HaPpY NeW YeaR

 Time to start those New year's Resolutions. Maxine has the right thought... ANYONE can do it!!!

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

 Time to start those New year's Resolutions. Maxine has the right thought... ANYONE can do it!!! Thanks For Visiting

Rankin/Bass Rudolph's Shiny New Year

"Auld Lang Syne" is pretty good, but New Year's Eve could use another carol or two.
" Rudolph's Shiny New Year" offers just that with a a lesser-known Rankin/Bass song/carol.

"Have a happy, have a happy, have a hap-hap-happy new year!"
Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass had a hit on their hands with their stop-motion animation special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, so some 12 years later, they came up with Rudolph's Shiny New Year, which had the obvious choice of holiday for a follow-up.

Instead of a Burl Ives snowman, it featured Red Skelton as Father Time, and Rudolph had to hunt for the big-eared Happy New Year baby that was kidnapped by a jerk vulture. With the help of Santa Claus, Ben Franklin, a caveman, and a Scottish knight, they save us all from having to live December 31 forever.

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"Auld Lang Syne" is pretty good, but New Year's Eve could use another carol or two. " Rudolph's Shiny New Year...

2019 Year In Review

The Year in Review for 2023
Source: blogs911.com

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The Year in Review for 2023 Source: blogs911.com Thanks For Visiting

Door 29: A Joyful Epiphany

'Twas the night before Christmas,
When Greg heard Janice wail,
"Our Christmas cards, dear,
I've forgotten to mail."

What with family and fun
And all the holiday fuss,
Guess what, darling?
We've just missed the bus.

We love you, we do.
We're sorry we're late.
But, dear friends, you know us,
That's our usual fate.

What? Christmas isn't over?
Yes, Greg, That's right.
Epiphany is yet to come,
Christmas' twelfth night.

Joyful Epiphany, Happy Holidays,
And a Wonderful New Year.

Shop Hallmark now for next year's cards. *They're on Sale

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'Twas the night before Christmas, When Greg heard Janice wail, "Our Christmas cards, dear, I've forgotten to mail." ...

Door 28: The First Tardy Card

Hallmark is wonderful!
Their greetings are great,
But they don't make enough cards
For the habitually late.

Oh, somewhere I've seen
A belated birthday card.
But what about Christmas?
Is that so hard?

There must be folks like me
Across this great land
Who will thank me
For taking this stand.

To the following verse,
Hallmark, pay attention!
It's the first Tardy Card,
The Special Christmas Edition.

Shop Hallmark now for next year's cards. *They're on Sale

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

Hallmark is wonderful! Their greetings are great, But they don't make enough cards For the habitually late. Oh, somewhere I've...

Door 27: Rollin

For the 360 experience use the YouTube-App on Android/iPhone or Google Chrome. For the VR experience, play it on an Oculus DK2
Rollin' Christmas 360° -The Nativity Scene-

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

For the 360 experience use the YouTube-App on Android/iPhone or Google Chrome. For the VR experience, play it on an Oculus DK2 Rollin'...

Door 26: Winston The Nutcase Parody

John Lewis Christmas Ad 2016 Funniest Parody ever!

A parody of the 2016 John Lewis Ad starring my dearly loved late English Mastiff Winston.

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John Lewis Christmas Ad 2016 Funniest Parody ever! A parody of the 2016 John Lewis Ad starring my dearly loved late English Mastiff Wins...

Door 25: Quotable

Best Quotables from Holiday Movies

Best Quotables from Holiday Movies

Door 24: Traditions from around the world

Everyone celebrates christmas differently thru-out the world. Whether you stay up late waiting for Santa Claus or Babbo Natale, or you enjoy eating Christmas pudding or Dundee cake, we hope you’ll find some holiday cheer in the infographics below.

++ Click image to enlarge infographics ++

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Everyone celebrates christmas differently thru-out the world. Whether you stay up late waiting for Santa Claus or Babbo Natale, or you en...

Door 23: Katey's Christmas Card

 Katey's Christmas Card - John Schneider Video Playlist

 Katey's Christmas Card - John Schneider spotify Playlist

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  Katey's Christmas Card - John Schneider  Video Playlist   Katey's Christmas Card - John Schneider  spotify Playlist ...

Door 22: * John Lewis Adverts 2007 - 2019


2019 - Excitable Edgar: Together with Waitrose & Partners, we're excited to share the festive tale of a little girl and her excitable friend, Edgar. Edgar’s excitement around the festive season can often lead to fiery consequences, but Ava sparks an idea for the perfect present to help him light up Christmas in his own special way. Music: Dan Smith – "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon

2018 - The Boy and the Piano - Showing Sir Elton John throughout the years, tracing back all his success to when he was gifted a piano from his grandmother as a boy. Music: Ellie Goulding – "Your Song" by Elton John (2010)

2017 - Moz the Monster - Features a young kid and his imaginary monster buddy Moz, the greatest festive mascot of all time. Music: Elbow – 'Golden Slumbers' by The Beatles

2016 - Buster The Boxer - Starring Buster the Boxer, a small army of CGI woodland creatures and a little girl called Bridget who loves to bounce. Music: Randy Crawford classic 'One Day I'll Fly Away'

2015 - Man On the Moon - Telling the story of a young girl's attempts to connect with an old man she spots living on the moon, the ad fits with the quietly sentimental approach that has made Christmas spots from John Lewis much-anticipated in Britain. Read More... Music: Aurora – 'Half The World Away' by Oasis

2014 - Monty The Penguin - This was the year in which John Lewis upped the ante by making a mascot that they could also sell in stores, and it worked. Say hello to Monty... Read More... Music: Tom Odell – 'Real Love' by John Lennon (2014)

2013 - The Bear and the Hare - We all love cute cartoon animals Some said that this ad was a ripoff of children's book The Bear Stays Up for Christmas, but it was a truly popular and moving ad that year. Music: Lily Allen – 'Somewhere Only We Know' by Keane

2012 - The Journey - Somehow, this snowman traversed across fields, rivers, mountains and more to reach his beloved, and all without the use of a smartphone. Music: Gabrielle Aplin – 'The Power of Love' by Frankie Goes to Hollywood (2012)

2011 - The Long Wait - A little boy can't wait for Christmas Day, but the twist is that it's not because he wants to open his presents, but to give his parents a gift. Music: Slow Moving Millie – 'Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want' by The Smiths

2010 - A Tribute to Givers - Features a compilation of all kinds of people dedicating their time to wrapping up gifts for their loved ones. Music: Ellie Goulding 'Your Song'

2009 - Sweet Child of Mine - Features a sweet message of children excitedly opening gifts usually given to adults, with the tagline: "Remember how Christmas used to feel". Music: Taken By Trees – "Sweet Child o’ Mine" by Guns N’ Roses

2008 - From Me To You - It sees a montage of people of all ages next to their desired gift, with the tagline 'If you know the person, you'll find the present." Music: Anon – 'From Me to You' by The Beatles

2007 - Shadow Christmas Advert - Similar to the famous Honda advert, it features presents being assembled to create an impressive shadow of a woman and a dog in the snow.
Another Advertisement from 2016 Worth Seeing - It tells the sweet tale of an aging man trying to learn English alone at home, marshaling the help a host of Post-its, TV movies and (of course) a supportive four-legged friend. Finally, the man packs his bags and takes his tentative grasp on the language with him to the U.K., where ... well, it's probably best you just go ahead and watch the video.

#giveyourself #alternativejohnlewischristmasadvert #benandandy #christmas 

"Love each other, help each other." 
Note: 13,00 children will spend day in a  hospital bed,  More than 530,000 over thee age of 65 will spend Christmas day alone, If you cannot donate money to your favorite charity, donate your time and visit these precious folks.
Source: John Lewis Christmas Adverts Ranked
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JOHN LEWIS | EVERY CHRISTMAS ADVERT 2019 - Excitable Edgar : Together with Waitrose & Partners, we're excited to share t...

Door 21: Christmas Where You Are Dedication

Five for Fighting's Christmas song for troops
    Artist: Five for Fighting
    Featured artist: Jim Brickman
    Album: Christmas Where You Are
    Released: 2017
    Genre: Rock
Five for Fighting singer John Ondrasik is celebrating the troops this holiday season: He recorded a new Christmas song with Jim Brickman titled "Christmas Where You Are." (Nov. 10, 2017)

Five For Fighting/Jim Brickman - "Christmas Where You Are" [Official Lyric Video]


There are stockings full and waiting
From sea to shining sea
Jingle bells a-ringing
In keys of liberty
Children celebrating
Santa and his sleigh
Of reindeer who found their way again
Across the home, home of the brave
Tis the 25th day of December
In a season best to remember
That blessings and bows and mistletoes
Are not without tolls, guardian souls
A soldier has a soldier's duty
That takes no holiday
So because you're far from home this winter
There's one thing I'd like to say
Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steel your hearts
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
It doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are
Your chair is empty at the table
Still I take your hand
As we pray for peace in this small world
On our knees we stand
Of this body of this nation
You are the heart and spine
So to each great generation
Of heroes down the line
Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steel your hearts
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
It doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are
Everyday is memorial day
Every day the 4th of July
Let all religions celebrate
The freedom that you provide
For if we stand together
We will never fall
Merry Christmas to the one I love
Merry Christmas to one and all
Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steel your hearts
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
When home seems a hundred million miles away
Just close your eyes and you will see his sleigh
It's doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are
Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: James Merrill Brickman / John Ondrasik
Christmas Where You Are lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

Five for Fighting's Christmas song for troops Artist: Five for Fighting Featured artist: Jim Brickman Album: Christmas Where You Ar...

Door 20: Christmas Trees

Christmas trees are a tradition this time of year. Check out these infographics with more fun facts about the Christmas tree!

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

Christmas trees are a tradition this time of year. Check out these infographics with more fun facts about the Christmas tree! ...

Door 19: Emotional Christmas Adverts Top 10

The most emotional, memorable and well made Christmas adverts of all time, that you'll want to watch again and again, every year...

Heart Touching Commercials That Will Move You Emotionally! MUST WATCH Even tho not Holiday Themed... It still touches you this Season and all year long.
Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

The most emotional, memorable and well made Christmas adverts of all time, that you'll want to watch again and again, every year... ...

Door 18: One More Sleep

Song for today: "One More Sleep"... Leona Lewis

'Cause I've got 5 more nights of sleeping on my own / 4 more days until you're coming home / 3 more dreams of you and mistletoe / 2 more reasons why I love you so / I've got 5 more nights until you're next to me / 4 more days of being lonely / 3 more wishes I can barely breathe / If I can make it to Christmas Eve then it's /

One more sleep  (one more sleep until it's Christmas) / One more sleep  (Can't believe how much I missed us) / One more sleep  (One more sleep until it's Christmas) / One more sleep....

This song is literally a modern Christmas classic. 
One More Sleep has sold over 730,000+ copies alone in UK and is now certified as PLATINUM recently in late 2019.

#LeonaLewis #OneMoreSleep #UKChristmasQueen #HappyHolidays

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Song for today: "One More Sleep"... Leona Lewis 'Cause I've got 5 more nights of sleeping on my own / 4 more days until...

Door 18: The Christmas Gifts

1910-2012 Popular Christmas toys and the evolution of pricing.

1910-2012 Popular Christmas toys and the evolution of pricing.

Door 17: Top Yuletide Films

Every Christmas season brings in a series of new holiday movies. FirstShowing.net ranked the top-grossing films ranging from 1980 - 2012 and matched them up against critic and audience ratings.

Click To Enlarge Infographic

Image Infographic from Confused.com

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Every Christmas season brings in a series of new holiday movies. FirstShowing.net ranked the top-grossing films ranging from 1980 - 201...

Door 16: 12 days of Christmas Costs


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Door 15: * Sainsbury Adverts

150 years ago Sainsbury’s opened their first store and Christmas changed forever. Coincidence? Almost certainly… ho ho ho.

Presenting the Sainsbury’s Christmas Advert Playlist.

Nicholas The Sweep | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2019

The Big Night | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2018

#everybitofChristmas | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2017

Sainsbury Food | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2016

The Greatest Gift | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2016

Mog’s Christmas Calamity | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2015

The Christmas Jumpers | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2014

1914 | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2014


** Christmas In a Day - Full Film | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2013

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

150 years ago Sainsbury’s opened their first store and Christmas changed forever. Coincidence? Almost certainly… ho ho ho. Presenting th...

Door 14: Christmas By The Numbers

A look at the the facts and numbers to the most wonderful day of the year including WaltDisney's Travel Resorts. 

= Click Images To Enlarge =

 Disney’s Christmas by the Numbers

Infographic Above: Just what do the holidays at Walt Disney World look like? The magic is made possible by our amazing & talented Holiday Services team who works year round to prepare for these celebrations.

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

A look at the the facts and numbers to the most wonderful day of the year including WaltDisney's Travel Resorts.  = Click Imag...

Door 13: The Christmas Guest

Great story song. Christmas music needs to go back to songs like this.

Grampa Jones - The Christmas Guest   Video from the late 50`s or early 60`s. A very good story teller and video.

Grandpa Jones - Reciting 'The Christmas Guest' which is a very touching Christmas poem!
This Exerpt from the HEE-HAW Variety Show shows so many in this video who are gone now. There is Billy Walker, Skeeter Davis, Jean Shepard, Kitty Wells, Johnnie Wright, Jim Ed Brown, Wilma Lee Cooper, Del Reeves, Little Jimmy Dickens, Johnny Russell, and Jimmy C Newman

My Christmas Guest - performed by Reba McEntire. This rendition is the first time I heard this song... Hers will always be special to me.

Source: Sugar Creek Baptist Church

"The Christmas Guest"

It happened one day near December's end,
Two neighbors called on an old friend.
And they found his shop so meager and lean
Made gay with thousand bows of green
And Conrad was sitting with face a-shine
When he suddenly stopped as he stitched a twine
And he said "Old friends, at dawn today,
When the cock was crowing the night away

The Lord appeared in a dream to me
And said "I'm coming your guest to be."
So I've been busy with feet astir
Strewing my shop with branches of fern.
The table is spread and the kettle is shined.
And over the rafters the holly is twined.
Now I'll wait for my Lord to appear
And listen closely so I will hear
His step as He nears my humble place.
And I'll open the door and look on His face.

So his friends went home and left Conrad alone
For this was the happiest day he had known,
For long since, his family had passed away
And Conrad had spent many a sad Christmas Day.
But he knew with the Lord as his Christmas Guest
This Christmas would be the dearest and best.
So he listened with only joy in his heart
And with every sound he would rise with a start
And look for the Lord to be at his door.
Like the vision he had had a few hours before.
So he ran to the window after hearing a sound
But all he could see on the snow covered ground
Was a shabby beggar whose shoes were torn
And all of his clothes were ragged and worn.

But Conrad was touched and he went to the door
And he said, "You know, your feet must be frozen and sore.
I have some shoes in my shop for you
And a coat that will keep you warmer too."
So with grateful heart the man went away
But Conrad noticed the time of day
And wondered what made the Lord so late
And how much longer he'd have to wait.
When he heard a knock, he ran to the door
But it was only a stranger once more.
A bent old lady with a shawl of black
With a bundle of kindling piled on her back.
She asked for only a place to rest
But that was reserved for Conrad's Great Guest.
But her voice seemed to plead "Don't send me away,
Let me rest for awhile on Christmas Day",
So Conrad brewed her a steaming cup
And told her to sit at the table and sup.
But after she left he was filled with dismay
For he saw that the hours were slipping away
And the Lord hadn't come as he said he would.
Then Conrad felt sure he had misunderstood.

When out of the stillness he heard a cry
"Please help me and tell me where am I?"
So again he opened his friendly door
And stood disappointed as twice before.
It was only a child who'd wandered away
And was lost from her family on Christmas Day.
Again Conrad's heart was heavy and sad
But he knew he should make the little girl glad.
So he called her in and he wiped her tears
And quieted all her childish fears.
Then he led her back to her home once more
But as he entered his own darkened door
He knew the Lord was not coming today.

For the hours of Christmas had passed away
So he went to his room and knelt down to pray
And he said "Dear Lord, why did you delay?
What kept you from coming to call on me?
For I wanted so much your face to see."
When soft in the silence a voice he heard.
"Lift up your head for I kept my word.
Three times my shadow crossed your floor
And three times I came to your lonely door.
I was the beggar with bruised, cold feet
And I was the woman you gave something to eat.
I was the child on the homeless street.
Three times I knocked, and three times I came in.
And each time I found the warmth of a friend.
Of all the gifts, love is the best.
And I was honored to be your Christmas Guest.

Writer(s): Mel Torme, Robert Wells

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

Great story song. Christmas music needs to go back to songs like this. Grampa Jones - The Christmas Guest   Video from the late 50`s o...

Door 12: Personalized Child's Christmas Story

sleigh at night

{Insert Child's Name} Christmas Eve Adventure

{Insert Child's Name} had been waiting for weeks for Christmas to arrive. In fact, they'd been counting the days ever since they'd seen the first decorations appear in the stores all around Minnesota. They'd had such a hard time waiting. After all, {Insert Child's Name} wondered, why did everyone wait so long to have Christmas? They'd wondered about that for several days now and when they'd asked their parents that very question, they'd simply smiled and told them that Santa and his elves needed all that time to finish making all the toys and gifts he would be delivering on Christmas Eve night.

santa claus
Finally, it was the morning of Christmas Eve, and {Insert Child's Name} were very excited that Santa Claus would be coming that night. They were sure Santa would come; he'd come every year before, and besides, everyone said so! Still, {Insert Child's Name} couldn't help but worry that maybe Santa wouldn't show up. After all, they'd never actually seen Santa before, so they weren't completely sure they could believe in him. As {Insert Child's Name} worried, they whispered to themselves, "I wish..."
"You wish what?", someone said. Startled, {Insert Child's Name} whirled around, looking for the person who'd said that, but they didn't see anyone! Again, {Insert Child's Name} heard someone speak nearby, saying, "What do you wish for, {Insert Child's Name}?" This time, {Insert Child's Name} could tell that the voice was coming from a tiny little light that was flickering in the fireplace. There, where the logs had burned down the night before, was what looked like a leftover ember still burning, but {Insert Child's Name} could see that it wasn't a burning ember at all. Instead it was a tiny fairy, almost too small to be seen. If {Insert Child's Name} hadn't heard the fairy speak, they'd never have looked close enough to see it!
"We wish", said {Insert Child's Name}, "we could see Santa for ourselves. We wish we could ride in his sleigh, visit his workshop at the North Pole, meet the elves, and eat some of Mrs. Claus's special cookies! Then, we'd know for sure that Santa would be here tonight!"

"You can do all of that!" said the tiny fairy. "All you have to do is hold me gently in one of your hands, close your eyes, and wish really, really hard!"
santa workshop
Excited, they picked up the little fairy, placed it softly in the palm of one of their hands, squeezed their eyes shut very tightly, and wished, and wished, and wished! Suddenly, WHOOSH, they felt themselves flying up the chimney, and zooming past the stars into the sky! But {Insert Child's Name} weren't scared at all. It was beautiful and fun, and they could see the North Pole up ahead as clear as could be! Within just a few seconds, they'd landed softly in a soft puff of snow. Jason,John,Jerry looked around at the incredible sight of Santa's house in front of them. It was big and bright, with candles in every window, and my goodness, but there were lots and lots and lots of windows! So many windows, with so many candles within them, made the house shine and sparkle like diamonds.

green elf
{Insert Child's Name} stepped up to the door, but before they could knock, the door swung open, and standing there in front of {Insert Child's Name} was the funniest little man they'd ever seen. The man wore funny green clothes, and a funny green pointed hat, and even funnier green pointy shoes. {Insert Child's Name} knew this little man must be an elf, and they thought the elf must think they looked funny too, because the elf was laughing and giggling and laughing and giggling some more. Soon, with all the giggling coming from that elf, {Insert Child's Name} couldn't help but laugh and giggle too!
The little elf said, "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Come in, come in!" So {Insert Child's Name} followed the little elf inside and were delighted to see hundreds, or maybe even thousands more little elves busily running here and there. Some were finishing up the toys that they were making. Others were busy wrapping gifts in bright colored paper and beautiful satin bows. Still others were stuffing the gifts into huge red velvet sacks that were then being placed into Santa's sleigh.

elves working

Yes! Right there, near the corner of the room was Santa's sleigh, and just to the right of the sleigh were Santa's reindeer! {Insert Child's Name} skipped and jumped and ran to meet the reindeer, and each one seemed to smile and nod when {Insert Child's Name} ran their hands across their fur. Just as {Insert Child's Name} were peeking at what was hiding in each of those red velvet sacks, they heard a loud, booming laugh that echoed around the room. Turning towards the laugh, {Insert Child's Name} saw it was Santa Claus himself, with Mrs. Claus walking beside him.

"Ho, Ho, Ho! Who is this I see?" said Santa. "My goodness, Mrs. Claus, look it's {Insert Child's Name} from {Insert Child's Address and/or State}. We were just talking about them the other day, weren't we?" Santa asked. "Yes, we were, Santa dear", replied Mrs. Claus. "We were discussing which gifts we would be delivering to their house tonight", she said.

{Insert Child's Name} were so excited to hear that Santa and Mrs. Claus knew their names and had even talked about them! But their excitement only grew stronger when Santa said, "{Insert Child's Name}, would you like to come with me tonight to help me deliver toys to all the good little girls and boys on Christmas Eve night?" "Yes, oh yes!" said {Insert Child's Name}, "We would love to!"

sleigh full of toys
So, as the elves finished packing the sleigh, Mrs. Claus helped {Insert Child's Name} find a spot to squeeze into and handed them the most delicious smelling cookies {Insert Child's Name} had ever had. Before they knew it, Santa was in the sleigh, with the reins in his hands, saying, "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer, and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!" And off they flew, into the night, whisking through the stars. {Insert Child's Name} could see the lights of the towns twinkling below, and it was all so very beautiful.

In a very short time, the sleigh glided to a gentle stop right on top of someone's roof! {Insert Child's Name} so wanted to watch Santa deliver these first presents, so they sneaked into the big red velvet bag that Santa put over his shoulder. And POOF! just like that, they magically went down the chimney and into the living room of some very lucky family. As Santa began to take gifts out of his bag to place under the family's Christmas tree, he saw {Insert Child's Name} hiding there. "Ho ho ho!, what have we here? {Insert Child's Name}, you silly children. How am I ever going to get you back up that chimney? It is easy to slide down, but much more difficult to go back up!"

reindeer on roof

"It's okay, Santa," said {Insert Child's Name}. "We're really sleepy. We think we'll just lay on this soft, warm rug that is lying here in front of the fireplace for a moment. It looks just like the one we have at our house. Wait! It is the same rug. This is our house!" And {Insert Child's Name} turned around and around to make sure that it really was their house. Yes! There was the stuffed bear on the chair by the window, and the puppy was asleep under the table, as he usually was. At that moment, Jason,John,Jerry turned to tell Santa goodbye, but either he'd left in a hurry, or {Insert Child's Name} had fallen asleep very quickly, they were never sure which. All they knew for sure was that their Mother was shaking them softly, and saying, "What are you doing sleeping on the rug down here in the living room, {Insert Child's Name}? You must go to bed now, or Santa won't show up tonight".

But {Insert Child's Name} knew better, and so they began to tell their Mother all about their adventure. As {Insert Child's Name} told their grand story, their Mother laughed and laughed, and said, "Oh, my little children, you've been dreaming, and you've had a wonderful dream."
But of course, {Insert Child's Name} knew better than that too, because they still had the little ember in their hand, the very one who had spoken to them earlier, and besides that, they were laying right here on the rug; right where Santa had left them, and that was all the proof {Insert Child's Name} needed. And now that {Insert Child's Name} were no longer worried about Santa showing up, they could fall asleep in their own little beds, knowing they would wake up on Christmas morning to find the gifts that Santa had left for them and their family.

And that's the end of {Insert Child's Name} Christmas Eve Adventure!


** BONUS: Another free, personalized Christmas story, featuring your child making new Christmas Friends.

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A free personalized Christmas story from www.Christmas-Corner.com {Insert Child's Name}  Christmas Eve Adventure {Insert Chil...

Door 11: Children's Concert at YVR Airport

Christmas Children's Flash Mob at YVR Airport

Children at the Vancouver International Airport give a concert, sing and play Silent Night , Oh Holy Night, Oh Christmas Tree, Jingle Bells, and we wish you a Merry Christmas

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

Christmas Children's Flash Mob at YVR Airport Children at the Vancouver International Airport give a concert, sing and play Sile...

Door 10: Country Christmas Music Collection


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Door 09: My Favorite Christmas Cookies

My Favorite Holiday Cookie Recipes and where to save them for next year.

Your recipes, together forever. Copy any recipe from any website with a click. You'll have your own copy of the full recipe. Then edit, organize, plan, and shop.

BlogRoll: Recipes4TheHolidaze

Thanks For Visiting December 2019 - Home For The Holidaze

My Favorite Holiday Cookie Recipes and where to save them for next year. Your recipes, together forever. Copy any recipe from any webs...