Blogmas Day 14 - Snowflakes

Snowflake Quotes:

Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together.   - Verna M. Kelly

Snowflakes Are Beautiful. Pure And White. And Just Like Us, No Two Are Alike   - Unknown

When I Look At A Snowflake, You Come To Mind.  'Cause just like a snowflake, You're one of a kind!   - Unknown

The Meaning of the Snowflake ~ Poem

Every new snowflake comes to the earth
 as a picture of our Saviour’s birth,
 because they are sent from up above
 and remind us of God’s care and love.

 Each one is so intricate and small
 because Christ sees the details of us all,
 and just as two are never the same
 the Lord knows and calls us each by name.

Snowflakes gently cover the world in white
and hide what's unlovely from our sight,
showing us how he covers our sin
and gives us his Grace when we come to Him.

so may every snowflake bring Christ to mind.
and in ever bit of white may you find
a reason to celebrate anew
and a reminderof His love for you.

~ Holley Gerth ~

The Legend of a Snowflake

Long ago, a gleaming star led the way to a Child born in a Manger.
Today it is believed that Snowflakes are little pieces of that special Star
that leads us to The Light of the World, Jesus.

** Also check out my SNOWFLAKE LEGEND Page 
and the SNOWFLAKE ART page with the 2018 Snowflakes For Gramma Project

  • Button Snowflake Craft
  • 10 Printable  Snowflake Templates - Woo Jr's Kids Activities
  • How make the Perfect Paper Snowflake Tutorial from Martha Stewart
  • Borax Crystal Snowflakes made with pipecleaners
  • >DIY Coat Hanger Snowflake craft
  • >Version #2 Clothing Hanger Snowflake Instructions (with pictures)

  • Thanks For Visiting Blogmas Day 14 - Snowflakes - Home For The Holidaze