Blogmas Day 1 - Bucket List

:: My Christmas 2017 Bucket List ::

    1. Start an Advent Calendar

    2. Light a scented Christmas candle

    3. Attend a local Holiday event

    4. Make a Playlist of Holiday Tunes

    5. Buy and decorate a Christmas tree

    6. Buy Christmas Gift for child in need

    7. Take part in Operate Gratitude

    8. Decorate with Christmas lights

    9. Make various types of hot cocoa

    10. Watch a Christmas Cartoon Classic

    11. Make at least one NEW Christmas treat

    12. Drive around and look at Christmas Lights/ Scavenger Hunt

    13. Make Christmas Cards for family

    14. Christmas Movie marathon weekend (Revised)

    15. Do some "Random Acts of Kindness" around town

    16. Go to a Starbucks and get a holiday drink

    17. Buy new Christmas jammies

    18. Play in the Snow - Snowman, Fight, Angels or Walk

    19. Have a Family Board Game night

    20. Drink eggnog [lots of it *wink*]

    21. Make homemade Gag-Gifts for family

    22. Make some Paper Snowflakes with Riddles attached

    23. Open the blinds and watch a winter snow fall

    24. Decide on a New Year’s reasonable resolution

    25. Plan/Make your Christmas morning breakfast bake

    26. Go to a Christmas Eve church service

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