day 14 - Snowflakes
Snowman Soup, Poop, Flakes, Poem
Blogmas Day 13 - Family
Thee importance of Family and how to treasure the moments
Blogmas Day 12 - Cookies
My favorite [cake mix, spritz] cookie recipes etc...
Blogmas Day 11 - Symbols
What the basic symbols of christmas do mean and DIY projects to share.
Blogmas Day 10- Movies
Top movies I love for the season!
Blogmas Day 9 - Ornaments
Suggestions for what makes an "Ornament" Special
Blogmas Day 8 - Reindeer
Reindeer Personalities and Traits
Blogmas Day 7 - Elves
Elf on the Shelf, The Movie Elf, poops and soups and more crafts.
Blogmas Day 6 - Books
Start a New Tradition, Christmas Eve box, and more
Blogmas Day 5 - Music
All The Holiday Music you can handle from Movies , Classics, Country, Pop,
Blogmas Day 4 - Cocoa
Yummy Chocolately Goodness! Hot Cocoa Mix, Hot Cocoa Soups, Crafts ...
Blogmas Day 3 - Snow
From Central Mn - Let it Snow - and more winter fun.
Blogmas Day 2 - Quotes
Holiday Quotes, Humor Quotes, Srapbooking,
Blogmas Day 1 - Bucket List
Holiday Light Adventures, Random Acts Of Kindness, RAOK'd and/or Elf'd
Blogmas 2017 Bonus :
Printable Advent Activites Page 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Thanks For Visiting
Blogmas 2017 - Mega List - Home For The Holidaze