Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange

If you’re going to a white elephant gift exchange, the goal is to bring something that will make people laugh. I know some people tend to go on the more offensive route, but that’s not my thing so these gifts are funny without being offensive such as the one listed below. I also try to bring things that are funny but not something that will go in the trash as soon as everyone leaves. So no empty paper towel rolls or broken picture frames.

"A white elephant gift is a gag gig, something that’s designed to be funny and not taken seriously."


Each white elephant is run differently, but typically it follows these general rules of thumb:

  1. Each participant brings a wrapped gift to add to the pool.
  2. Players draw numbers to know which order they will choose their gift.
  3. Everyone sits in a circle so they can see all the gifts in the center.
  4. The person who drew #1 goes first by picking a gift from the center and unwrapping it.
  5. The following players can choose to either steal a previous player’s gift or an unwrapped gift from the pool. If someone gets their gift stolen, they can do the same thing – pick a new gift or steal from someone else. Things to keep in mind:
    1. A gift can only be stolen once per round.
    2. A gift can only be stolen THREE times total (or things will drag on – trust me!)
  6. The game ends with #1 going again and swapping his/her gift with someone else’s.

There are different variations of the game you can play, but these are the standard rules everyone goes by.

Christmas Gag Gifts - Just For The Girls

Writing in The Snow

Find a nice spray bottle, fill it with colored water
and attach a tag with the following:

Poem Tag

When God created the little boy
He gave them each a little toy
A tiny thing from which to pee
And write their name in snow, you see
Well now I think it's only fair
That little girls should have their share

Of writing in the snow like them
But still be a lady in front of men
So here's a toy for you to have fun with
A small and handy wee wee gift
Just aim it straight and aim it true
And write your name like the boys do

source: Archived  - also see 2020/white-elephant-gift-ideas
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