Door 25: Quotable

Best Quotables from Holiday Movies

"The Christmas Of The Past Is It's Own Christmas Present"

Adding to your holiday collection yearly without getting rid of anything from the previous years creates a Memorable Christmas.  

... More quotables from my favorite holiday films ...

"First Christmas, Forever Memories" —  A Christmas for the Books

Refers to collecting your holiday memories and treasures from previous years.. We all may become minimalist but Christmas Treasures we should always treasure as many of them are not replaceable.

“Oh, Christmas isn’t just a day, it’s a frame of mind.” Miracle On 34th Street

This quote is never more truer than the days before and after December 25th. If you truly want the feeling of Christmas... Celebrate it all year long. 

“That’s what Christmas memories are made from. They’re not planned; they’re not scheduled. Nobody puts them in their blackberry. They just happen.” Deck The Halls (2006)

Christmas memories are what we make of them... EVERY year there should be at least one thing that makes it special and if you can't find it... you're missing that holiday spirit.  Try going to a local school's holiday concert, Fulfilling a gift tag from the local toy drive tree,  attending a Christmas Eve mass, or even baking cookies with a friend. Any and all of these are sure to provide a Christmas Memory like no other!

“Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

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